Last 6 Months' Banking Awareness Quiz 2017 (Set 1)

September 18, 2017    

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  1. In case of default in repayment of consortium/multiple banking facilities extended to a borrower, it will be in order to proceed under SARFAESI Act only when the consent of at least ________________ of creditors by value is obtained.
    1. 20%
    2. 30%
    3. 40%
    4. 50%
    5. 60% 
  • A Micro or Small Enterprise may be said to have become Sick, if any of the borrowal account of the enterprise remains NPA for  ________________  months or more.
    1. 3
    2. 4
    3. 2
    4. 5
    5. None of these
  • Loans to individuals for educational purposes including vocational courses up to ________________   irrespective of the sanctioned amount are eligible for classification under priority sector.
    1. Rs. 5 lakh
    2. Rs. 10 lakh
    3. Rs. 15 lakh
    4. Rs. 20 lakh
    5. Rs. 11 lakh
  • CP can be issued for maturities between a minimum of  ________________ days and a maximum of up to ________________   from the date of issue.
    1. 8 days and 2 years
    2. 7 days and 1 year
    3. 6 days and 2 years
    4. 5 days and 1 year
    5. None of these 
  • Which of the following deficiencies arising out of sale of investment products and adherence to instructions are addressed by Banking Ombudsman ?
    1. Insurance
    2. Mutual fund
    3. Other third party investment products
    4. Mobile banking services
    5. All the above
  • Loans to individuals up to ________________ in metropolitan centres (with the population of ten lakh and above) falls under priority sector.
    1. Rs. 25 lakh
    2. Rs. 18 lakh
    3. Rs. 15 lakh
    4. Rs. 28 lakh
    5. Rs. 10 lakh
  • What is the rate applicable under GST to the services by the Reserve Bank of India ?
    1. 12%
    2. 28%
    3. 5%
    4. 18%
    5. No GST
  • Some NBFC are classified as Systematically Important NBFCs with a rationale that such NBFCs will have a bearing on the financial stability of the overall economy. In this connection NBFCs whose asset size is of  ________________ or more as per last audited balance sheet are considered as systemically important NBFCs :
    1. Rs. 100 cr 
    2. Rs. 200 cr
    3. Rs. 500 cr 
    4. Rs. 400cr
    5. Rs. 600 cr
  • Which of the following organization provides credit history of the borrowers ?
    1. CIBIL
    2. ARCIL
    3. SEBI
    4. RBI
    5. CCIL
  • As a part of financial inclusion normally a Banking outlets with its own staff or Banking Correspondents provide delivery of service for a minimum of 4 hours per day and for at least 5 days a week. If this type of services are not provided as per the said schedule it is called as ________________
    1. Extended Banking Outlet
    2. Full time Banking Outlet
    3. Rural Banking Outlet
    4. Off site Banking Outlet
    5. Part-time Banking Outlet 
  • Which of the following is the apex institution which handles refinance for agriculture and rural development in India ?
    1. RBI 
    2. SIDBI
    3. NABARD 
    4. SEBI
    5. NIRD
  • Regional Rural Banks are sponsored by :
    1. Nationalised Commercial Banks
    2. Reserve Bank of India
    3. Any Private Bank
    4. Government of India
    5. NABARD
  • All agency banks are advised to record the PPO numbers on the passbook of pensioners/family pensioners. PPO stands for.
    1. Pension Payment Order
    2. Pension Provision Order
    3. Previous Pension Order
    4. Post Pension Order
    5. None of the above
  • New Rs. 500 note is printed in stony grey colour. The base colour of Rs. 2000 rupee note is ________________
    1. Light Orange
    2. Red and light Yellow
    3. Orange - Violet
    4. Magenta
    5. Red - Orange
  • The revised notification amending the Banking Ombudsman Scheme 2006 came into force from :
    1. July 1, 2017
    2. October 1, 2017
    3. January 1, 2018
    4. April 1, 2018
    5. October 2, 2017
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Last 6 Months' Banking Awareness Quiz 2017 (Set 1) 4.5 5 Yateendra sahu September 18, 2017 sponsored links In case of default in repayment of consortium/multiple banking facilities extended to a borrower, it will be in order ...

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