Questions on Fundamental Rights and duties

October 26, 2017    

Questions on Fundamental rights and Fundamental duties
Indian Polity is an important part of General Awareness section of every competitive exam. Indian Constitution (PDF Link) is an important part of Indian Polity. Here is the list of 25 important questions with explanations:-

Question 1. 

Which part of the constitution mentions about fundamental rights?
Ans: Part-III

  • Part-III of the Indian Constitution deals with fundamental rights from Articles 12 to 35. Part-III that is Fundamental rights is described as Magna Carta of the Indian constitution. 
  • Part-IV of Indian constitution deals with Directive principles of state policy from Articles 36 to 51. 
  • Part-V of the Indian Constitution deals with fundamental duties. Fundamental duties are contained in Article 51 (A). 

Question 2. 

How many Fundamental rights are presented in the constitution?
Ans: 6
  • Originally, the Constitution provided for seven Fundamental Rights. But right to property was deleted from the list of Fundamental Rights by the 44th Amendment Act, 1978. 
Therefore, now there are only six fundamental rights. 

Question 3. 

Which article deals with Abolition of Untouchability?
Ans: Article-17 

Question 4. 

Recently, under which article Supreme Court declared Right to privacy as fundamental right?
Ans: Article-21

  • Article-21: No person shall be deprived of his life or personal liberty except according to procedure established by law 

Question 5. 

Who is the head of Second Backwards class commission?
Ans: BP Mandal

Question 6. 

Right to freedom of speech and expression is provided under which article?
Ans: Article-19

Question 7. 

By which amendment act Right to education was made a fundamental right?
Ans: 86th constitution amendment act-2002

  • By 86th constitution amendment act in 2002, Right to education made as fundamental right under Article 21-A of the constitution.
  • Under this article, State shall provide free and compulsory education to all children of the age of six to fourteen years. Thus, this provision makes only elementary education a Fundamental Right and not higher or professional education 

Question 8. 

From which constitution Directive Principles of state policy was borrowed?
Ans: Ireland

  • Dr Ambedkar described Directive principles as ‘novel features’ of the Indian Constitution. 

Question 9. 

Which article of the constitution deals with village panchayats?
Ans: Article-40 

Question 10.

 Article 39-A deals with
Ans: Free legal aid to the poor

  • Article 39-A was added through 42nd Constitutional amendment act in 1976. 
  • Article 39-A: To promote equal justice and to provide free legal aid to the poor. 

Question 11. 

Which is the only state in India that has Uniform Civil code?
Ans: Goa

  • Article 44 of the constitution deals with uniform civil code. 

Question 12. 

What is the basic difference between Fundamental Rights and Directive principle of state policy?
  • Fundamental rights are justiciable in nature that is they are enforceable by courts whereas Directive Principles of state policy in non-justiciable in nature. 
  • Fundamental rights promote Political democracy whereas Directive principles promote social and economic democracy. 

Question 13. 

On whose recommendation fundamental duties were incorporated in the constitution?
Ans: Swaran Singh committee

  • Fundamental duties were added to the Indian constitution through 42nd Constitutional amendment act in 1976 based on the recommendations of the Swaran Singh committee. 
  • This amendment added a new part to the constitution (Part-IV A which deals with fundamental duties). This new part consists of only one Article, that is, Article 51A. 

Question 14. 

How many numbers of fundamental duties are present in the constitution?
Ans: 11

  • Originally there were ten fundamental duties. In 2002 through 86th constitutional amendment act, one more fundamental duty was added. 

Question 15. 

In which year Prevention of Insults to National Honour Act was enacted?
Ans: 1971

Question 16. 

Who is known as guardian of the constitution?
Ans: Supreme Court

  • Under Article 32 if a fundamental right of a person is violated then the aggrieved can directly go to the Supreme Court for remedy. 

Question 17. 

Under which article High court issues writs for the enforcement of fundamental rights?
Ans: Article-226

  • Supreme Court issue writs under Article 32 of the constitution. 
  • The Supreme Court can issue writs only for the enforcement of fundamental rights whereas a high court can issue writs not only for the enforcement of Fundamental Rights but also for any other purpose. That is high court can issue writs for enforcement normal legal rights also. Therefore Writ Jurisdiction of the High court is greater than Supreme Court. 

Question 18. 

What is the meaning of writ Habeas carpus?
Ans: to have the body of

  • It is an order issued by the court to a person who has detained another person, to produce the body of the latter before it. The court then examines the cause and legality of detention. It would set the detained person free if the detention is found to be illegal. Thus, this writ is a bulwark of individual liberty against arbitrary detention. 

Question 19. 

Which article provides protection against arrest and detention?
Ans: Article-22

Question 20. 

Which article is known as Heart and Soul of the constitution?
Ans: Article-32

Question 21. 

How many rights were guaranteed under Article-19?
Ans: Six

They are
  • Freedom of speech and expression. 
  • Right to assemble peacefully without arms 
  • Right to form associations 
  • Right to move freely throughout India 
  • Right to reside and settle in any part of India 
  • Right to practice any profession or business 

Question 22. 

Respecting National flag, national anthem falls under
Ans: Fundamental duties

Question 23. 

Protection of wildlife falls under

Question 24. 

On which year fundamental duties were incorporated in the constitution?
Ans: 1976

Question 25. 

From which country fundamental duties were taken?

List of fundamental rights:

Name of the right
Right to Equality
Article 14 to 18
Right to freedom
Article 19 to 22
Right against exploitation
Article 23, 24
Right to freedom of religion
Article 25 to 28
Cultural and educational rights
Article 29, 30
Right to constitutional remedies
Article 32

Important articles in fundamental rights:

Name of the article
Article deals with
Article 14
Equality before law
Article 17
Abolition of untouchability
Article 18
Abolition of titles
Article 19 (a)
Right to freedom of speech and expression
Article 21
Protection of life and personal liberty
Article 25
Freedom to practice religion
Article 30
Right of minorities to establish institutions

Important articles in DPSP:

Article 39-A: Free legal aid to the poor
Article 40: Organisation of village Panchayats.
Article 43 A: Participation of workers in the management of industries.
Article 44: Uniform Civil Code
Article 48: To prohibit cow slaughter
Article 50: Separation of Judiciary from executive.

Writs and meaning:

Name of the writ
Habeas carpus
To have the body of
We command
To forbid
To be certified
By what Authority

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Questions on Fundamental Rights and duties 4.5 5 Yateendra sahu October 26, 2017 Indian Polity is an important part of General Awareness section of every competitive exam. Indian Constitution (PDF Link) is an important...

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