Sr.No. | Name of Report | Organization |
1. | Asian Development outlook | Asian Development bank |
2. | Carbon Emission Index | UNFCC-UN Framework convention on climate change |
3. | Carbon Emission Index was Published by | UNFCCC (United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change) |
4. | Change the World List Data | Fortune |
5. | Corruption Perception Index | Transparency international |
6. | Ease of Doing Business | IBRD (World Bank) |
7. | Economic Survey | Ministry of Finance of India |
8. | Education development Index | UNO |
9. | E-government development Index | UNO(United Nations Organizations) |
10. | Engaging tomorrow consumer report | WEF (World Economic Forum) |
11. | Environmental Performance Index | WEF (World Economic Forum) |
12. | Financial Stability Report | RBI |
13. | Fiscal Monitor | IMF |
14. | Gender Inequality Index | UNDP (United Nations Development Programme) |
15. | Gender Inequality Index | UNDP |
16. | Global Competitive Index | WEF (World Economic Forum) |
17. | Global corruption report | Transparency international |
18. | Global economic outlook | UNO(United Nations Organizations) |
19. | Global Economic Prospects’ | World bank |
20. | Global education monitoring report | UNESCO(The United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization) |
21. | Global Employment trends | ILO (International Labour Organization) |
22. | Global enabling trade report | WEF (World Economic Forum) |
23. | Global energy architecture performance index report | WEF (World Economic Forum) |
24. | Global Environmental Outlook | UNEP- United Nations Environment program |
25. | Global financial development | World bank |
26. | Global Financial stability report | IMF |
27. | Global Financial System Report | BIS (Bureau of Indian Standards) |
28. | Global food policy report | IFPRI(International Food Policy Research Institute) |
29. | Global Gender gap report | WEF (World Economic Forum) |
30. | Global hunger Index | IFPRI(International Food Policy Research Institute) |
31. | Global Information Index | WEF (World Economic Forum) |
32. | Global Information technology report | WEF (World Economic Forum) |
33. | Global Innovation Index Published | INSEAD |
34. | Global Money Laundering Report | FATF (Financial Action Task Force) |
35. | Global Money laundering report | Financial Action Task Force |
36. | Global Peace Index | IEP (Individualized Education Programme) |
37. | Global report on trafficking | United Nations Office on Drug Crime |
38. | Global Talent Competitiveness Index | INSEAD |
39. | Global Terrorism Index | IEP (Individualized Education Programme) |
40. | Global trend in renewable energy investment | UNEP- United Nations Environment program |
41. | Global Wage Report | ILO (International Labour Organization) |
42. | Globlization Backlash | World bank |
43. | Handbook of Statistics on Indian Economy | RBI |
44. | Human Capital report | WEF (World Economic Forum) |
45. | Human Development Index | UNDP (United Nations Development Programme) |
46. | Human development report | UNEP- United Nations Environment program |
47. | Inbound tourism | UNWTO(United Nations World Tourism Organisation) |
48. | Inclusive growth & Development report | WEF (World Economic Forum) |
49. | India State of Forest Report | Forest Survey of India |
50. | Industrial Development report | UN Industrial Development organisations |
51. | Intellectual Property Rights | WTO (World Trade Organization) |
52. | Interest Subvention Report | Reserve Bank of India |
53. | Interest Subvention Report 2015-16 | Reserve Bank of India |
54. | International Debt Statistic | World bank |
55. | International Trade statistics | WTO (World Trade Organization) |
56. | Levels and Trends in Child Mortality Report | UN Inter-agency Group |
57. | Logistics Performance Index | World bank |
58. | Migration and development brief | World bank |
59. | Millennium Development Goals | UNO (United Nations Organization) |
60. | Monetary Policy Report | RBI |
61. | Nuclear Technology review | International Atomic Energy Agency |
62. | Out Come Budget | Ministry of Finance of India |
63. | Outboound tourism | UNWTO(United Nations World Tourism Organisation) |
64. | Outlook on global agenda | WEF (World Economic Forum) |
65. | Public Finance statistic | Ministry of Finance of India |
66. | Reivew of maritime transport | UNCTAD (United Nations Conference on Trade and Development) |
67. | Report on Trend and Progress of Banking in India | RBI |
68. | Sustainalbe development goals | UNDP (United Nations Development Programme) |
69. | The economic development in africa | UNCTAD (United Nations Conference on Trade and Development) |
70. | The Energy Report & Living Planet Report | WWF (World Wildlife Fund) |
71. | The Global risk report | WEF (World Economic Forum) |
72. | The Information Economy Report | UNCTAD (United Nations Conference on Trade and Development) |
73. | The international accounting and reporting Issues annual review | UNCTAD (United Nations Conference on Trade and Development) |
74. | The lest developed countries report | UNCTAD (United Nations Conference on Trade and Development) |
75. | The Technology and Innovation Report | UNCTAD (United Nations Conference on Trade and Development) |
76. | Tourism market trends | UNWTO(United Nations World Tourism Organisation) |
77. | Trade and Development Report | UNCTAD (United Nations Conference on Trade and Development) |
78. | Trade and Environment Review | UNCTAD (United Nations Conference on Trade and Development) |
79. | Travel & Tourism Index | WEF (World Economic Forum) |
80. | UNCATAD statistics | UNCTAD (United Nations Conference on Trade and Development) |
81. | Unesco science report | UNESCO(The United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization) |
82. | United Nations world water index | UNESCO(The United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization) |
83. | World Cities Report | UN-Habitat |
84. | World Development Report | IBRD (World Bank) |
85. | World Drug Report | UNODC- UN Office on Drugs and Crime |
86. | World Drug Report | United Nations Office on Drug Crime |
87. | World Economic Outlook | IMF (International Monetary Fund) |
88. | World Employment and Social Outlook | ILO (International Labour Organization) |
89. | World Employment report | ILO (International Labour Organization) |
90. | World Energy Outlook | International Energy Agency |
91. | World Happiness Report | SDSN-Sustainable Development Solution Network |
92. | World health report | WHO(World Health Organisation) |
93. | World Health Statistics | WHO(World Health Organisation) |
94. | World Intellectual Property report | WIPO-World Intellectual Property Organisation |
95. | World Investment Report | UNCTAD (United Nations Conference on Trade and Development) |
96. | World Social protection report | ILO (International Labour Organization) |
97. | World tourism barometer | UNWTO(United Nations World Tourism Organisation) |
98. | World Trade report | WTO (World Trade Organization) |
99. | World urbanisation prospects | UNO(United Nations Organizations) |
100. | World work report | ILO (International Labour Organization) |
101. | Worlf economic situation and prospects | UNO(United Nations Organizations) |
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