How to Crack Intelligence Bureau ACIO Exam | Tips and Strategy

September 5, 2017    

Dear Students, "Opportunities are like sunrises. If you wait too long, you miss them." All of you are preparing for Govt. job competitive exams. SSC CGL Tier-1 exam has just concluded, You all must be preparing for the CGL Tier-2 exam to be held from 27 November 2017. Apart from CGL Exam, you have another great opportunity to get a govt job and that is "Intelligence Bureau Recruitment 2017".Intelligence Bureau (Ministry of Home Affairs) has released 1430 vacancies for Assistant Central Intelligence Officer (ACIO) Grade-II. Candidates can apply for this post till 10th September 2017. 

It's exam time now, almost 45 days are left for Intelligence Bureau Exam. Do you think you are prepared for the IB Exam in the new exam pattern? We have provided Previous years Intelligence Bureau exam papers on Adda247 App, solve all these papers and analyze your preparation of the Intelligence Bureau Exam. The difficulty level of the Intelligence Bureau Exam is going to be the same as SSC CGL Tier-1 2017. Our team of subjects experts have done the comparative study of Intelligence Bureau previous years papers, hence we can be sure of difficulty level same as CGL Tier-1 exam. All of you have been preparing well for the competitive exams and now it is time to give your best shot for Intelligence Bureau Exam 2017, and those students who have not yet started preparing for Intelligence Bureau Exam, we strongly advise you to do so. stay cool and calm, avoid all the distractions and study hard.

At SSC Adda, we've been publishing all the quizzes and study notes, previous years questions asked in the examination. Read all these posts and get familiar with the pattern. After analyzing Intelligence Bureau exam, we've come to a conclusion that the pattern and type of the question are relatively same as previous years, There will be no dramatic change in the type and difficulty level of the Intelligence Bureau Exam Question. Observe, Analyze and take advantage of it, and score maximum in the exam. Since IB ACIO Exam is going to be held online and in a completely different exam pattern, so at this stage, we can't predict or guess the cutoff of Intelligence Bureau 2017. So stop wasting your energy on irrelevant things, things that you can't control. But One thing that you can control or create is that your destiny. yes! You heard us Right. By doing the excellent planning and executing it in an effective and efficient way, you can easily crack IB Exam. You need to attempt one Mock test everyday till the final day of the exam. All your learning will be a waste if you do not practice.  Follow SSC ADDA blog, Adda247 app and You don't have to worry about anything else. We totally understand student's apprehensions, needs very well, we're here to help and Guide you for Intelligence Bureau 2017. keep following us for more valuable guidance from our expert faculties of Adda247. 

Exam Pattern:

Tier Description Of Examination Total Marks Duration
Tier-I Objective Type (25 questions each)
General Awareness 100 60 min
Quantitative Aptitude
Logical/Analytical Ability
English Language
Tier-II Descriptive Type
Essay on one of the given topics 30 60 min
English Comprehension & Precis Writing 20
Interview 100

One thing that is very essential and mandatory, Reading an English newspaper daily. we'd like to advise you to keep reading any standard English newspaper. A newspaper is a complete package for All competitive exams. The answer to all your problems/failures lies in a newspaper. If you read/follow any standard English newspaper, it will change your life for good dramatically.If you read a newspaper daily for at least 2 hours, it will help you in cultivating the Reading habit, which is the most sought after skill in a student or professional, who want to excel in their respective career/lives. When it comes to vocabulary Questions, Spellings, reading Comprehension, fill in the blanks, Idioms/phrases, Jumbled paragraph, Error detection etc. you can answer all these questions easily if you read a lot. And Most importantly, You’ll not have to buy/read any magazine for Current affairs, You’ll get all the information in a very cheap way.  We will be providing the Subject wise strategy for All four Subjects.

How to Crack Intelligence Bureau ACIO Exam | Tips and Strategy 4.5 5 Yateendra sahu September 5, 2017 Dear Students, " Opportunities are like sunrises. If you wait too long, you miss them ." All of you are preparing for Govt. jo...

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