Night Class: English Quiz for RRB PO 2017

August 2, 2017    

Dear Students,
English Questions For IBPS RRB PO Exam 2017
English Section is a topic that is feared by most of the candidates appearing in the IBPS RRB Mains Exam. Through the concept of Night classes, we are providing you all types of high-level questions to ace English Section of banking exams.

Directions (1-15): In each sentence below, a word/group of words have been printed in bold. From the five answer choices given below each sentence, pick out the one which can substitute the bold word/group of words correctly, without changing the meaning of the sentence. 

Q1. He claims that his proposal is preferable than that of any other employee.
(a) preferable than for
(b) preferable for than
(c) preferably more than that of
(d) preferable to of
(e) No correction required.
Q2. The social worker has championed the cause from the weak and oppressed for the last four decades.
(a) has been championing the cause of
(b) had championed the cause for
(c) has been championing the cause for
(d) had been championed the cause for
(e) No correction required

Q3. Initially, the hijackers seemed determined not to submit but ultimately they were given in.
(a) were given up
(b) gave in
(c) had been given up
(d) had been given in
(e) No correction required

Q4. Every one of us must have experienced how people have to put up with a good deal of discomfort while traveling.
(a) have to be put with a good deal of
(b) have been putting up a good deal with
(c) have to put up a good deal with
(d) are putting up with a good deal with
(e) No correction required

Q5. Disputes are mainly maintained by those who are nothing else to do.
(a) have nothing else to do
(b) are nothing to do else where
(c) had nothing to be done
(d) do not have nothing else to do
(e) No correction required

Q6. The judge noticed that the two statements made by the accused were not consistent from each other.
(a) were not being in consistence for
(b) were being inconsistent at
(c) had not been consistent for
(d) were not consistent with
(e) No correction required

Q7. The economic reforms initiated in 1991 have borne fruit.
(a) have born fruit
(b) have burnt fruit
(c) have been borne fruits
(d) have been bearing the fruits
(e) No correction required

Q8. Our business firms werefull aware of the problems they were going to face on the threshold of the year 2000.
(a) have been full aware of
(b) were fully aware of
(c) had been fully aware at
(d) were fully aware into
(e) No correction required

Q9. The habit of smoking has been grow upon the youngsters.
(a) is growing up
(b) has been grown up
(c) has been growing upon
(d) has grown up
(e) No correction required

Q10. To succeed in a difficult task, persistent in needed.
(a) persistent is what one needs
(b) persistence should have needed
(c) one need to be persisted
(d) persistence is needed
(e) No correction required

Q11. When the boy regain consciousness he wanted to eat something.
(a) If the boy regain
(b) When the boy regained
(c) Despite the boy regain
(d) On the boy regaining
(e) No correction required

Q12. The social worker wanted to bring about little changes in the lives of the people of that village.
(a) to bring back
(b) to bring up
(c) to bring forth
(d) bringing about
(e) No correction required

Q13. Raghunath proposes to lay claim for the insurance company as soon as he recovers from the accident.
(a) lay claim to
(b) lay claim on
(c) laying claim towards
(d) lay claim against
(e) No correction required

Q14. The new concession announced by the Government will have only a marginalized effect on the lives of the people.
(a) marginal effect off
(b) margin of effect on
(c) marginal effect on
(d) marginalizing effect in
(e) No correction required

Q15. The Charitable Hospital works under the auspices from Welfare Trust of an Industry.
(a) under the auspices by
(b) by the auspices from
(c) through the auspices from
(d) under the auspices of
(e) No correction required

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Night Class: English Quiz for RRB PO 2017 4.5 5 Yateendra sahu August 2, 2017 Dear Students, English Section is a topic that is feared by most of the candidates appearing in the IBPS RRB Mains Exam. Through the conc...

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