The Hindu Newspaper Editorial Vocabulary For IBPS RRB 2017

September 14, 2017    

Dear Readers,
The Hindu Newspaper Editorial Vocabulary For IBPS RRB PO 2017

Vocabulary is an important part of English that helps you deal with all kinds of questions in objective as well as descriptive papers of various exams. You can learn new words daily from our Daily Word List. Learn the words and make your own sentences on the basis of the given word list. Here are a few lines from The Hindu.

Example: The visit of Mr. Abe is significant in view of the (now-resolved) weeks-long standoff between India and China at the Doklam plateau of Bhutan when China’s belligerent rhetoric indicated a negative turn in ties.

1. Belligerent [buh-lij-er-uh nt]
Adjective: warlike; given to waging war; of warlike character; aggressively hostile; bellicose; waging war; engaged in war; pertaining to war or to those engaged in war.
Noun: a state or nation at war; a member of the military forces of such a state.
Synonyms: aggressive, antagonistic, bellicose, combative, contentious, hostile, ornery, quarrelsome, fighting, flip, mean, militant, ardent, at loggerheads, battling, cantankerous.
Antonyms: agreeable, calm, friendly, kind.
Example: The Communist Party of India (Marxist) on Wednesday summarily expelled Rajya Sabha MP Ritabrata Banerjee from the party for “anti-party” activities, two days after an interview to a regional television channel in which he levelled many allegations against senior party leaders and following reports of his growing affinity with the BJP.

2. Affinity [uh-fin-i-tee]
Noun: a natural liking for or attraction to a person, thing, idea, etc; a person, thing, idea, etc., for which such a natural liking or attraction is felt; relationship by marriage or by ties other than those of blood (distinguished from consanguinity ).
Synonyms: affection, closeness, fondness, leaning, rapport, sympathy, weakness, attraction, compatibility, cotton, druthers, partiality, thing, cup of tea, good vibrations, same wavelength, simpatico.
Antonyms: dislike, hate, hatred, dissimilarity.

Example: Designed by Itu Chaudhuri Design, the website’s navigation and information architecture is designed to help readers easily and intuitively access content.

3. Intuitive [in-too-i-tiv, -tyoo-]
Adjective: perceiving directly by intuition without rational thought, as a person or the mind; perceived by, resulting from, or involving intuition; having or possessing intuition; capable of being perceived or known by intuition; easy to understand or operate without explicit instruction: an intuitive design.
Synonyms: allegedly, ostensibly, possibly, probably, supposedly, as if, as though, at a glance, at first sight, in all likelihood, it appears that, it seems that, most likely, on the face of it, outwardly, plausibly, professedly, reasonably, reputably.
Antonyms: improbably, unlikely, dubiously, equivocally.

Example: In 1820 the German philosopher Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel, in his magnificently crafted Philosophy of Right, had written with some despair of the moral squalor and of the ravages that poverty brings in its wake.

4. Despair [dih-spair]
Noun: loss of hope; hopelessness; someone or something that causes hopelessness.
Verb: to lose, give up, or be without hope (often followed by of).
Synonyms: anguish, desperation, despondency, discouragement, gloom, melancholy, misery, pain, sorrow, dejection, disheartenment, forlornness, ordeal, trial, tribulation, wretchedness.
Antonyms: cheer, comfort, contentment, encouragement.

5. Squalor [skwol-er, skwaw-ler]
Noun: the condition of being squalid; filth and misery.
Synonyms: decay, destitution, , vation, dirtiness, foulness, impoverishment, indigence, poorness, seediness, wretchedness, grunginess.

6. Ravage [rav-ij]
Verb: to work havoc upon; damage or mar by ravages; to work havoc; do ruinous damage.
Noun: havoc; ruinous damage; devastating or destructive action.
Synonyms: consume, damage, demolish, devastate, disrupt, gut, impair, overrun, overwhelm, pillage, plunder, raze, ruin, shatter, sweep away.
Antonyms: aid, assist, build, construct.

Example: Here, removed from the advantages of solidarity that civil society offers, the poor are reduced to a heap of fragmented atoms, rabble, poebel.

7. Solidarity [sol-i-dar-i-tee]
Noun: union or fellowship arising from common responsibilities and interests, as between members of a group or between classes, peoples, etc.; community of feelings, purposes, etc; community of responsibilities and interests.
Synonyms: agreement, consensus, harmony, support, teamwork, unanimity, unification, accord, alliance, comradeship, confederation, federation, fellowship, oneness, sameness.
Antonyms: disagreement, antagonism, discord, divorce.

8. Rabble [rab-uh l]
Noun: a disorderly crowd; mob; the rabble, the lower classes; the common people.
Verb: to beset as a rabble does; mob.
Synonyms: commonality, commoners, crowd, drove, flock, gang, gathering, herd, horde, mass, masses, multitude, pack, proletariat, riffraff, ring, riot, scum.

9. Poebel
Noun: rabble.

Example: Destitution, that is, is the outcome of a skewed economy.

10. Destitution [des-ti-too-shuh n, -tyoo-]
Noun: lack of the means of subsistence; utter poverty; deprivation, lack, or absence.
Synonyms: poverty, privation, want.
Antonyms: abundance.

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The Hindu Newspaper Editorial Vocabulary For IBPS RRB 2017 4.5 5 Yateendra sahu September 14, 2017 Dear Readers, Vocabulary is an important part of English that helps you deal with all kinds of questions in objective as well as desc...

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