Synonyms List with Examples

October 14, 2017    

Word Synonyms Examples
Abdicate Give Up, Renounce, Disclaim, Waive, Disown, Surrender, Yield, Relinquish, Abandon, Resign, Quit 1. The allowance must be made for his poor eyesight abdicated all responsibility for care of the children.

2. She abdicated the throne to marry a commoner.
Abet Encourage, Urge, Instigate, Incite, Provoke, Egg On, Prod, Goad; Aid, Help, Assist Countenance, Approve (Of), Support, Endorse, Second, Sanction, Condone; Further, Advance, Promote, Uphold 1. The jury found that his wife had abetted him in the murder
2. By failing to inform on the terrorists, the neighbours abetted the bombing.
Abeyance . Pending, Reserved, In Reserve, Shelved, Pushed Or Shoved Or Shunted Aside, Postponed, Put Off, Suspended, Temporarily Inactive, Dormant; Latent, On The Shelf, On Ice, Legal proceedings were held in abeyance so that talks could take place to reach an out-of-court settlement.
Abhor Hate, Loathe, Detest, Abominate, Execrate; Regard Or View With Horror Or Dread Or Fright Or Repugnance Or Loathing Or Disgust, Shudder At, Recoil Or Shrink From; Be Or Stand Aghast At He said that he abhorred any violation of human rights.
Abode A Place Of Residence, Dwelling, House, Home, Domicile, Habitation, Quarters, Lodging He abodes in a shabby place
Abominable Offensive, Repugnant, Repulsive, Vile, Monstrous, Loathsome, Odious, Execrable, Detestable, Despicable, Base, Disgusting, Nauseous, Nauseating, Foul, Abhorrent, Horrid, Deplorable: He was accused of crimes too abominable to detail in open court.
Abridge To Shorten A Task, Reduce, Condense, Cut, Abbreviate, Cut Back, Trim, Curtail, Contract, Compress, Digest, Summarize, Epitomize, Abstract We abridged the original edition by reducing the number of pages.
Abrupt Snappy, Hasty, Quick, Precipitate, All Of A Sudden; Unexpected, Unannounced, Unplanned, Unforeseen, Unanticipated  The video ended in an abrupt manner
Abstract A Rough Idea,Unapplied, Notional, Ideational, Conceptual, Metaphysical, Unpractical, Intellectual It is difficult to capture abstract ideas on paper.
Absurd Silly, Nonsensical, Senseless, Outlandish, Preposterous , Mad, Stupid, Foolish, Idiotic, Imbecile, Moronic, Childish, Laughable, Ludicrous, Inane The notion that the moon is made of black cheese is absurd.
Accomplice Partner In Crime, Confederate, Ally, Associate, Colleague, Fellow, Henchman, Collaborator, Conspirator, Co-Conspirator, Assistant, Fellow-Criminal The police arrested the safe-cracker and three accomplices within hours of the robbery.
Adept Very Well Versed, Extreme At Something, Proficient, Skilled, Well-Skilled, Expert, Accomplished, Skilful Or US Skilful, Adroit, Dexterous Or Dextrous, Able, Masterful, Masterly, Polished She is an adept pianist, and her husband is adept at carpentry.
Adolescent Teenager, Youth, Juvenile, Minor, Stripling, Youngster A group of adolescents volunteered to work at the home for the elderly.
Aesthete Connoisseur, Art-Lover, Lover Of Beauty, Aesthetician It was the aesthetes who set the standard for the art purchased by the museum.
Afflict Affect, Bother, Distress, Oppress, Trouble, Torment Last winter's intense cold afflicted everyone, but those in the north especially
Agitate Excite, Arouse, Rouse, Move, Perturb, Stir Up, Disquiet, Fluster, Ruffle, Rattle, Disconcert, Discomfit, Unsettle, Upset, Rock, Unnerve, Shake (Up) Rachel was agitated to learn of the bank's threat to foreclose on the mortgage.
Akin Usually, Akin To. Related (To), Allied Or Connected Or Affiliated (To Or With), Associated (With), Germane (To), Like, Alike, Similar (To) 1. Desultoriness is akin to indolence.
2. Their decision not to show the film smacks of something akin to censorship
Allege Declare, Aver, State, Assert, Charge, Affirm, Avow, Asseverate, Depose, Say The guard alleged that he had caught the boy climbing in a basement window.
Aloof Apart, Away, At A Distance, Separate; At Arm's Length
Private, Reticent, Reserved, Withdrawn, Haughty, Supercilious, Standoffish, Formal, Unsociable, Unsocial; Distant, Standoffish, Distant, Remote, Cool, Chilly, Unresponsive, Unfriendly, Antisocial, Unapproachable; Unsympathetic, Apathetic, Indifferent, Undemonstrative
1. She is an aloof type of person
2. Robin is quite an aloof sort of person - not what you would call a 'mixer'.
3. Roger keeps himself aloof from the needs of those less fortunate than he is.
Amendment Correction, Emendation, Reformation, Change, Alteration, Rectification, Repair, Reform, Improvement, Amelioration, Betterment, Enhancement The committee approved the amendment of the constitution by the addition of the suggested paragraphs.
Amicable A Friendly Relationship, Amiable, Harmonious, Brotherly, Kind-Hearted, Cordial, To Be Polite, Being Pleasant, Peaceful Both of them have amicable relations.
Allowance Permission, Toleration, Tolerance, Sufferance, Admission, Concession, Sanction; Allowing, Permitting, Tolerating, Suffering, Sanctioning, Brooking, Countenancing Payment, Recompense, Remuneration, Reimbursement, Remittance, Stipend, Dole, Pin Or Pocket, Money, Quota, Ration; Pension, Annuity, Allocation Deduction, Discount, Reduction, Rebate; Credit; Tret; Tare 1. There were many causes of difference between them, the chief being the allowance of slavery in the south.
 2. Allowance will be made for all reasonable expenses.
Bill gets a liberal weekly allowance for expenses. 3. You must make allowance for the weight of the crate.
4. Allowance must be made for his poor eyesight

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Synonyms List with Examples 4.5 5 Yateendra sahu October 14, 2017 Word Synonyms Examples Abdicate Give Up, Renounce, Disclaim, Waive, Disown, Surrender, Yield, Relinquish, Abandon, Resign, Quit ...

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