5 Important Ways to Score Well in Descriptive Paper | SSC CGL 2017

November 2, 2017    

5 Ways to Improve Your Writing Skills | SSC Exams 2017

“Write. Rewrite. When not writing or rewriting, read. I know of no shortcuts.” 
—Larry L. King, WD

“There is nothing to writing. All you do is sit down at a typewriter and bleed.” 
― Ernest Hemingway
1.Improve the Basics

For any competitive descriptive exam, It is important to understand the nuances of the topic. But when it comes to improving writing skills, it is crucial to understand what needs to be done. Before you can start writing incredible Essays/Precis/Letters, you’ll need at least an intermediate understanding of the basic principles of writing. In order to do it, you will need to know the basics of grammar and spelling. Every student should know the tricks to write exam-centric content and score maximum marks in the descriptive exam.

2. Students Should Write every day as if it’s their Job

"If you want to excel at something, you have to practice – and writing is no exception." Unfortunately, there are few shortcuts that can transform you into an amazing writer overnight, and even the most talented writers had to learn their craft over a period of many years. As an SSC exam aspirant, you need to cultivate writing habits. Write the drafts, read it and do it again, keep writing. Practice makes perfect. Be in touch with someone who can judge your writing skills. Get feedback and work on it again to make it better.

3. Reading is the first important trick

The best writers are also keen readers, and reading on a regular basis is an easy way to start developing your writing skills. Dear Students, If you wish to score high marks in the descriptive paper, you will have to read first.  Here we don’t just mean blog and facebook posts, you need to do the diverse reading. Expand your horizons to the more challenging material than you typically read, and pay attention to sentence structure, word choice, and how the material flows. Read about science, politics, social issues, art subjects etc, so that you can have sound knowledge of all relevant and important topics. The more you read, the more likely you are to develop an eye for what makes a piece so effective, and which mistakes to avoid. Find a writing partner, read each other's work and give feedback. This way you can improve day by day. Talk to your friends in the classroom (or mentors) and ask someone if they’d be willing to cast an eye over your work – they may spot mistakes that you overlooked. Finding a writing partner is also a great way to hold yourself accountable and keep going. Remember, you have to be the best in business to qualify SSC exams. 

4. Remember, Outlines are Essential Part 

Students, You need to make a planning for your essay in mind first. Creating outlines is the very first step to write wonderful article/essay. In SSC Exams, the topic is not the irrelevant or difficult but it is the presentation of the idea, that matters most. The blinking cursor of a blank page is a considerable foe, even for the most experienced writers. Before putting pen to proverbial paper, sketch out an outline of what you plan to write. This will be your battle plan, and it will help you win the war. An outline doesn’t have to be complex. A simple framework of which sections should appear in a particular order, along with a few sentences about what each section contains, may be enough. If the topic you’re tackling is a little more complex, your outline might have to be, too – but having an outline before you write is like having a roadmap in the glove box of your car before a road trip. If you start to feel lost, refer back to your outline and complete the essay with ease. 

5. Edit, Eliminate Unnecessary Words

So, you’re writing every day (or regularly, at least), and you’re feeling more confident about your work. Awesome! Now you’re going to become your own harshest critic. Editing is a tough skill to learn for beginner writers, because they place immense value on the time and effort they put into writing in the first place. Develop the discipline it takes to eliminate extraneous words. Resist the temptation to wax lyrically and get to the point. Not sure if a paragraph works? It probably isn’t. Be tough on yourself, and know when to delete or rework something. Your work will be much stronger as a result.First drafts are almost always below the average, and that’s okay. Don’t beat yourself up if you don’t create a masterpiece on your first attempt – chances are, you probably won’t, and that’s okay, too. Just get your ideas down on paper first, then go back and start cleaning up. Writing is an iterative process, and even the best writers have to spend a lot of time reworking material they were probably too embarrassed to show anybody.

Another common mistake among Students is writing overly complex sentences in an attempt to “sound” more authoritative and knowledgeable. In many cases, shorter sentences can have a greater impact. You may have heard of a six-word story that was supposedly written by Ernest Hemingway, which reads, “For sale: Baby shoes, never worn.” Whether Hemingway wrote this or not is irrelevant – the power of these six words shows that brevity can be a powerful tool when used correctly, and not every sentence needs to be overwrought to get your point across.

So, Students We hope this article will give you better insights to write better content and you will be better prepared for the descriptive paper of all SSC Exams. At Adda247, we will publish topics for essay writing for all upcoming SSC Exams. We suggest you write Essay, Precis, and Letters and send it to us, Our team of experts will judge your work and will get back to you with feedback and analysis. We are with you at each and every step of your preparation. We wish you all the best for your exams. Sent it here: contact@bankersadda.com. 

- http://www.sscadda.com/2017/11/5-important-ways-to-score-well-descriptive-exam-ssc-cgl.html
5 Important Ways to Score Well in Descriptive Paper | SSC CGL 2017 4.5 5 Yateendra sahu November 2, 2017 5 Ways to Improve Your Writing Skills | SSC Exams 2017 “Write. Rewrite. When not writing or rewriting, read. I know of no shortcuts....

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