Dear Students, SSC CGL Tier-2 Exam will be held from 27 November to 30 November 2017 as per the latest update from SSC. A govt. Job is a dream for all of you. "Keep your dreams alive. Understand to achieve anything requires faith and belief in yourself, vision, hard work, determination, and dedication. Remember all things are possible for those who believe." So guys, You will have to trust on your vision of getting a reputed govt. job. Once you are crystal clear in your vision, the task becomes easier. There are total four papers in CGL tier-II Exam. Paper-1 (Quantitative Abilities) and Paper-2 (English Language and Comprehension) are compulsory for all candidates, but Paper-3 (Statistics), Paper-4 (General Studies Finance & Economics) are optional.
Since CGL Tier-1 2017 Exam is over now, so you can not do much about it, the answer keys will be out on 18th September 2017. Your Tier-1 2017 fate has been sealed but if you are sure that you will score more than 125 marks in tier-1 for sure, then start preparing for CGL Tier-2 2017. Friends, many of you must be waiting for answer keys or tier-1 2017 result and must be delaying your preparation. Well, you should know that delaying your preparation will do more damaging harms that you can't even think of. "Procrastination is one of the most common and deadliest of diseases and its toll on success and happiness is heavy. "
At Adda247, we have launched our Mission_CGL_Tier-2 Campaign. We are providing study material and quizzes for all four papers of CGL Tier-2 2017. We are providing study notes for Paper-4 General Studies (Finance and Economics) for the post of Assistant Audit Officer (AAO). We will soon provide Paper-3 (Statistics) study material as well.
You all look for standard study material which can be trusted, hence To understand your need for Trusted and Error free online test, ADDA247 with SSC ADDA, brings to you comprehensive test series for the SSC MAINS (TIER 2) EXAMS. And to encourage all of you to practice more, we have created previous years SSC CGL papers with correct answers and explanations. The package will surely bring better results in your exams as you can practice more than 10,000 questions. SSC CGL 2017 Tier II & Tier III Online Test Series with E-Books Package: This study package is complete study material for CGL Tier-2 2017.

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