Example: It will have topiary and Italian gardens, hillocks, a ‘Nilgiri sheep forest’ and six lakes.
1. Topiary [toh-pee-er-ee]
Adjective: (of a plant) clipped or trimmed into fantastic shapes; of or relating to such trimming.
Noun: topiary work; the topiary art; a garden containing such work.
Synonyms: shedding leaves
forest, sapling, seedling, shrub, timber, wood, hardwood, pulp, softwood, stock, woods.
2. Hillock [hil-uh k]
Noun: a small hill.
Synonyms: acclivity, ascent, bluff, butte, cliff, drift, dune, elevation, esker, headland, heap, highland, hilltop, hummock, inclination, incline, knoll, mesa, mound, mount.
Antonyms: decline, depression.
Example: Funded by the Karnataka government and developed by botanists from its Horticultural Department, the garden would be a part of the picturesque landscape of Udhagamandalam, or Ooty as the hill station is known, in the Nilgiris district of Tamil Nadu.
3. Picturesque [pik-chuh-resk]
Adjective: visually charming or quaint, as if resembling or suitable for a painting.
Synonyms: beautiful, charming, colorful, pleasant, quaint, scenic, arresting, artistic, graphic, photographic, pictorial, pretty, striking, vivid.
Antonyms: dreary, offensive, plain, repulsive.
Example: Union Cabinet rejig being worked out; Rudy, Kulaste offer to resign.
4. Rejig [riːˈdʒɪɡ]
Verb: to re-equip (a factory or plant); to rearrange, alter, or manipulate, sometimes in a slightly unscrupulous way
Noun: the act or process of rejigging.
Example: Ms. Bharti has been asked to quit ostensibly on the grounds of failing health.
5. Ostensible [o-sten-suh-buh l]
Adjective: outwardly appearing as such; professed; pretended; apparent, evident, or conspicuous.
Related forms: ostensibly, adverb.
Synonyms: evidently, officially, seemingly, supposedly, at first blush, externally, for all intents and purposes, for show, on the face, on the surface, outwardly, professedly.
Antonyms: improbably, obscurely, unlikely.
Example: The debris crushed an adjacent single-storey sweet shop. It also took down the facade of another building next to it.
6. Facade [fuh-sahd, fa-]
Noun: the front of a building, especially an imposing or decorative one; any side of a building facing a public way or space and finished accordingly; a superficial appearance or illusion of something.
Synonyms: color, exterior, front, veneer, beard, bluff, disguise, face, fake, frontage, guise, look, mask, phony, pretense, put-on, semblance, show, false colors.
Antonyms: reality, truth, character, personality.
Example: 39 successes later, PSLV launch fails. Replacement satellite IRNSS-1H in limbo.
7. Limbo [lim-boh]
Noun: an intermediate, transitional, or midway state or place.
Synonyms: oblivion, nothingness, nowhere.
Antonyms: certainty, certitude, sureness, surety.
Example: In a double whammy to the Indian space programme, the PSLV-C39 mission carrying the replacement navigation satellite IRNSS-1H failed on Thursday evening.
8. Whammy [hwam-ee, wam-ee]
Noun: the evil eye; jinx; bad luck or misfortune; a devastating blow, setback, or catastrophe.
Synonyms: hex, abracadabra, charm, conjuration, curse, hocus-pocus, jinx, magic, voodoo, double whammy, evil eye, hexing, mumbo-jumbo, triple whammy.
Example: India’s actions in Doklam are easy to discern, viz. going to the help of a treaty partner in its time of need, a decision which incidentally has security ramifications for India.
9. Discern [dih-surn, -zurn]
Verb: to perceive by the sight or some other sense or by the intellect; see, recognize, or apprehend; to distinguish mentally; recognize as distinct or different; discriminate.
Synonyms: anticipate, ascertain, detect, determine, differentiate, discriminate, distinguish, divine, figure out, find out, foresee, perceive, apprehend, behold, descry, discover, espy, extricate, focus, judge, know, note, notice.
Antonyms: confuse, doubt, miss, mix up, overlook.
10. Ramification [ram-uh-fi-key-shuh n]
Noun: the act or process of ramifying; a branch; a related or derived subject, problem, etc.; outgrowth; consequence; implication.
Synonyms: complication, consequence, upshot, bifurcation, branch, branching, breaking, divarication, division, excrescence, extension, forking, offshoot, outgrowth.
Antonyms: cause, origin, source, juncture.
- http://www.bankersadda.com/2017/09/the-hindu-newspaper-editorial.html
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