Frequently Asked Indian Polity Questions for IB ACIO Exam 2017

October 13, 2017    

Dear Students, Intelligence Bureau ACIO Exam 2017 Will be conducted on 15th October 2017. Not much time left for the preparation. At Adda247, we are providing questions for General Awareness section. Today, in this quiz we shall study Polity Questions for IB ACIO Exam, Study and Score great marks in the Exam. We wish you all the very best for the exam.

Q1. The word ‘Budget’ is mentioned in which of the following Articles of the Constitution of India?
(a) Art. 266 
(b) Art. 112
(c) Art. 265 
(d) None 

Q2. The salient features of the Government of India Act, 1935 are?
1. All India Federation
2. Provincial Autonomy
3. Dyarchy at the Centre
4. Abolition of Indian Council

(a) 1 and 2 
(b) 1, 2 and 3
(c) 2, 3 and 4
(d) 1, 2, 3 and 4

Q3. Which of the following acts introduced the principle of election in India?
(a) Indian Councils Act of 1861
(b) Indian Councils Act of 1892
(c) Indian Councils Act of 1909
(d) Indian Councils Act of 1935

Q4. Which one of the following amendments to the Constitutions, for the first time, made it obligatory for the President to act on the advice of the council of ministers?
(a) 24th amendment 
(b) 42nd amendment
(c) 44th amendment 
(d) 54th amendment

Q5. The Governor-General of Bengal became the Governor-General of India by?
(a) Government of India Act of 1858
(b) Indian Councils Act of 1861
(c) Pitts India Act of 1784
(d) Charter Act of 1833

Q6. Which is correctly matched?
(a) Amendment procedure – Article 268
(b) Duties of Prime Minister – Article 74
(c) President’s rule – Article 365
(d) Inter-State Council – Article 264

Q7. Which of the following acts laid the foundation of the Central administration?
(a) Charter Act of 1833
(b) Regulating Act of 1773
(c) Charter Act of 1853
(d) Pitts India Act of 1784

Q8. Planning Commission was set up on the recommendations of?
(a) National Planning Committee
(b) Gorwala Report
(c) Planning Advisory Board
(d) Constituent Assembly

Q9. The Central Administrative Tribunal deals with?
(a) Recruitment matters
(b) Promotion matters
(c) Disciplinary matters
(d) Recruitment and all service matters

Q10. The Chairman and members of the UPSC hold office for a term of?
(a) Three years 
(b) Four years
(c) Five years 
(d) Six years

Q11. The money bill can be introduced in the state legislature only on the recommendation of?
(a) Speaker 
(b) Finance Minister
(c) Chief Minister 
(d) Governor

Q12.The Balwant Rai Mehta Committee was a committee on?
(a) Democratic-decentralisation
(b) Panchayati Raj institutions
(c) Administrative arrangements for rural development
(d) None of these

Q13. “The state shall take steps to organize village Panchayats and endow them with such powers as may be necessary to enable them to function as units of self-government.” This provision is mentioned in?
(a) Part I of the Constitution
(b) Part V of the Constitution
(c) Part III of the Constitution
(d) Part IV of the Constitution

Q14. Which of the following Constitutional Amendment act provided for the appointment of the same person as Governor for two or more states?
(a) 4th Amendment 
(b) 7th Amendment
(c) 11th Amendment 
(d) 24th Amendment

Q15. The term ‘Cabinet’ is mentioned in which of the following articles of the Constitution?
(a) Article 74
(b) Article 75
(c) Article 352
(d) Not mentioned in the Constitution

Frequently Asked Indian Polity Questions for IB ACIO Exam 2017 4.5 5 Yateendra sahu October 13, 2017 Dear Students, Intelligence Bureau ACIO Exam 2017 Will be conducted on 15th October 2017. Not much time left for the preparation. At Adda2...

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