Latest Pattern Reasoning Practice Test for IBPS POs, Clerks 2017

September 27, 2017    

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Latest Pattern Reasoning Practice Test 2017

Directions (Q.No. 1-5) : Study the information given below and answer the questions based on it

Eight persons A, B, C, D, E, F, G and H are sitting in a row facing north; each of them belongs to different countries like India, US or China. It is known that D belongs to India and is sitting next to H. Two people are sitting between H and E, who belongs to China. D is sitting neither between H and E nor between A and B. C belongs to China and only one person is sitting to his left. A and B are not sitting next to each other. Out of these eight people, the maximum number of people belongs to India. B belongs to India and three people from the same country are not sitting next to each other. Two people belong to China and both are sitting adjacent to each other. G doesn't belong to US and is sitting next to a person who belongs to China. Neither A nor B is sitting adjacent to H. F is sitting to the immediate left of B and A and B don't belong to the same country.
  1. Who belong to US ? 
    1. F, A, H 
    2. G, F 
    3. A, H 
    4. A, H, D 
    5. Can't be determined 
  2. Find the odd one out ? 
    1. G
    2. B
    3. E
  3. Who are the immediate neighbors of A ? 
    1. G, D
    2. F, D
    3. Can't be determined 
  4. How many people are sitting between G and F ? 
    1. 3
  5. Which of the following statements is wrong ?
    1. Only two people belong to US 
    2. B is sitting at the extreme right corner
    3. Two people are sitting between G and A. 
    4. Both the neighbors of H belong to India 
    5. None of these
Directions (Q.No. 6-10) : Study the following information carefully and answer the question given below. 

There are seven persons Tej veer, Balu, Ravi, Suresh, Rajesh, Kavitha and Kumar who were born on the same day of the same month of different year i.e. 1994, 1956, 1977, 1982, 1992, 1999 and 2002 but not necessarily in the same order. They like different beaches namely Varkala, Gokarna, Palolem, Tarkarli, Arambol, Kovalam and Baga but not necessarily in the same order. Note: Their ages are considered as on the same month and day of 2027 as their date of births. The difference between the ages of Balu, who likes Arambol and Ravi, is twice the square root of the age of one of the seven persons. Kavitha likes Goka-rna beach. Ravi does not like either Baga or Tarkarli. Difference between the ages of Ravi and Suresh, who likes Baga, is the same as the number obtained by dividing ages of any of two among the other five persons (Number should be a whole number). Age of the person who likes Tarkarli is greatest amongst those whose age is a multiple of five. Rajesh is older than the person who likes Palolem, who is not the youngest. Rajesh likes Varkala. Kavitha does not like either Palolem or Kovalam. The one who was born in 1992 does not like Palolem. Kumar is younger than Balu.

6. How many persons are younger than the person who likes Gokarna ? 

  1. One 
  2. Two 
  3. Three 
  4. Four 
  5. No one 
7. What is the age of Rajesh ?
  1.  45 years 
  2. 35 years 
  3. 71 years 
  4. 50 years
  5. 28 years 
8. Who among the following person was born on 1999 ? 
  1. The one who likes Baga 
  2. The one who likes Gokarna 
  3. The one who likes Varkala 
  4. The one who likes Tarkarli 
  5. The one who likes Palolem 
9. Who amongst the following per-son is the second oldest ? 
  1. Tej veer 
  2. Kumar 
  3. Kavitha 
  4. Rajesh 
  5. None of these
10. What is the age of the person who likes Kovalam ?
  1. 33 years 
  2. 15 years
  3. 35 years 
  4. 45 years
  5. 50 years
Directions (Q.No. 11-13) : Study the following information carefully and answer the question given below. 

A person moved 5 km towards east and then he turns 90° anti-clock wise and again moves 6 km. He again turns 135° clock-wise and walks 7 km. Then he turns 90° clock wise and stops after walking 6 km. He then turns 135° anti-clock wise and moves 5km. Again he turns 45° anti clock-wise and walks 6 km. At last he takes a final 45° anti clock-wise turn and stops after moving 7 km.

11. In which direction is he facing now with respect to his starting position ? 

  1. East 
  2. North
  3. North-East 
  4. South-East 
  5. None of these 
12. What is the total distance travelled from the point he took his third turn to the point where he took his last turn ? 
  1. 17 km
  2. 22 km 
  3. 14 km 
  4. Can't be determined 
  5. None of these 
13. In which direction was he facing with respect to the starting point when he took his fifth turn ? 
  1. South-East 
  2. South 
  3. East 
  4. Can't be determined 
  5. None of these 
14. Which of the following symbols should replace the sign (?) and (#) in the given expression in order to make the expression J > U and S > K definitely true ? 
U <= Q (?) A < S =J (#) H >= K 
  1. >=, <=
  2. >, <=
  3. =, >
  4. >=, >
  5. None of these 
15. In the following question relationships between different elements is shown in the statements. Mark the correct options based on which conclusion/conclusions follows. 

D > = P > T = L, P = V < X

Conclusions :

I. X > D
II. L < X

  1. Both I and II follow 
  2. None follows 
  3. Only I follows 
  4. Only II follows 
  5. Cannot be determined
Directions (Q.No. 16-20) : Study the following information and answer the question given below.

Six people namely A, B, C, D, E, F live in B.V Nagar and they read one newspaper each out of The Hindu, Times of India, Hindustan Times, Economic Times, Deccan Herald and Indian Express, not necessarily in the same order. Each per-son reads exactly one newspaper and no two persons read the same news-paper. The ages of these persons are 20, 25, 30, 35, 40 and 45 years, again not necessarily in the same order. It is also known that:

B is not the eldest in the group and he reads The Hindu. E's age is more than 30 years and he reads neither Hindustan Times nor Economics times. D does not read Economic Times. F is not the youngest person of the group and C is 35 years old who reads Deccan Herald. The total age of E and C is equal to the total age of A and D. The person who is 25 years old reads Times of India and eldest person of the group does not read Economics Times.

16. Who reads the Hindustan Times ?

  1. E
17. Who reads the Times of India ? 
  1. E
  2. None of these 
18. Who is the youngest person of the group ? 
19. Who is the oldest person of the group ?
20. What is the age of the person who reads the Economic Times ? 
  1. 40
  2. 30 
  3. 25 
  4. 35 
  5. Can't be determined. 

Key with Explanations :

  1. 3
  2. 5
  3. 2
  4. 1
  5. 5
  6. 5
  7. 3
  8. 5
  9. 1
  10. 3
  11. 3
  12. 1
  13. 1
  14. 3
  15. 4
  16. 3
  17. 3
  18. 2
  19. 1
  20. 2

Solutions :



Beach Name
Tej Veer

(11 - 13)


U <= Q = A < S = J > H >= K

Both J > U and S > K definitely true.


D > = P = V < X
X > V = P > T = L

(16 - 20)

Economic Times
The Hindu
Deccan Hindu
Hindustan Times
Indian Express
Times of India

Shared by Shravan Varma Gadhiraju

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Latest Pattern Reasoning Practice Test for IBPS POs, Clerks 2017 4.5 5 Yateendra sahu September 27, 2017 sponsored links Latest Pattern Reasoning Practice Test 2017 Directions (Q.No. 1-5) : Study the information given below and answer the...

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