1. Perverse [per-vurs]
Adjective: willfully determined or disposed to go counter to what is expected or desired; contrary; characterized by or proceeding from such a determination or disposition; wayward or cantankerous; persistent or obstinate in what is wrong; turned away from or rejecting what is right, good, or proper; wicked or corrupt.
Related forms: perversely, adverb.
Synonyms: abnormally, peculiarly, strangely, uncommonly.
Antonym: naturally.
2. Unscrupulous [uhn-skroo-pyuh-luh s]
Adjective: not scrupulous; unrestrained by scruples; conscienceless; unprincipled.
Synonyms: corrupt, crafty, crooked, deceitful, dishonest, illegal, petty, ruthless, selfish, shady, shameless, underhanded, unethical, venal, arrant, base, casuistic, conscienceless, degraded, degrading, disgraceful, dishonorable, exploitative, improper, low-down.
Antonyms: aboveboard, decent, ethical, fair, frank.
Example: Ironically, the concern is leavened by a crumb of concern about women, in this case the women who are “wrongly” arrested under Section 498A — the mothers and sisters-in-law.
3. Leaven [lev-uh n]
Noun: a substance, as yeast or baking powder, that causes fermentation and expansion of dough or batter; fermented dough reserved for producing fermentation in a new batch of dough; an element that produces an altering or transforming influence.
Verb: to add leaven to (dough or batter) and cause to rise; to permeate with an altering or transforming element.
Synonyms: lighten, raise, pepsinate.
4. Crumb [kruhm]
Noun: a small particle of bread, cake, etc., that has broken off; a small particle or portion of anything; fragment; bit; the soft inner portion of a bread (distinguished from crust ).
Verb: Cookery. to dress or prepare with crumbs; to break into crumbs or small fragments; to remove crumbs from.
Synonyms: atom, dab, dash, dram, drop, grain, iota, jot, mite, ounce, particle.
Antonyms: glob, lot.
Example: This is a breathtaking assumption, and not based upon any substantial research whatsoever, nor do the judges quote such research.
5. Substantial [suh b-stan-shuh l]
Adjective: of ample or considerable amount, quantity, size, etc.; of a corporeal or material nature; tangible; real; of solid character or quality; firm, stout, or strong; basic or essential; fundamental; wealthy or influential.
Noun: something substantial.
Example: Based on this, the judges conclude that the complaints were frivolous and “trivial”.
6. Frivolous [friv-uh-luh s]
Adjective: characterized by lack of seriousness or sense; self-indulgently carefree; unconcerned about or lacking any serious purpose; (of a person) given to trifling or undue levity; of little or no weight, worth, or importance; not worthy of serious notice.
Synonyms: foolish, idiotic, impractical, petty, pointless, senseless, barmy, childish, dizzy, empty-headed, facetious, featherbrained, flighty, flip, flippant, gay, giddy, harebrained, idle, ill-considered, juvenile.
Antonyms: intelligent, sensible, wise, grave.
7. Trivial [triv-ee-uh l]
Adjective: of very little importance or value; insignificant; commonplace; ordinary.
Synonyms: commonplace, frivolous, immaterial, incidental, inconsequential, insignificant, irrelevant, meaningless, minor, negligible, paltry, petty, superficial, trite, unimportant, atomic, beside the point, diminutive, evanescent, everyday, flimsy, inappreciable, inconsiderable.
Antonyms: consequential, essential, important, major, meaningful.
Example: Further, the low conviction rate of 14.4% is more an indictment of the agonising judicial process, which is time-consuming and drains women of their resources and resolve.
8. Indictment [in-dahyt-muh nt]
Noun: an act of indicting; Law. a formal accusation initiating a criminal case, presented by a grand jury and usually required for felonies and other serious crimes; any charge, accusation, serious criticism, or cause for blame; the state of being indicted.
Synonyms: allegation, arraignment, bill, charge, citation, detention, impeachment, prosecution, statement, summons, warrant.
Antonyms: praise, absolution, acquittal, exoneration.
9. Agonize [ag-uh-nahyz]
Verb: to suffer extreme pain or anguish; be in agony; to put forth great effort of any kind; to distress with extreme pain; torture.
Synonyms: excruciating, harrowing, intense, tortuous, disturbing, racking, struggling, tearing, tormenting, torturing, extreme, fierce, vehement, violent.
Antonyms: pleasant, pleasing.
Example: The widespread misuse of this section by usurious moneylenders and financial institutions has never been publicly debated.
10. Usurious [yoo-zhoo r-ee-uh s]
Adjective: practicing usury; charging illegal or exorbitant rates of interest for the use of money; constituting or characterized by usury.
Synonyms: extorting, mean, penny-pinching, acquisitive, avaricious, avid, close-fisted, covetous, desirous, extortionate, grabby, itchy, miserly.
Antonyms: generous, unselfish.
- http://www.bankersadda.com/2017/08/the-hindu-newspaper-editorial_7.html
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