Synonyms Asked in Previous Exams: Part 1

September 11, 2017    

Greetings from we have articulated the most important Synonyms for competitive exams in India.these synonyms can most probably be asked in the upcoming IBPS exams.

This is the first in the series of synonyms. each day, the synonyms for various letters will be posted in the upcoming’s letter for synonyms is A. we try to cover the maximum possible synonyms in the letter A. stay tuned for latest updates from bankexamstoday.

Word Meaning Hindi meaning Previously Asked In
AFFLUENT Having a great deal of money धनी SSC CGL
ADMONITION A firm warning
ABSOLVE Dissolve someone from guilt
दोषमुक्त करना
APPEASE To please someone खुश SSC CGL
ABSURD Wildly unreasonable बेतुका SSC CGL
ABROGATE Repeal or do away with अभिनिषेध करना SSC CGL
ABLUTION To Wash away with स्नान SSC CGL
ANTIPATHY Deep seated feeling of aversion घृणा SSC CGL
ABOLISH To put an end to something समाप्त करना SSC CGL
ASSERTIVE To show confident or forceful personality
ACCEDE To accept or give in to
मान लेना
ABYSMAL Very deep मात्र SSC CGL
ACCRUE Accumulate उपाजित होना SSC CGL
AVERSION A strong dislike for something घृणा SSC CGL
ACQUAINT To make something familiar with परिचित SSC CGL
ASSIDUOUS To show interest in one’s work परिश्रमी SSC CGL
ANGUISH To show extreme anger or frustration पीड़ा SSC CGL
ALLURE The quality of mysteriously charming फुसलाना SSC CGL
Aberration A change from something usual विपथन SSC CGL
Adversity An unpleasant or difficult situation विपत्ति SSC CGL
ARDUOUS Putting heavy effort or work
ADORN Decorate something सजाना IBPS PO
ADMONISH Reprimand firmly धिक्कारना IBPS PO
ANNIHILATE Destroy completely संहार करना IBPS PO
AMICABLE A state of friendliness मैत्रीपूर्ण IBPS PO
ARDOUR Passion
AXIOM To tell the truth स्वयंसिद्ध IBPS PO
Abate To relieve from a situation रोक-थाम करना IBPS PO
Adjunct Joined सहायक IBPS PO
Accord To agree to something समझौते IBPS PO
Abject To despise something अधम IBPS PO
Adamant Stubborn अटल IBPS PO
Austere Very simple or primitive सीधा-सादा IBPS PO
Antagonise To become hostile towards something विरोध करना IBPS PO
Allusion To mention indirectly संकेत IBPS PO
Altar deity वेदी IBPS PO

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Synonyms Asked in Previous Exams: Part 1 4.5 5 Yateendra sahu September 11, 2017 Greetings from we have articulated the most important Synonyms for competitive exams in India.these synonyms can most...

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