The Hindu Newspaper Editorial Vocabulary For IBPS 2017

October 17, 2017    

Dear Readers,

Vocabulary is an important part of English that helps you deal with all kinds of questions in objective as well as descriptive papers of various exams. You can learn new words in English daily from our English Vocabulary for IBPS PO, IBPS RRB, other banking and insurance exams. Learn the words and make your own sentences on the basis of the given word list. Here are a few lines from The Hindu.

Example: Seshasayee hits back at Murthy. Says charges are false and slanderous.

1. Slander [slan-der] 
Noun: defamation; calumny; a malicious, false, and defamatory statement or report; Law. defamation by oral utterance rather than by writing, pictures, etc.
Verb: to utter slander against; defame.
Synonyms: defamatory, disparaging, malicious, calumniatory, maligning, opprobrious.
Antonym: complimentary.

Example: All the three quit the board following a public spat with Mr. Murthy.

2. Spat [spat] 
Noun: a petty quarrel; a light blow; slap; smack.
Verb: to engage in a petty quarrel or dispute.
Synonyms: altercation, bickering, brouhaha, difference of opinion, disagreement, discord, falling-out, feud, flare-up, fracas, friction, misunderstanding, run-in, squabble, strife.
Antonyms: agreement, concord, concurrence, harmony.

Example: The government action comes in the wake of the GJM expelling interlocutors Binoy Tamang and Anit Thapa, who represented it in talks with Chief Minister Mamata Banerjee.

3. Interlocutor [in-ter-lok-yuh-ter] 
Noun: a person who takes part in a conversation or dialogue; the man in the middle of the line of performers in a minstrel troupe, who acts as the announcer and banters with the end men; a person who questions; interrogator.
Synonyms: interrogator, interviewer, questioner, speaker, talker, dialogist.

Example: The joint statement, without exception, also deplored “all terrorist attacks worldwide,” including attacks in BRICS countries.

4. Deplore [dih-plawr, -plohr] 
Verb: to regret deeply or strongly; lament; to disapprove of; censure; to feel or express deep grief for or in regard to.
Synonyms: abhor, bemoan, complain, denounce, lament, mourn, bewail, censure, cry, deprecate, hate, hurt, moan, repent, rue.
Antonyms: approve, be happy, commend, compliment.

Example:  Predatory journals most often do not peer-review manuscripts and are more focussed on article fees. As a result, even sub-standard manuscripts get published.

5. Peer review
Noun: evaluation of a person's work or performance by a group of people in the same occupation, profession, or industry.

Example: Additional Solicitor-General Tushar Mehta, for the Centre, remained non-committal on Monday when the two Rohingyas who moved the court tried to draw an assurance that the government would not move against their community or take “coercive steps.”

6. Coercive [koh-ur-siv] 
Adjective: serving or tending to coerce.
Synonyms: bullying, violent, forced, forceful, intimidating.

Example: Excluded from the 135 officially recognised ethnic groups, the Rohingya have been harassed and hounded by the Myanmar authorities for decades.

7. Hound [hound] 
Noun: one of any of several breeds of dogs trained to pursue game either by sight or by scent, especially one with a long face and large drooping ears; any dog; a mean, despicable person.
Verb: to hunt or track with hounds, or as a hound does; pursue; to pursue or harass without respite; to incite (a hound) to pursuit or attack; urge on.
Synonyms: beagle, afghan, airedale, basset, canine, dachshund, mongrel, mutt, pointer.

Example: The flight of the Rohingya has quickened in the past two weeks, but Rohingya refugees have been trying to find a home outside their native Rakhine for years now, braving human traffickers and fraught conditions on rickety, overcrowded boats.

8. Fraught [frawt] 
Adjective: filled or laden (with).
Noun: a load; cargo; freight (of a ship).
Synonyms: charged, filled, replete, abounding, attended, bristling, heavy, laden, stuffed.
Antonyms: empty.

9. Rickety [rik-i-tee] 
Adjective: likely to fall or collapse; shaky; feeble in the joints; tottering; infirm; old, dilapidated, or in disrepair; irregular, as motion or action.
Synonyms: broken, decrepit, derelict, dilapidated, flimsy, ramshackle, shaky, wobbly, feeble, fragile, frail, imperfect, infirm, insecure, jerry-built.
Antonyms: firm, stable, steady, unshaky.

Example: In doing so, he overlooked the atrocious crimes committed in the neighbourhood and almost turned a blind eye to both the untold sufferings caused to the refugees fleeing persecution and the resulting difficulties that a resource-constrained country such as Bangladesh has been put to — a country which Indian politicians and officials frequently refer to as a role model of friendship in India’s neighbourhood.

10. Atrocious [uh-troh-shuh s] 
Adjective: extremely or shockingly wicked, cruel, or brutal; shockingly bad or tasteless; dreadful; abominable.
Synonyms: awful, barbaric, heinous, lousy, rotten, scandalous, shocking, bad, beastly, desperate, diabolical, fiendish, flagrant.
Antonyms: good, magnificent, wonderful, inoffensive.


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The Hindu Newspaper Editorial Vocabulary For IBPS 2017 4.5 5 Yateendra sahu October 17, 2017 Dear Readers, Vocabulary is an important part of English that helps you deal with all kinds of questions in objective as we...

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