Dear Students, English section of all SSC Exams is very challenging. You need to mug up all the grammar rules, vocabulary and practice a lot of mock tests to score maximum marks. Today, in this English quiz we are providing questions based on fill in the blanks and synonyms. Attempt this quiz, learn better and be prepared for the SSC CGL 2017 Exam.
Q1. What ------------- has the new administration's policies had on investor confidence?
(a) effect
(b) affect
(c) affecting
Q2. A feeling of one's worth is one of the ----------- goals of psychological therapy.
(a) principle
(b) principal
(c) priority
(d) None of these
Q3. There's no sense --------- carrying on that way.
(a) in
(b) of
(c) off
(d) None of these
Q4. I can't remember ---------- it was.
(a) whom
(b) who
(c) whose
(d) None of these
Q5. The infant ----------- quietly sucking its thumb.
(a) laying
(b) laid
(c) lay
(d) None of these
Q6. No one but ------------ ever made a perfect score on the test.
(a) Hers
(b) she
(c) her
(d) None of these
Q7. In the early days of frontier history, horse thieves were ------------.
(a) hanging
(b) hung
(c) hanged
(d) None of these
Q8. Neither of your responses ------------ satisfactory.
(a) are
(b) is
(c) am
(d) None of these
Q9. Either of these two small cars, if properly maintained, -------------- sure to give over thirty miles per gallon in highway driving.
(a) am
(b) is
(c) are
(d) None of these
Q10. Tell --------------- is waiting to come in.
(a) whatever
(b) whoever
(c) whomever
(d) None of these
Directions (11-15): Select the word having the same meaning as the given word in the question.
Q11. Idiocy
(a) Brilliancy
(b) Privilege
(c) Dogma
(d) Absurdity
Q12. Spry
(a) Doubtful
(b) Nimble
(c) Prognosticate
(d) Leave
Q13. Harbinger
(a) Forerunner
(b) Reel
(c) Epic
(d) Footstool
Q14. Simpleton
(a) Dunce
(b) Tattler
(c) Genius
(d) Quack
Q15. Brevity
(a) Corporal
(b) Shortness
(c) Moisture
(d) Valour
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