The Hindu Newspaper Editorial Vocabulary For IBPS 2017

September 30, 2017    

Dear Readers,

Vocabulary is an important part of English that helps you deal with all kinds of questions in objective as well as descriptive papers of various exams. You can learn new words daily from our Daily Word List. Learn the words and make your own sentences on the basis of the given word list. Here are a few lines from The Hindu.

Example: The industry’s cup of woes has now brimmed over with the Darjeeling imbroglio, where a political shutdown has dealt a body blow to a tottering industry.

1. Woe [woh] 
  • Noun: grievous distress, affliction, or trouble; an affliction.
  • Interjection: an exclamation of grief, distress, or lamentation.
  • Synonyms: adversity, anguish, burden, calamity, catastrophe, disaster, gloom, hardship, headache, misery, misfortune, pain, tragedy, trouble.
  • Antonyms: advantage, aid, assistance, benefit, blessing, boon, cheer, comfort, contentment, encouragement, favor, fortune, good, fortune.
2. Brim [brim] 
  • Noun: the upper edge of anything hollow; rim; brink; a projecting edge; margin.
  • Verb: to be full to the brim.
  • Synonyms: border, brink, circumference, fringe, hem, lip, margin, perimeter, periphery, rim.
  • Antonyms: center, inside, interior, middle.

3. Imbroglio [im-brohl-yoh] 
  • Noun: a misunderstanding, disagreement, etc., of a complicated or bitter nature, as between persons or nations; an intricate and perplexing state of affairs; a complicated or difficult situation; a confused heap.
  • Synonyms: brouhaha, entanglement, quandary, spat, squabble, altercation, argument, bickering, brawl, broil, complexity, complication, dispute, embarrassment.
  • Antonyms: agreement, ease, harmony, peace, simplicity, peace, making.

4. Tottering [tot-er-ing] 
  • Adjective: walking unsteadily or shakily; lacking security or stability; threatening to collapse; precarious.
  • Synonyms: dizzy, fluctuating, moving, suspect, teetering, unsettled, vacillating, wavering, weaving, ambiguous, borderline, capricious, changeable.

Example:Sluggish global growth should prompt India to look inward — at augmenting public investment to spur demand.

5. Sluggish [sluhg-ish] 
  • adjective: indisposed to action or exertion; lacking in energy; lazy; indolent; not acting or working with full vigor, as bodily organs; slow to act or respond; moving slowly, or having little motion, as a stream.
  • Synonyms: heavy, inactive, lethargic, listless, slack, slow, stagnant, apathetic, blah, comatose, dopey.
  • Antonyms: active, alert, busy, energetic, lively.

6. Prompt [prompt] 
  • Adjective: done, performed, delivered, etc., at once or without delay; ready in action; quick to act as occasion demands; quick or alert.
  • Verb: to move or induce to action; to occasion or incite; inspire.
  • Synonyms: efficient, expeditious, immediate, instantaneous, precise, punctual, quick, rapid, speedy.
  • Antonyms: delayed, late, later, slow, sluggish.

7. Spur [spur] 
  • Noun: a U -shaped device that slips over and straps to the heel of a boot and has a blunt, pointed, or roweled projection at the back for use by a mounted rider to urge a horse forward; anything that goads, impels, or urges, as to action, speed, or achievement.
  • Verb: to prick with or as if with a spur or spurs; incite or urge on; to strike or wound with the spur, as a gamecock; to furnish with spurs or a spur; to proceed hurriedly; press forward.
  • Synonyms: activation, actuation, catalyst, excitant, goad, goose, impetus, impulse.
  • Antonyms: block, deterrent, discouragement, hindrance, prevention.

Example: Rajasthan to set up eight business incubators.

8. Incubator [in-kyuh-bey-ter, ing-] 
  • Noun: an apparatus in which eggs are hatched artificially; an enclosed apparatus in which prematurely born infants are kept in controlled conditions, as of temperature, for protection and care; an apparatus in which media inoculated with microorganisms are cultivated at a constant temperature.
  • Synonyms: incubator, breeding place.

Example: Tiger census on in Bangladesh Sundarbans.

9. Census [sen-suh s] 
  • Noun: an official enumeration of the population, with details as to age, sex, occupation, etc.; the registration of citizens and their property, for purposes of taxation.
  • Verb: to take a census of.
  • Synonyms: enumeration, poll, demographics, demography, statistics, population tally, stats.

Example: Gujarat wobble seems like getting sorted before the next election there.

10. Wobble [wob-uh l] 
  • Verb: to incline to one side and to the other alternately, as a wheel, top, or other rotating body when not properly balanced; to move unsteadily from side to side; to show unsteadiness; tremble; quaver.
  • Noun: a wobbling movement.
  • Synonyms: careen, falter, flounder, lurch, oscillate, quiver, reel, seesaw, shimmy, stumble, sway, teeter, totter, tremble.
  • Antonyms: be still, remain, stay, steady.


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The Hindu Newspaper Editorial Vocabulary For IBPS 2017 4.5 5 Yateendra sahu September 30, 2017 Dear Readers, Vocabulary is an important part of English that helps you deal with all kinds of questions in objective as well...

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