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- Which command be used to clear the screen and display the operating sy stem prompt on the first line on the display ?
- Cd
- Md
- Rename
- Cls
- None of these
- Internal commands in Dos are
- Cls, rd label
- Dir, ren, sys
- Del, disk copy, label
- Time, type, dir
- None of these
- Which command is used to copy files ?
- Diskcopy
- Type
- Copy
- All of the above
- None of these
- SYS command is used to
- Copy DOS configuration files to a new disk
- Update the DOS system files
- Copy DOS system files to new disk
- All of these
- None of these
- External command in DOS are
- copy, edit, sys, format
- edit, sys, chkdsk
- chkdsk, prompt, date
- sys, ver, vol
- None of these
- Which command is used to get the current date only ?
- Time
- Second
- All of the above
- Date
- None of these
- DEL command is used to
- Delete directory
- Delete labels
- Delete contents of file
- Delete files
- None of these
- DIR command is used to
- Display contents of files in directory
- Display a list of files in a directory
- Display type of files in a sub directory
- All of above
- None of these
- The deleted file in MS-DOS can be recovered if you used the command mention below immediately, the command is :
- None of these
- To copy the file command.com from drive c: to drive a:
- Copy c:\command.com a:
- Drive c: copy drive a:\command.com
- C:A: copy command.com
- Both 2 and 3
- None of these
- While working with MS-DOS which key is used to get the previous command used
- F1
- F6
- F3
- F9
- None of these
- FAT stands for
- File Accommodation Table
- File Access Tape
- File Allocation Table
- File Activity Table
- None of these
- Which commend is used to make a new directory ?
- Cd
- Md
- Rd
- Bd
- None of these
- Full form of MS-DOS is
- Microsystem Disk Operating System
- Microsimple Disk Operating System
- Microsort Disk Operating System
- Miscrosoft Disk Operating System
- None of these
- RESTORE command is used to
- Restore files which are deleted
- Restore files from recycle bin
- Restore files from disks made using the BACKUP command
- Restore files which are deleted recently
- None of these
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