We Go Through The Worst To Get To The Best

October 9, 2017    

Dear students, no matter how old you are now, or for how long you have been trying to achieve your goal. You are never too young or too old for success or going after what you want. Many of you must be disappointed of your performance in IBPS PO Prelims Examination. Students, the exam was really very knotty, especially to those who have just started preparing for competitive exams. 

Changed pattern of the examination and the exorbitantly changed pattern of questions asked this year were like a bombshell that blew almost everyone’s mind who attempted the examination. So, if you feel low just because you could not perform that well, do keep it in mind that the pattern was new to everyone. You are not the only one whose performance was not up to his/her expectations. The cut off is either going to be the same as last year's or may fall by 2 or 3 marks. It isn't going to go more than that. So, you really need not be discouraged if your attempts are somewhere around 50 or more.

Now, if you think your performance was good enough to make it to the Mains Examination, stop horsing around, jump on bandwagon and start preparing for the Mains Examination. The examination will be held in the month of November, so, you have hardly got a month to prepare for it. Successful aspirants are always advised to make hay while the sun shines. Start preparing for it with sheer determination. Whenever you feel demotivated, dream about the sybaritic life lying ahead of your success, it will definitely motivate you and let you work hard with full allegiance and devotion. You can be on the ball to face the Mains Examinations only if you start preparing for it right away. Organize all the things you want to do and fix your timetable around it. Understand the syllabus by going through previous years' papers and official guidelines. Fix a day, and a time, and give a test that simulates the real examination, every week or after every 2-3 days (as per your requirements). Once you are used to giving such tests, any online examination will no longer seem outlandish to you and you will be holding all the aces while attempting IBPS PO Mains Examination 2017.

And some of the aspirants would be down in dumps because they aren't sure of their success. You can get a second bite at the cherry in the IBPS Clerk Examination that is yet to be conducted. The past cannot be changed. The future is yet in your power. Always remember, no matter how many mistakes you make or how slow you progress, you are still way ahead of everyone who isn’t trying.  Don’t waste your time being upset about something that you can’t change. Turn your obstacles into opportunities and your problems into possibilities. Do bear it in mind that you can't make an omelet without breaking eggs. So, keep working hard and everything will come up roses in the end. Best of luck for the Mains Examination!!


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We Go Through The Worst To Get To The Best 4.5 5 Yateendra sahu October 9, 2017 Dear students, no matter how old you are now, or for how long you have been trying to achieve your goal. You are never too young or too o...

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