45 Days Study Plan | Quant | SSC CGL Tier-2 2017

November 6, 2017    

45 Days Study Plan | Quant | SSC CGL Tier-2 2017 

Hello, Dear Students!! You are all aiming at govt. jobs and you are all preparing for SSC CGL Exam 2017. A job or our career choices define our lives, hence we all need to make wise and informed choices. Jobs offered by SSC are very esteemed and prestigious. You all have a great shot at such wonderful and powerful jobs which will give you a sense of achievement in life. SSC CGL Exam is a 4 tier process and the tier-1 exam has already been completed on 23rd August 2017. Now the next stage, that is, tier-2 exam will be conducted from 21 December to 24 December 2017. Approx 45 days are left for the CGL Tier-2 exam 2017. We are providing 45 days study plan for Quant Section of CGL tier-2 2017. Follow this 45 days Quant study plan and prepare better for the CGL Tier-2 2017 Exam.

There are total four papers in CGL Tier-2 exam namely; Paper-1 (Quantitative Abilities) and Paper-2 (English Language and Comprehension) are compulsory for all candidates, but Paper-3 (Statistics), Paper-4 (General Studies Finance & Economics) are optional. Today, we will study the smart strategy to crack Quant Section with highest marks. Before we start the strategy, we need to understand the exam paper, question types and the topics which carry more Weightage. 

How many hours should you Study Every day? 

It completely depends on you. If you are sincere and dedicated to your preparation, then 8 to 11 hours/day is enough. If not, you should spend the whole day. Let's do one thing. Instead of making time schedule, you just make the list of topics you should prepare per day. Based on it you can utilize your day. You should divide your time accordingly because a working person will have a different schedule than a non-working person. Here is the break up of questions asked in Previous Year papers.

S.No Topic 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016
Number Of Questions
Number System/HCF/LCM
7 8 7 7 10
Percentage, Average
10 8 10 9 10
Time & Work , Pipe & Cistern
6 6 6 5 6
Profit & Loss , Discount
10 11 11 10 10
Ratio, Mixture & Alligation
6 6 4 4 7
Time Speed Distance , Boat & Stream Trains
4 5 6 8 4
Interest (CI & SI)
4 4 5 4 3
18 14 15 13 15
11 15 11 13 10
Trigonometry , Height & Distance
9 7 10 9 10
5 4 5 5 5
7 8 10 11 10
Surds & Indices , Simplification
2 4 0 2 0
Total 100 Questions

1.Simplification/Number System

Dear students, Approx. 9-10 questions are asked from number system Simplification/Number System. This topic is very important because it is the foundation for all other topics in quant section of CGL Tier-2. Most of the students commit this mistake of not paying attention the basics and they start solving questions without learning the formulas and simplification tricks. 


These are one of the most important topics regarding SSC CGL because Geometry and Mensuration collectively consist of 25 questions. The level of difficulty varies from easy to moderate.For Geometry, you need to remember all the important theorems, Pythagoras triplet, all the formulas of the area of a triangle, circle, rectangles, polygons etc. Above all draw figures correctly to get the quick answer. For Mensuration, you need to focus on Prism, Pyramid, Sphere, and Tetrahedron.You have to use Formulas like curved surface area, total surface area, and volume.All the questions will be based on these three formulas only.

3. Algebra/Trigonometry/Height and Distance

Algebra includes basic formulas of cube and squares and trigonometric ratios and identities. you can mug up a few questions because every year they repeat the same questions. Approx 10 questions will be asked from Algebra. So solving these topics will help in scoring good marks in less time. Try to solve a few questions from options if you don't find any way to solve. If you practice right, This topic can easily fetch you good marks with accuracy. 

4. Ratio/Percentage/profit, loss and Discount

Concepts of Percentage and ratio are the base to the chapters like profit & loss and Discount. For Quick solving, you must remember all fractional value up to 30 in terms of percentage.Profit and loss and discount revolve around 4 terms and that is C.P, S.P, M.P and Discount. Understand the concept of CP, SP, MP and discount given on MP and relation between them. Remember friends, these topics will prove to be stepping stone to your success. Approx.20 questions will be asked from these topics. 

5.Time speed and distance/Train/Boats and Stream

Inverse relation and direct relation between time speed and distance will help a lot. The concept of relative velocity will help you in solving problems of train and Boat and Stream. All these topics are based on the same concept. Gun and Bullet problem, Train accident problem, Effect of increasing/decreasing speed on time, these problems are often asked in exams.

6.Time and Work/pipes and Cistern

Solve time and work question with the help of LCM method which can reduce lots of time while solving questions. The concept of alternate work, efficiency and work and wages are important points to cover.

Now, Dear friends only month is left for the CGL Tier-2 Exam 2017, the best you could do is to start taking online exams twice in a day with the proper analysis. Dedicate first two weeks for concept building. Analysing mock tests are equally as important as taking mock tests. And for the rest of the time start solving previous years’ questions. Over the years, there hasn’t been any significant change in the type of questions asked by SSC. So, to assume the questions to be similar to the previous ones would not be a naïve call. You will be able to solve the questions with a much better pace and this will surely help you boost your morale. A bit of increased focus and a pinch of smart work will serve the purpose for sure. At Adda247, we wish you all the best. Learn, share and succeed with Adda247.

S. No. Topics Revision
1 Number System, HCF/LCM Practice Mock-1
2 Percentage, Average  Practice Mock-2
3 Time & Work  Practice Mock-3
4 Profit & Loss Practice Mock-4
5 CI & SI  Practice Mock-5
6 Time, Speed, Distance  Practice Mock-6
7 Geometry  Practice Mock-7
8 Mensuration  Practice Mock-8
9 Trigonometry  Practice Mock-9
10 Algebra  Practice Mock-10
11 DI Practice Mock-11
12 Ratio, Mixture & Alligation  Practice Mock-12
13 Percentage, Average  Practice Mock-13
14 Time and Work  Practice Mock-14
15 Profit and Loss  Practice Mock-15
16 CI & SI  Practice Mock-16
17 Time, Speed, Distance  Practice Mock-17
18 Geometry  Practice Mock-18
19 Mensuration  Practice Mock-19
20 Trigonometry  Practice Mock-20
21 Algebra  Practice Mock-21
22 Formula Revision Practice Mock-22
23 Geometry  Practice Mock-23
24 Trigonometry  Practice Mock-24
25 Mensuration  Practice Mock-25
26 Simplification  Practice Mock-26
27  DI  Practice Mock-27
28 DI Practice Mock-28
29 Geometry formulas Practice Mock-29
30 Trigonometry Formulas  Practice Mock-30
31 Profit & Loss Practice Mock-31
32 Time, Speed, Distance  Practice Mock-32
33 DI Practice Mock-33
34  Percentage, Average  Practice Mock-34
35 Percentage, Average  Practice Mock-35
36 Time & Work  Practice Mock-36
37 Profit & Loss Practice Mock-37
38 Time, Speed, Distance  Practice Mock-38
39 Trigonometry Rules  Practice Mock-39
40 Algebra Rules Revision  Practice Mock-40
41 DI Practice Mock-41
42 Time, Speed, Distance  Practice Mock-42
43 DI  Practice Mock-43
44 Number System, HCF/LCM  Practice Mock-44
45 Profit & Loss Practice Mock-45

- http://www.sscadda.com/2017/11/45-days-study-plan-quant-paper-1-ssc-cgl-2017.html
45 Days Study Plan | Quant | SSC CGL Tier-2 2017 4.5 5 Yateendra sahu November 6, 2017 45 Days Study Plan | Quant | SSC CGL Tier-2 2017  Hello, Dear Students!! You are all aiming at govt. jobs and you are all preparing fo...

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