How to Crack English Section Intelligence Bureau ACIO Exam 2017

September 5, 2017    

Dear Students, Intelligence Bureau Recruitment 2017 Exam will be conducted on 15th October 2017. Intelligence Bureau (Ministry of Home Affairs) has released 1430 vacancies for Assistant Central Intelligence Officer (ACIO) Grade-II. Candidates can apply for this post till 10th August 2017. The exam pattern has been changed and according to the new pattern, there will be 25 questions from four subjects. In English Section, there will be 25 questions for 25 marks. Your basic understanding of English language will be tested through different kind of English questions. In English, there are mainly 3 types of questions- vocabulary based questions, Grammar based questions, and Reading Comprehension related questions. Today in this post we will discuss the Smart Strategy to solve English Questions for  Intelligence Bureau 2017 Exam.

Section-1: Grammatical Section: Intelligence Bureau ACIO Exam 2017 

In  Intelligence Bureau Exam, Grammatical part merely depends on Rules. Once you remember and understand all the principal rules, this part can we solved very easily. Again, revision is the key here also. Most of the grammatical part consists of Parts of speech. You need to once go through all the parts of speech. This grammatical part plays an indispensable role in every type of questions in English Section. Learn all the Tenses and its Usages. Conditional Sentences- in every exam questions are asked from this topic in the form of fillers, error detection or sentence improvements. We have provided Study Notes on all grammatical parts and tenses, study these notes and attempt all the error detection and fill in the blanks questions correctly. Learn all important phrasal verbs. 

Section-2: Vocabulary Section: Intelligence Bureau ACIO Exam 2017 

This section is very interesting because you can easily score maximum marks in Vocab section. All you need to do is just Read English Newspaper, magazine or any article written in standard Engish. Once you understand the literal and figurative meaning of the English words, it would be easier to answer correctly all the questions based on Synonyms, Antonyms, One-word substitutions, and idioms/phrases. The only trick is to revise it daily without fail.The revision should be very intense and exhaustive. we have provided The Hindu Newspaper Editorial vocabulary, read all these words daily just 30 min. and you will cover more than 100 words, you will find all these words in the exam. For one word substitutions and idioms, we have provided all important and previous years questions, you can answer correctly after solving these quizzes on Adda247 App. 

Section-3: Comprehensive Section: Intelligence Bureau ACIO Exam 2017 

For these type of questions, you need to solve 5 comprehensions and cloze tests daily. Such questions are asked to check your understanding of Engish language especially your reading habits. If you are used to reading books, novel etc in English language, then it will come naturally to you. You can easily understand the context and you can answer all the questions based on it. the important trick for RC is to read the questions first, so that you can understand the context of the paragraph beforehand, while you read the passage very first time, you will find the answer to all the questions which you have already read. In this way, you can save precious time by not reading passage all over again for each question. when you study in these remaining days, follow this trick, it will help you tremendously. 

How to Prepare Effectively for English Section-IB ACIO Exam 

For an overall understanding of English Language, Students need to cultivate reading habits. Now Since, as you have enough time left for the Intelligence Bureau ACIO Exam 2017, now do a lot newspaper reading and practice questions and MOCK Tests as much as you can. Focus on your positive areas and make sure you score best in such topics.

Sentence Improvements: You need to have complete knowledge of tenses, sentence structure, prepositional phrases. So, learn and memorize important structures in the English language.

Error Detection: Knowledge of Subject-verb Agreement, Pronouns, Adjectives, Conjunctions, Determiners, and tenses is required. Revise and learn all important rules for these types of questions.

Fill in the blank: Focus on Prepositions, Phrasal verbs, and Vocabulary. Questions are mainly based on these three topics.

One Word Substitution: You should memorize at least 500 frequently asked important One-word substitutions words.

Idioms/Phrases: You should memorize at least 500 frequently asked important Idioms and Phrases.

Reading Comprehension: Practice Mock tests. The trick is to read the questions first and then read the passage. This way you can save your precious time. your reading habits come handy in this section.

Antonym/Synonym/Spellings: Always maintain a personal vocab diary, note down all the important vocabulary that you encounter in your newspaper reading. This habit will benefit you a lot. learn, memorize and practice mock tests. While you are reading a text in the newspaper or anywhere, pay more attention to the spellings of the words. 

How to Crack English Section Intelligence Bureau ACIO Exam 2017 4.5 5 Yateendra sahu September 5, 2017 Dear Students, Intelligence Bureau Recruitment 2017 Exam will be conducted on 15th October 2017. Intelligence Bureau (Ministry of Home ...

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