How can you score above IBPS RRB PO Prelims Cut Off ?

September 2, 2017    

Dear students,
RRB PO Preliminary Examination 2107 is going to be held in the next week and many of you must be worried about the cut off that was as high as 70 marks for the previous year examination which was possibly the highest cut off in the year 2016. The point to be noted here is that all the questions asked were easy as compared to the level of IBPS and SBI PO Examination. So, there is actually to need to be bundle of nerves to face the RRB PO Preliminary Examination just because last year's cut off was so high. But students, do not rely on the fact that previous year's exam was easy, we all know that the pattern of all the banking examination has shown a drastic variation when compared to previous year’s examination. So, prepare all the topics well. You can refer to the pattern asked in the previous years but cannot completely rely on them. Be ready for a bolt from the blue and prepare accordingly. Here are a few tips for Reasoning and Quantitative Aptitude Section that will help you clear RRB PO 2017 cut off.
Quantitative Aptitude Section
Quantitative Aptitude Section has always been difficult to the students, many of them are bundle of nerves while attempting this particular section. Well, this is a fact that this section can be very difficult and time-consuming. Data Interpretation and topics from arithmetic section make it difficult for one to deal with the section as easily as any other section. But students, you should all know that you can score pretty well in this section. The only way to make the grades in the section is strenuous practice.
  • The total number of questions asked in this Section in IBPS RRB PO Prelims Examination will be 40. 
  • The amount of time that you need to spend on the Quantitative Aptitude Section is 25 minutes. 
  • The trick to make the grade in Quantitative Aptitude Section is pretty manageable. 
  • Choose to attempt the questions on Quadratic Equations/ Inequalities, Simplification/ Approximation and Number Series first.  The total number of questions based on these topics will be 15. If we talk about the previous year Examination of IBPS PO RRB, there were 5 questions on Number Series, 5 on Quadratic equations, 5 on Simplification. There can be questions on Appoximation and Inequality too. 
  • One should try to attempt the maximum number of questions within 8 minutes of time. Attempt at least 11-12 questions because this part is the easiest. 
  • After having attempted all these questions efficiently, go for Data Interpretation. There were 3 DI's in the previous year IBPS RRB PO Examination so we can expect 15 questions on DI this year also. One should try to attempt at least 10-11 questions as 3 out of every 5 questions in a DI are doable. The time limit for DI's should be 10-12 minutes. 
  • Attempt questions based on Arithmetic in the end. There were a total number of 10 questions from miscellaneous topics in IBPS RRB PO 2016. 6 questions from Arithmetic Section too will be doable, so, try to attempt at least 5-6 questions within a time limit of 5-6 minutes.

Reasoning Ability Section
This section is no doubt going to make your blood run cold with a great number of puzzles and the number can be as great as 55-60% of the total number of questions in this section. You literally need to practice quite hard if you genuinely wish to ace the grades in this particular section. Puzzle is the most significant part of Reasoning Section as the number of expected questions from this topic is 15-20.
  • So many other miscellaneous topics too are being asked in the form of puzzles only. The puzzles now being asked are very lengthy, complex and even calculation based. They are usually based on Seating Arrangement (linear, circular, triangular, rectangular and sometimes hexagonal even), Floors, Tabular form, Blood Relations, etc. and can be asked in 2-4 variables, depending on the difficulty level of the question. A mix of Seating Arrangement and Blood Relations is also being frequently asked in the examinations. An important tip to solve difficult puzzles with 100% accuracy is to make 2-3 possibilities for the same puzzle and keep canceling them out as you proceed. Another important point to bear in mind while doing puzzles is not to ignore the important key points while reading the question. The puzzles that are easy to solve should not consume more than 2-3 minutes, the puzzles of moderate level should be solved within 5 minutes and the difficult puzzles should be finished within 8-10minutes. If the time that you take while solving different puzzles is more than the time affirmed above, then you really need to work on it.
  • The syllogism is another important topic of Reasoning Ability Section. The number of expected questions on this topic is 5-6. The questions can be based on the usual old pattern as well as the new pattern of Reverse Syllogism in which the conclusion is given in the question and you have to choose the correct statements for that particular conclusion. It is one of the easiest and scoring topics so prepare it well and you will be able to bag 5 marks very easily in Reasoning Ability Section. 
  • Data Sufficiency is also an important topic that can get you at least 3 to 5 marks in the Reasoning Section. The questions based on data sufficiency can have 2 or 3 statements based on the difficulty level of the questions. If asked, there will be a total of 3-5 questions on this topic. 
  • The questions asked from Logical Reasoning are based on cause and effect, a course of action, assumptions and conclusions, strength of arguments, inference, etc. The number of expected questions on this topic is 5-6. 
  • The level of questions has always been moderate so you can easily attempt the questions without wasting much of time on them. Inequality, Blood Relation, Direction and Distance are the other miscellaneous topics that are easy to solve as compared to the topics mentioned above. The questions asked on these topics range from 2 to 5 from each topic. Try to attempt these questions in the beginning as these are easy to solve and do not consume much of your time.
So this is how you have to attempt these two sections and you will easily be able to score more than 65 marks in RRB PPO Prelims Examination. Keep practicing and everything will come up roses in the end.
Best of Luck!!

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How can you score above IBPS RRB PO Prelims Cut Off ? 4.5 5 Yateendra sahu September 2, 2017 Dear students, RRB PO Preliminary Examination 2107 is going to be held in the next week and many of you must be worried about the cut off ...

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