Dear students, SSC CGL Tier-1 2017 exam result has been published and the updated dates for CGL Tier-2 2017 exam are 21 December to 24 December 2017. You have crossed the first barrier, that is, SSC CGL TIER-1 EXAM. Now the biggest hurdle lies ahead of you, that is, SSC CGL Tier-2 2017 Exam. The two mandatory papers are paper-1 Quant and paper-2 English.
All of you need to plan your studies in a way which is holistic and effective. The score of these two subjects can fetch you a govt. job. The only thing you need to do is stay focused, confident and consistent. Today, the level of competition has increased manyfold, and in such stressful times, it is important to keep calm and stay focused on the goal (SSC CGL 2017). In this journey, you will experience a lot of distractions, more than studies you need to be careful of such trivial yet dangerous habits. Your mind wanders every time you want to focus and study. Procrastination will kill your dream SSC CGL 2017. as a student, we don't realize but slowly we all become addicted to things that give us momentary pleasures. You need to stay away from negative aspects, focus on the positives that will give you required hope, confidence, and willpower.
First of all, understand the trick to qualify such all India level competitive exams, The trick lies in the practice. Take chances, make mistakes. That's how you grow. Pain nourishes your courage. You have to fail in order to practice being brave.Practice doesn't make perfect. Practice reduces the imperfection. Never stop fighting until you arrive at your destined place - that is, the unique you. Have an aim in life, continuously acquire knowledge, work hard, and have the perseverance to realize the great life.
We all need to be alert, don't fall into this trap. whenever you feel you are straying from your goal, remember the power of willpower and dream and get back to your studies. None but studies can make your life easier, better and economically sound. But the important thing is to understand the importance of practice. No man ever achieved success without thousands of hours of practice, you are not the exception. All is not lost, you still have more than three weeks to practice and be exam ready.
For SSC CGL 2017 Exam, You need to have excellent Quant and English problem-solving skills. The English language is very demanding and challenging. If you read it daily in any form, a newspaper, a novel or online article, then it is easy to grasp the nuances of it. Reading a newspaper will help you not only in current affairs and vocabulary but also in developing reading habits which are paramount. we know that you all go through difficult and depression times but if your enthusiasm, commitment, and dream are unshakable, nothing can stop you from achieving it. For SSC CGL 2017 Exam, you need to practice a lot, rigorously, without any miss, every day.
You can achieve this milestone with hard work, perseverance. whatever you have learned, make optimized use of it and this skill, nobody can take this away from you. and we would like to extend our helping hand to all of you out there who need a mentor or guardian who can correct you and inspire you to do more. We all know that a govt. job means a lot to you. and you all have the necessary drive to fight for it. You have already prepared and you are closer than you think. and At Ada247 and SSCAdda, we are rooting for you.
The life of a student is no less than a roller coaster ride. There are so many ups and downs. First, most of you are the victim of the faulty education system, then you prepare for the govt. job entrance exams. In these exams, you face competition from the brightest minds of India, they are all well-read, very informed and well-trained individuals who are industry ready. If you want to compete with them, you have to get those skill set and perform better than all of them.
In SSC CGL Exam, millions of students apply for the job, more than a lakh qualify for the CGL Tier-II Exam. You need to score better than all these, Every student is preparing very hard and equally, You need to practice more in order to score better. It's a game which you can only win if you plan it in the effective and efficient way. Remember the three Ps: Practice, Perseverance, and Performance.
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