Militate: विरोध करना
(Of a fact or circumstance) be a powerful or conclusive factor in preventing; resist, gainsay, interfere, protest, antagonize
Example: These fundamental differences will militate against the two communities coming together.
Example: These fundamental differences will militate against the two communities coming together.
Exuberance: उल्लास
The quality of being full of energy, excitement, and cheerfulness; ebullience
Example: A sense of youthful exuberance.
Example: A sense of youthful exuberance.
Antagonise: दुश्मनी मोल लेना
Provoke the hostility of
Example: Don’t antagonize your boss.
Example: Don’t antagonize your boss.
Apprehension: भय
Anxiety or fear that something bad or unpleasant will happen; angst, alarm, worry, unease
Example: The student looked around the examination room with apprehension.
Example: The student looked around the examination room with apprehension.
Gargantuan: विशाल
Enormous, extremely big, huge, massive
Example: Anusaraka project is a gargantuan task.
Example: Anusaraka project is a gargantuan task.
Morph: रूप
Appearance, countenance, feature, figuration
Example: The morph of the statue is beautiful.
Example: The morph of the statue is beautiful.
Ail: रोग/कष्ट
Trouble or afflict (someone) in mind or body
Example: Exercise is good for whatever ails one.
Example: Exercise is good for whatever ails one.
Malaise: बेचैनी/अस्वस्थता
A general feeling of discomfort, illness, or unease whose exact cause is difficult to identify
Example: There are signs of a creeping malaise in our office.
Example: There are signs of a creeping malaise in our office.
Paltry: तुच्छ
Very small or meagre
Example: She would earn a paltry £33 more a month.
Example: She would earn a paltry £33 more a month.
Impetus: गतिबल
The force or energy with which a body moves; momentum
Example: What the economy needs is a new impetus.
Example: What the economy needs is a new impetus.
Stride: लंबे कदम
Walk with long, decisive steps in a specified direction; march
Example: He strode across the road.
Example: He strode across the road.
Pinnacle: शिखर
The most successful point; the culmination; highest level, peak
Example: He had reached the pinnacle of his career.
Example: He had reached the pinnacle of his career.
Promulgate: लागू करना/प्रचार करना
Promote or make widely known (an idea or cause); publicize, spread
Example: VK Sasikala urged Narendra Modi to promulgate ordinance for Jallikattu.
Example: VK Sasikala urged Narendra Modi to promulgate ordinance for Jallikattu.
Dearth: कमी/दुर्लभता/अकाल
A scarcity or lack of something; shortage
Example: There is a dearth of evidence.
Example: There is a dearth of evidence.
Quack: नीम हकीम
A person who dishonestly claims to have special knowledge and skill in some field, typically medicine; charlatan
Example: There are many quacks these days who practise medicine.
Example: There are many quacks these days who practise medicine.
Tout: दलाल
A person who buys up tickets for an event to resell them at a profit
Example: A tout collects more money.
Example: A tout collects more money.
Panacea: रामबाण
A solution or remedy for all difficulties or diseases; universal cure
Example: There is no panacea to make idiot an intelligent.
Example: There is no panacea to make idiot an intelligent.
Pious: धर्मनिष्ठ
Devoutly religious
Example: Reena’s mother is a perfect pious.
Example: Reena’s mother is a perfect pious.
Efficacy: क्षमता
The ability to produce a desired or intended result
Example: There is little information on the efficacy of this treatment.
Example: There is little information on the efficacy of this treatment.
Replenishment: भराई
Restoration of a stock or supply to a former level or condition
Example: A target for replenishment of depleted fish stocks.
Example: A target for replenishment of depleted fish stocks.
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