Writing skills are an important part of communication and Descriptive Test (of English Language) will test your writing skills, understanding, analysing and summerising skills. Learning how to write essays and letters can be one of the drearier experiences for students, but it is also one of the most important. It puts all your knowledge of language and General Awareness to Test. By working on your writing skills you will become more capable of analyzing data, interpreting data, and thinking critically. This year IBPS has also re-introduced Descriptive Test in the Mains Examination of Probationary Officer Recruitment, so you must not take this test lightly as Descriptive Writing Test is of equal importance as the objective test for IBPS PO Mains Aspirants.
What can be the key to effective writing to score in Descriptive Section of IBPS Exam?
Reading- The more you'll read the more it will become easier for you to express opinions, ideas, and facts in a proper manner. Reading is essential to effective writing.
Grammar, Spellings, and Punctuation- Take them seriously!! There will be a deduction of marks in case you trip on these three.
Brush up your knowledge of Current Affairs- There is a high possibility that you'll face a question from one of the trending topics in news, so always stay updated.
In recent competitive exams, we’ve seen letter to the editor and informal letters were the hot topics asked in the descriptive paper. While writing a letter one should keep in mind to write letters that get your message across without the reader calling you for clarification. Letters shouldn't be verbose and usually, in competitive exams, there is a prescribed word limit.
Here is an example of Formal Letter Writing:
Q. Write a letter to the SHO of your area complaining against the violation of traffic rules by the people. (WORD LIMIT- 150)
17-B, Sadar,
24th August 2017
The SHO,
Sadar, Nagpur,
I wish to draw your kind attention towards the increasing incidents of road accidents in our area. The major cause of such incidents is the violation of traffic rules and absence of traffic police on signals. People are in a habit of breaking laws. Everybody on the road seems to be in a hurry.
It is very common that many people talk over mobile while drive and also jump red lights. Over speeding is another cause of road accidents. All these have contributed to the increase in the road accidents. Pedestrians do not feel safe while moving on the road.
It is, requested to take immediate necessary action to check the incidence of road accidents. Traffic police may be deployed on every street to punish those who dare to break the traffic rules.
Yours faithfully,
Imraan Malik
Try it Yourself | Important Letter Writing Topics for IBPS PO Mains
Write a letter to the editor of a newspaper regarding pollution in the festive season. (150 words)
You have ordered a digital camera online form a reputed company, but when the article was delivered you found that the article was not the same as you had ordered. Write a grievance redressal letter to the concerned company. (150 words)
Write a letter to your branch requesting them to transfer your savings account from Hari Nagar, Delhi branch to Gomti Nagar, Lucknow branch because of your transfer. (150 words)
Write a letter to your brother, expressing concern regarding use of social media and its impact on youth. (150 words)
Write a letter to your sister, asking her to be vigilant of her online presence and be aware of the online epidemic of ransomware (150 words)
An Essay broadly consist of three part:
1) Introduction
2) Body
3) Conclusion
Introduction :Introduction is one of the most important part of your essay that can either leave a good or bad impression on the reader. And remember, if you get a grip on it then rest won't matter much. Suppose if "Beti Bachao, Beti Padhao" is given as topic then to introduce the essay, you need to be aware of the motive and the essence behind the scheme.
Active voice, wherein the subjects direct actions rather than let the actions "happen to" them – "he scored a 99%" instead of "he was given a 99%" – is a much more powerful and attention-grabbing way to write. At the same time, unless it is a personal narrative, avoid personal pronouns like I, My, or Me. Try instead to be more general and you will have your reader hooked.
Body : Once the introduction part is over then you have to include bits and pieces of the topic. It can include anything and while writing the body, you have to be careful about the facts and figures. That doesn't mean that it has to be accurate but you can use the approximate figures. For the first body paragraph you should use your strongest argument or most significant example unless some other more obvious beginning point (as in the case of chronological explanations) is required. The first sentence of this paragraph should be the topic sentence of the paragraph that directly relates to the examples listed in the mini-outline of introductory paragraph.
When you present facts in the essay, it shows how aware you are of the surrounding world. And also it looks good.
Conclusion :Conclusion is the part that includes the summary and things that can be improved. As the final paragraph is represents your last chance to make your case and, as such, should follow an extremely rigid format. You can read various examples of Essay and you can observe certain points because the conclusion part is very common and you can pick certain ready made points. But be careful while using them in your essay.
Here is an example of Essay Writing: Write an essay on the Blue Whale Challenge: Targeting Psychology of vulnerable minds in 200 words.
Blue Whale Challenge: Targeting Psychology of vulnerable minds
"Blue Whale Challenge" that was initially a sensationalized hoax, is now believed to have had instances of mimetic self-harming and mimicking groups, leaving immature teenagers at risk of cyberbullying and online shaming. Blue Whale is explained as being based on the relationship between participants (or challengers) and administrators. The administrators command a series of missions that players must accomplish, usually one per day, some of which involve self-mutilation.
The Blue Whale challenge is an online game that pushes teens to commit suicide. Over the past month, a dozen teen deaths have been associated with the game in India and many more across the world. There is need to move discourse from the cause, to address the fundamental mental health vulnerabilities that are getting these kids manipulated by an administrator who slowly works on stimulating dormant suicide ideation in someone with depression.
We need a discourse on depression but to do that, there is a necessity to de-hyphenate anxiety from psychosis. We can’t wait for authorities or government to provide solutions, each of us has to do our part to promote better mental well-being in whatever approach possible.
Try it Yourself | Important Essay Writing Topics for IBPS PO Mains
Write an essay on merits and demerits of cryptocurrency. (150 words)
Write an Essay on India-China Border Disputes - What is the Doklam Issue? (200 words)
Write an Essay on Godmen- A Threat to Indian Society (150 words).
Write an essay on advantages and disadvantages of NEET. (150 words)
Write an Essay on Prompt Corrective Action taken by RBI (250 words).
Write an Essay on Right to Privacy: Fundamental Right. (150 words)
Write an essay on Myanmar's Rohingya Refugee Crisis. (200 words)
Write an essay on Is Digital Banking a curse to human engagement/ employment?
Demonetisation in 2016 gave a boost to internet banking, mobile wallets etc. Write an essay in 150 words on the topic- Can India go Cashless? (200 words)
We are providing our readers with the 2nd edition of A Guide to Descriptive Writing eBook where we've covered essays and letters on many important current affairs based topics of last 4-5 months. You can get the Descriptive Writing ebook from store.adda247 for a nominal price of 199/-. You’ll get solved examples of essays on most frequently asked topics like Demonetisation, Caste Based Reservation in India, Climate Catastrophe, Social Media etc. and Current Affairs based trending topics like Doklam Issue, Blue Whale Challenge, World War-III, Cryptocurrency, Right to Privacy, Prompt Corrective Action, Bullet Train, Can India go Cashless?, Challenges After GST Implementation etc.
Through this ebook you can also learn key point and write an essay on insurance and Banking related topics like Financial Inclusion, Merger of banks, Insurance Penetration etc. To help you understand the art and pattern of letter writing we have included tips and letter writing aids of both Formal and Informal Letter separately, along with solved examples of Letter to Editor, Complaint Letter, Grievance Redressal Letter, Formal Invitation etc. in Formal Letter Category and Personal Letter/ Expression of Concern, Condolence Letter, Informal Invitation, Letter of Congratulations, Thank You Letter/ Gratitude Expression etc. in the Informal Letter Category. You must attempt to write essays and letters on the questions of this practice exercise as this will not only help you test your skills of essay writing but also will boost your confidence.
IBPS PO Mains Important Essay and Letter Writing Topics4.55Yateendra sahuNovember 16, 2017 Dear Aspirants, Writing skills are an important part of communication and Descriptive Test (of English Language) will test your writing...
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