How To Relax Your Exam Nerves??

September 11, 2017    

Being stressed during examinations is normal during examinations. You might feel tired under pressure, confused, worried that you won’t do well etc. Normal levels of stress can help you work efficiently, think faster and more effectively, and improve your performance. However, too much pressure and anxiety can make you feel blue. This may lead to lack of capability to concentrate and may also get you overly worried about your performance at the examination. 
Becoming aware of what causes your anxiety will help to reduce the stress. You should always know what exactly is the reason behind the excess of stress that you are suffering with. You might go through a feeling that other people are way ahead of you in terms of preparations or there are topics that are still remaining untouched or unclear. You might find yourself unable to stand the pace and the thought of not being able to perform to the best of your ability during the examination can actually scare the daylights out of you. 
How to relax your exam nerves?? People more often try to overcome this stress in many unhelpful ways. They may try to avoid their studies as it is causing them stress, may also tend to ignore a particular or topic that they are not good at and may not revise the topics that they are already done with because they think that they will do badly anyway. 
The key to reducing exam anxiety is to make an early start on your revision. Once you are done with the topics in advance, you get enough of extra hours to revise everything that you have already done. Regular studies reduce the level of stress, as the number of topics to be done does not accumulate into blizzards, hence provide the aspirant with a better physical and mental health. If you do not revise the topics that you studied months back, you end up remembering nothing at all that can cause stress significant enough to make it difficult for you to focus on the task at hand. 
You should also engage yourself in self-care strategies during examination time by keeping an eye on your sleep, nutrition, exercise, and implementing a few relaxation routines. Take a nap and exercise before exams. It resets your brain, increases blood flow to the brain and prepares you for critical thinking and retention. Do not exercise for too long, you don’t have to waste that much of time, 15 minutes will be enough. 
Try talking to someone. Don’t lock yourself up in a room and study all day and night. Becoming a book worm is definitely not going to help. Humans are social animals that you need to talk to and express your feeling with. Make sure you take out time to converse with someone, your friends, family, stranger, anyone. You need a support system and someone who will encourage you. 
Remind yourself that feeling anxious is normal and is one's natural reaction to any external pressure. The key is to put these nerves to positive use. Try to face the situation with a strong will power rather than avoiding or escaping from them. If you keep your faith, your trust, the right attitude, and if you're grateful, you'll see new doors of opportunities and success opening up on their own.
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How To Relax Your Exam Nerves?? 4.5 5 Yateendra sahu September 11, 2017 Being stressed during examinations is normal during examinations. You might feel tired under pressure, confused, worried that you won’t ...

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