Dear Readers,
Vocabulary is an important part of English that helps you deal with all kinds of questions in objective as well as descriptive papers of various exams. You can learn new words daily from our Daily Word List. Learn the words and make your own sentences on the basis of the given word list. Here are a few lines from The Hindu.
1. Sober [soh-ber]
Example: Indeed the second half of the last fiscal saw the growth rate plummet by 1.2 percentage points compared to the first half.
2. Plummet [pluhm-it]
Example: While a lot of effort has been undertaken by the Supreme Court to ensure uniformity in pay scales across States through its orders in the All India Judges’ Association case, it is still abysmally low when compared to that in the private sector, notably law firms, litigation and the corporate sector.
3. Abysmal [uh-biz-muh l]
4. Litigation [lit-i-gey-shuh n]
Example: The problems of the Indian judiciary at all levels have reached catastrophic levels.
5. Catastrophic [kat-uh-strof-ik]
Example: In talking of a New India free of casteism, terrorism, corruption and nepotism by 2022, in his Independence Day address, Prime Minister Narendra Modi was seeking to sell a longer term vision to Indians, a vision that goes beyond the limit of his current term in office.
6. Nepotism [nep-uh-tiz-uh m]
Example: Demonetisation, the Goods and Services Tax, the movement toward a digital economy, all these were spoken of as part of a movement inexorably leading to a corruption-free, transparent India.
7. Inexorable [in-ek-ser-uh-buh l]
Example: In this, he seemed to echo President Ram Nath Kovind, who called for a compassionate society that does not discriminate on the basis of gender or religious background.
8. Compassionate [adjective kuh m-pash-uh-nit; verb kuh m-pash-uh-neyt]
Example: Increasing productivity in perpetuity without ecological harm is the need of the hour.
9. Perpetuity [pur-pi-too-i-tee, -tyoo-]
Example: Now WhatsApp forwards deliver more pop psychology and misogyny to the average Indian household than a TV serial.
10. Misogyny [mi-soj-uh-nee, mahy-]
Example: Caution from a sobering Survey.
1. Sober [soh-ber]
Adjective: not intoxicated or drunk; habitually temperate, especially in the use of liquor; quiet or sedate in demeanor, as persons; marked by seriousness, gravity, solemnity, etc., as of demeanor, speech, etc.
Verb: to make or become sober.
Synonyms: dangerous, deep, difficult, far-reaching, grievous, important, major, meaningful, severe, significant, tough, urgent, arduous, fateful, fell, formidable, grave.
Antonyms: calm, easy, facile, friendly.
Example: Indeed the second half of the last fiscal saw the growth rate plummet by 1.2 percentage points compared to the first half.
2. Plummet [pluhm-it]
Noun: a piece of lead or some other weight attached to a line, used for determining perpendicularity, for sounding, etc.; the bob of a plumb line; something that weighs down or depresses.
Verb: to plunge.
Synonyms: collapse, crash, decline, decrease, descend, dip, dive, drop, drop down, fall, nose-dive.
Antonyms: ascend, go up, grow, increase.
Example: While a lot of effort has been undertaken by the Supreme Court to ensure uniformity in pay scales across States through its orders in the All India Judges’ Association case, it is still abysmally low when compared to that in the private sector, notably law firms, litigation and the corporate sector.
3. Abysmal [uh-biz-muh l]
Adjective: of or like an abyss; immeasurably deep or great; extremely or hopelessly bad or severe.
Related forms: abysmally, adverb.
4. Litigation [lit-i-gey-shuh n]
Noun: a lawsuit.the act or process of litigating; a lawsuit.
Synonyms: case, process, prosecution, trial, suit, action, lawsuit, dispute, cause, contention.
Example: The problems of the Indian judiciary at all levels have reached catastrophic levels.
5. Catastrophic [kat-uh-strof-ik]
Adjective: of the nature of a catastrophe, or disastrous event; calamitous.
Synonyms: calamitous, cataclysmic, disastrous, fatal, ruinous, tragic, cataclysmal, catastrophal.
Antonyms: advantageous, blessed, fortunate, happy, successful.
Example: In talking of a New India free of casteism, terrorism, corruption and nepotism by 2022, in his Independence Day address, Prime Minister Narendra Modi was seeking to sell a longer term vision to Indians, a vision that goes beyond the limit of his current term in office.
6. Nepotism [nep-uh-tiz-uh m]
Noun: patronage bestowed or favoritism shown on the basis of family relationship, as in business and politics.
Synonyms: bias, discrimination, inequity, partisanship, partiality, preference, one-sidedness, preferential treatment.
Antonym: fairness.
Example: Demonetisation, the Goods and Services Tax, the movement toward a digital economy, all these were spoken of as part of a movement inexorably leading to a corruption-free, transparent India.
7. Inexorable [in-ek-ser-uh-buh l]
Adjective: unyielding; unalterable; inexorable justice; not to be persuaded, moved, or affected by prayers or entreaties.
Related forms: inexorably, adverb.
Synonyms: ferociously, fiercely, mercilessly, relentlessly, ruthlessly, savagely, viciously, atrociously, barbarically, barbarously, brutishly, callously, demoniacally, diabolically, ferally, hardheartedly.
Antonyms: gently, humanely, kindly, nicely.
Example: In this, he seemed to echo President Ram Nath Kovind, who called for a compassionate society that does not discriminate on the basis of gender or religious background.
8. Compassionate [adjective kuh m-pash-uh-nit; verb kuh m-pash-uh-neyt]
Adjective: having or showing compassion; a compassionate letter; granted in an emergency; pitiable.
Verb: to pity or have compassion for.
Synonyms: benevolent, charitable, humane, merciful, sympathetic, warm, warmhearted, forbearing, pitying, sparing, tender, understanding, all heart, being big, bleeding heart, commiserative, going easy on.
Antonyms: cold, cool, cruel, inhumane.
Example: Increasing productivity in perpetuity without ecological harm is the need of the hour.
9. Perpetuity [pur-pi-too-i-tee, -tyoo-]
Noun: the state or character of being perpetual (often preceded by in); endless or indefinitely long duration or existence; eternity; something that is perpetual; an annuity paid for life.
Synonyms: constancy, continuance, continuity, endurance.
Antonyms: end, stoppage.
Example: Now WhatsApp forwards deliver more pop psychology and misogyny to the average Indian household than a TV serial.
10. Misogyny [mi-soj-uh-nee, mahy-]
Noun: hatred, dislike, or mistrust of women, or prejudice against women.
Synonyms: sexism, discrimination, prejudice, chauvinism, objectification.
Antonyms: misandry, philogyny.
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