SBI PO Group Exercise & Personal Interview Experience 2017 - 22

September 11, 2017    

Dear Readers,
SBI PO is the most sought after recruitment process by banking aspirants. Group Exercise and Personal Interview is the final round (Phase-III) in SBI PO 2017 Recruitment. Last year SBI introduced a prioritisation based group exercise which is also being conducted this year in the Group Discussion Round. Interview experiences can help you get an insight of the difficulty level, environment and types of questions being asked in SBI PO 2017 Group Exercise and Interview Round. Keep on reading to understand the experience of Gowrisankar Nagamalli.

I attended SBI PO GD/PI at Hyderabad center on 09/09/2017. After reaching the venue they conducted biometrics followed by document verification which was followed by the start of Group Discussion.

GD Topic- "Is allowing FDI in retail sector good or bad for India?"

Gave 5 minutes for writing points.gave 18 min for discussion.(group had 8 candidates). Group Discussion can be a tensed situation for some, but with confidence and clarity of thought, one can easily score in this phase. It is important to maintain the decorum of the session and avoid being too loud. Put forth your views and opinions firmly best backed by figures or facts and also let your fellow group members voice their opinions.

Group Exercise - What are the qualities you would like to have in your spouse?

Group Exercise is performed after the discussion. In this group, exercise candidates were given a set of few qualities/ attributes/ traits/ parameters which they had to prioritize according to their understanding of the topic/ situation/ thinking ability.
  • Good looks
  • Pleasing personality
  • Education
  • Family background
  • Employment
  • Adjusting with new family
  • Dowry
  • Rich family

Personal Interview

There were 4 persons in the panel. One Lady and 3 Men. I entered the room wished everyone.

M1: Tell me about yourself
I answered in detail and as I was going through, he asked about the reason for leaving my previous job. I told him as I was working in the production department, due to pollution, there are frequent health issues. He seemed OK with my answer.

M1: India and China are big commodity export markets, they have similarities, but why the other countries like Brazil, Russia, and South Africa are combining with them and forming a Bloc calling BRICS??
I didn't know the answer and told him the same.

M1: Should technology be Implemented in Indian Banking sector even though it leads to job cutting/ less human involvement?
I said technology should be encouraged and talked about various benefits of technology. I also told him even though jobs in banking may decrease, increase of technology will generate jobs in the technology sector. He didn't cross question.

After that, he handed me over to the other panelist.

M2: You said there were health issues, so why didn't the company transferred you to another department where health hazards are less. (As your company is an MNC, they wouldn't leave employees so easily)
I told him there is a shortage of Man power and hence they couldn't change.

M2: So, you resigned last year, what were u doing in this period?
I told him I was preparing for the Banking sector and other competitive exams. I also told him about various other exams in which I got through. Then he asked me about my previous company's mining permission problems and asked should Govt. not allow industrialization based on local sentiments of the people?

I explained to him what I knew but he kept on cross questioning and didn't seem to be agreeing with me.

Then Handed over to the next panelist.

M3: Lot of rural population migrating to cities these days. What should the govt do to reverse this trend?

I told him about various current Govt schemes, need to address agriculture sector, and setting of MSEs in rural areas etc, He seemed satisfied.

The Female panelist chose not to ask anything. With this, they asked me to leave. Overall, the experience was good. They didn't ask any current affairs.

Mail your SBI PO Interview Experience at

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SBI PO Group Exercise & Personal Interview Experience 2017 - 22 4.5 5 Yateendra sahu September 11, 2017 Dear Readers, SBI PO is the most sought after recruitment process by banking aspirants. Group Exercise and Personal Interview is the fin...

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