Example: To attach special significance to the inclusion of this passage in the Xiamen Declaration, and view it as China administering a resounding slap on its ally, would be a profound mistake.
1. Resounding [ri-zoun-ding]
Adjective: making an echoing sound; uttered loudly; impressively thorough or complete.
Synonyms: earsplitting, electrifying, emphatic, forceful, loud, ringing, roaring, thrilling, thundering, thunderous, beating, booming, echoing, enhanced, full, heightened, intensified.
Antonym: incomplete.
2. Ally [verb uh-lahy; noun al-ahy, uh-lahy]
Verb: to unite formally, as by treaty, league, marriage, or the like (usually followed by with or to); to associate or connect by some mutual relationship, as resemblance or friendship; to enter into an alliance; join; unite.
Noun: a person, group, or nation that is associated with another or others for some common cause or purpose.
Synonyms: especially by treaty
associate, colleague, friend, partner, accessory, accomplice, co-worker, coadjutor, collaborator, confederate, helper.
Antonyms: antagonist, detractor, enemy, foe.
Example: It is possible that China may not have wanted to introduce a discordant note into the proceedings — knowing India’s reservations regarding the project — of a conference that it was presiding over.
3. Discordant [dis-kawr-dnt]
Adjective: being at variance; disagreeing; incongruous; disagreeable to the ear; dissonant; harsh.
Synonyms: cacophonous, clashing, dissonant, divergent, jarring, strident, antagonistic, antipathetic, at odds, contradictory, contrarient, contrary, different, disagreeing, discrepant, grating, harsh.
Antonyms: similar, agreeable, agreeing, concordant.
Example: “There is an apprehension that exports will decline, going ahead,” said an official aware of the meeting.
4. Apprehension [ap-ri-hen-shuh n]
Noun: anticipation of adversity or misfortune; suspicion or fear of future trouble or evil; the faculty or act of apprehending or understanding; perception on a direct and immediate level.
Synonyms: alarm, disquiet, doubt, dread, foreboding, misgiving, mistrust, suspicion, trepidation, uneasiness, worry, apprehensiveness, concern, premonition.
Antonyms: belief, calm, calmness, certainty.
Example: The satellite, launched in 1997, plunged into its death dive on September 15.
5. Plunge [pluhnj]
Verb: to cast or thrust forcibly or suddenly into something, as a liquid, a penetrable substance, a place, etc.; immerse; submerge; to bring suddenly or forcibly into some condition, situation, etc.
Synonyms: descent, dive, fall, jump, spree, duck, dunk, immersion, investment, submergence, submersion, swoop, venture, belly flop, high dive, nose-dive.
Antonyms: ascent, rise, increase.
Example: Some of this even shoots out into space, creating an immense plume.
6. Plume [ploom]
Noun: a feather; a large, long, or conspicuous feather; a soft, fluffy feather; any plumose part or formation; a feather, a tuft of feathers, or some substitute, worn as an ornament, as on a hat, helmet, etc; a feather or featherlike token of honor or distinction, especially one worn on a helmet.
Verb: to furnish, cover, or adorn with plumes or feathers; (of a bird) to preen (itself or its feathers); to feel complacent satisfaction with (oneself); pride (oneself) (often followed by on or upon).
Synonyms: boast, brag, congratulate, crow, exult, felicitate, gasconade, overbear, pique, prance, preen, presume, strut, swagger, swell, vaunt, be proud, flatter oneself, glory in, hold head high, puff up, revel in.
Antonyms: be modest, deprecate.
Example: India should come out of its policy bottleneck where every act of its generosity is for immediate self-aggrandizement rather than long-term gain.
7. Bottleneck [bot-l-nek]
Noun: a narrow entrance or passageway; a place or stage in a process at which progress is impeded.
Synonyms: barrier, blockage, congestion, hindrance, impediment, snag, traffic jam, block, clog, jam, obstruction, hold-up.
Antonyms: aid, assistance, help, opening.
8. Aggrandizement [uh-gran-diz-muh nt]
Noun: an act or instance of aggrandizing, or increasing in size, or intensity; the act of making something appear greater than is actually warranted by the facts; expansion of power, wealth, rank, or honor.
Synonyms: elevation, ennoblement, glorification, tribute, aggrandization, praising.
Example: If a nation’s resilience is tested by its response to the crisis in its surroundings, then India isn’t the super power it tries to project itself as. A superpower must have enough will to, as Uncle Ben suggested to Spiderman, take “great responsibility,” and should not just assemble state-of-the-art artilleries to flex in its Republic Day parades.
9. Resilience [ri-zil-yuh ns, -zil-ee-uh ns or ri-zil-yuh n-see, -zil-ee-uh n-see]
Noun: the power or ability to return to the original form, position, etc., after being bent, compressed, or stretched; elasticity; ability to recover readily from illness, depression, adversity, or the like; buoyancy.
Synonyms: flexibility, pliancy, recoil, snap.
10. Artillery [ahr-til-uh-ree]
Noun: mounted projectile-firing guns or missile launchers, mobile or stationary, light or heavy, as distinguished from small arms; the troops or the branch of an army concerned with the use and service of such weapons; the science that treats of the use of such weapons.
Synonyms: battery, cannon, ordnance, arms, bazooka, force, gunnery, munitions, rainmakers, stovepipe, weapons, big guns, cannonry, heavy stuff.
- http://www.bankersadda.com/2017/09/vocab-for-bank-exam-19.html
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