Last Minute Tips | UPSC CDS-II Exam 2017

November 17, 2017    

Hello, Greetings from Adda247. 

UPSC CDS II 2017. Dear Students, UPSC will conduct CDS-II 2017 Exam on 19th November 2017.  Lakhs of students will fight for the prestigious jobs in Indian Armed Forces: Union Public Service Commission (UPSC) advertised on 9th Sept 2017 a notification for the recruitment of 414 Various Vacancies in Indian Military Academy, Indian Naval Academy, Air Force Academy and Officers Training  Academy through Combined Defence Services Examination (II), 2017 (Including SSC Women (Non-Technical) Course).

It's the greatest opportunity for all those who aspire and dream to have a challenging and adventurous career and serve the nation as well in the true sense. No career choice other than working for Indian Armed Forces can fulfill such a dream. We all want a Govt. Job to have decent lifestyle but a few decide to make a career choice with a purpose. For students, it's not just the preparation for written and Interview Exam, It's a matter of passion and be courageous enough to Prepare, Succeed and be the most respected individuals in our societal strata.  "Be magnanimous, be loyal, be courageous and be a gentleman, you will then be an officer in the true sense."

Must Read- Important Tips UPSC CDS-II Exam 2017

  • In CDS Exam there are three subjects namely English, General Knowledge and Elementary Mathematics. You need to have the separate strategy for all three subjects. 
  • For English Section: Questions are asked mainly from Ordering of words in a sentence, Order of Sentences, Spotting Errors, Sentence Improvements, Comprehension, Fill in the blanks etc. You need to have great reading habits to solve such types of questions. In the last Moment of studies, you need to revise grammar rules. Read the instructions first, read the questions completely and then attempt the questions. 
  • For Quant Section: Questions are asked mainly from Simplification, ratio-proportion, logarithm, mixture and alligation, time speed distance, time and work, Profit loss and Discount, CI & SI, Trigonometry, Mensuration, etc. You need to revise formulas related to these topics so that you can attempt maximum questions from the quant section.
  • For General Knowledge: Questions are asked mainly from History, Geography, Polity, General Science (Numerical Physics/Chemistry, Biology), Current affairs, and Static GK. 
  • Speed and Accuracy-Keep these two words in mind. For any Competitive exam, Speed and Accuracy plays a very important role. You've to maintain both if any of it is not followed you might be caught in blunder. You can't afford to do a blunder of such magnitude. If you feel that a particular question is taking more time than required, better leave it and move to the next question. Remember you are not meant to do all the questions given in the exam, rather you are supposed to do a maximum number of questions in the shortest time possible and that too with 100 % accuracy.
  • Follow your Strategy that you have prepared for yourself: Stick to your plan firmly because you have designed your studies in this way so don't ditch it at the very last moment. All of you have prepared well, Now is the time when you executed and performed in the best possible way in the exam hall. 
  • Know Your Strong and Weak areas in Quant, English And General Awareness. First attempt questions from your strong zones because you have practiced and prepared well and Now you are sure of it so you can score well and with accuracy. When you are done with all the familiar questions then march into the unknown territory and try your best, use all your understanding and logical ability to get the correct answers. When You start with your strong topics, You become more comfortable and confident and trust us this is all you need, The CONFIDENCE. 
  • Time management plays a very important role in your exam and a deciding factor in your overall selection. Use that maximum time limit wisely and efficiently. Always keep a track of your time and no. of questions attempted. 
  • Take a print out of your admit card and original photo identity proof, 1 photo and photocopy of the ID proof. Girls make sure you do not have Mehandi on your hand. Please be on time as the organizers are very strict when it comes to the timings, at least half an hour earlier before the mentioned time.
  • Don't leave any question UNREAD. Always give initial 5-10 seconds to read the questions and then decide whether you want to attempt it or not, make wise and informed decisions, don't approach any question blindly, it might cost you heavily. Most of you make this mistake just because of poor time management. It becomes very cumbersome to come out of this situation and at last, you miss easy questions.You don't even read them and trust us they can be solved while reading. So try your best at least to read each and every question properly.

 Structure of Examination: The selection process consists of 2 stages which are:

S. No. Exam
1. Written Examination
2. Intelligence and Personality Test (SSB)

Written Exam

Exam Pattern For Admission to Indian Military Academy, Indian Naval Academy and Air Force Academy:—

Subject Duration Maximum Marks
English 2 hours 100
General Knowledge 2 hours 100
Elementary Mathematics 2 hours 100

Exam Pattern For Admission to Officers’ Training Academy:
Subject Duration Maximum Marks
English 2 hours 100
General Knowledge 2 hours 100

    Below are the links of Previous years CDS-I 2017 exam papers for all three subjects, English, Elementary Mathematics and General Knowledge:-

    Remember Guys, It is the hard work Combined with smart work that will fetch you the desired result. Don't Overstress Yourself and Take Proper Rest Before the Exam. At Adda247 we will publish all the updates regarding MTS Examination 2016. keep studying with Adda247. We wish you success.

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    Last Minute Tips | UPSC CDS-II Exam 2017 4.5 5 Yateendra sahu November 17, 2017 Hello, Greetings from Adda247.  UPSC CDS II 2017. Dear Students, UPSC will conduct CDS-II 2017 Exam on 19th November 2017.  Lakhs o...

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