English Questions For IBPS RRB PO and Clerk Exam 2017

September 19, 2017    

Dear Students,
English Questions For IBPS RRB PO Exam 2017
English Section is a topic that is feared by most of the candidates appearing in the IBPS PO Exam. Though the sheer number of concepts and rules may seem intimidating at first, with discipline and the right approach, it is not difficult to master these concepts and their application to questions. Through such English Quizzes, we will provide you all types of high-level questions to ace the Sentence Improvement questions based on new pattern English section of banking exams.
Directions (1-15): In each question, there is pair of words/phrases that highlighted. From the highlighted word(s)/phrase(s), select the most appropriate word(s)/phrase(s) to form correct sentences. Then, from the options given, choose the best one.
 I.The judge has suspended the inquiry(a)/enquiry(b) into the police shooting of the escaped mental patient.
II.I had to break(a)/brake(b) suddenly when a cat ran in front of the car.
III.I don’t know whether(a)/weather(b) to go for a hike or a swim.
I. I kept getting passed(a)/past(b) on the interstate today.
II.In the passed(a)/past(b), I drove a lot faster.
III. A peace(a)/piece(b) of pie would be great right now.
I. I spend much of my time at the shops, wandering through the isle(a)/aisles (b)
II.She handed over the  reign(a)/reins(b) of the company to her successor
III.only by researching stocks thoroughly can a client insure(a)/ensure(b) against being misled
I.The budget has been pared(a)/pair(b) to the bone.
II.My insurance will accept(a)/except(b) the charges for the accident.
III.We put a board(a)/bored(b) on the roof to fix the leak.
I. After he was sick for several days, his face was pail(a)/pale(b). 
II. The fight scene(a)/seen(b) in the movie was extremely exciting!
III. My favorite stringed instrument is the base(a)/bass(b) because it is so big.
I.he commands the sort of tonal palate(a)/palette(b) which this music needs
II.The word “derby” can connote(a)/denote (b) a horse race or a kind of hat.
III.He tried to jump the cue(a)/queue(b) but they wouldn't let him.
I.People were trying to rescue a whale that had beached(a)/beech(b) itself on the shore
II.Half of the students are boarders(a)/border(b).
III.he addressed every class in a terrifying bawl(a)/ball(b)

I. She doesn't have the muscle(a)/ mussel(b) to lift something so heavy.
II. It is not clear whether the judge will grant bail(a)/bale(b) in this case.
III.There is debate about whether the country needs a draught(a)/draft(b).
I.You could take a different root(a)/route(b) and still arrive at the same conclusion.
II. Later, we see this character again in a slightly altered(a)/altar(b) form.
III.She carefully marshaled(a)/martial(b) her thoughts before answering the question.

I.There were continual(a)/continuous(b) battles between authority figures like Skinner and the free spirits who formed the band.
II.How the aspiring artist achieved his accomplished technique eludes(a)/allude(b) us.
III.I know that some readers may find my language-stickler columns pedantic(a)/didactic(b), or, even worse, tedious.
I.He had argued that he received ineffective assistance of council(a)/counsel(b) at trial.
II.Witnesses say he was bleeding profusely but conscious(a)/conscience(b) and talking.
III.Each team will have to play on three concurrent(a)/consecutive(b) nights at least once.
I.Nearly all medical schools teach the importance of listening to patients and showing empathy(a)/sympathy(b).
II.We came to win the game and I thought we played specially(a)/especially(b) well in the first half.
III. He wrote in Latin an incorrect history of England, which is still extent(a)/extant(b). 
I.It can even foment (a)/ferment(b) terrorism as people give up hope in good and honest government.
II.In other words, the euro zone is based on a gentleman's agreement that's widely flaunted(a)/flouted(b).
III.I soon realized that the efforts, though laudable(a)/laudatory(b), have a ways to go to meet the standard being set in my hometown.

I.The last one closed in October as the museum moves historic(a)/historical (b) objects out of its west wing for a major renovation beginning early next year.
II.It isn't fair to imply(a)/infer(b) that cardiovascular disease is going away
III.Implementation can be a time intensive(a)/intense(b) process in terms of training, data input, data conversion, and down time.
I.Getting these imports at a cheaper price, than(a)/then(b), is good news.
II.Nothing is more powerful than an idea that(a)/whose(b) time has come.
III.Ed's house, that(a)/which(b) is located on thirteen acres, was completely furnished with bats in the rafters and mice in the kitchen

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English Questions For IBPS RRB PO and Clerk Exam 2017 4.5 5 Yateendra sahu September 19, 2017 Dear Students, English Section is a topic that is feared by most of the candidates appearing in the IBPS PO Exam. Though the sheer number...

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