Get Adda247 Test Series, eBooks & Video Courses at Discounted Price | Pace up Your Preparation

August 29, 2017    

Dear Readers,

This is the most crucial time for every banking and SSC aspirant and IBPS RRB exams are approaching, and very soon after a month, you’ll face the biggest and most awaited IBPS PO recruitment. SSC CGL Tier-I exams are also over but that doesn’t mean aspirants should sit and relax for CGL Tier-I result, rather you should pace up your preparation for Tier-2. 
To assist you in keeping your preparation on right track we give you FLAT 17% OFF on all Adda247 Test Series for Banking, Insurance, and SSC Exams. Offer Valid till 31st August

It is not just about SSC CGL Tier-II, IBPS RRB and IBPS PO Exams, but have a plenty of other recruitment exams lined up in these three months Sept, Oct and Nov; remember these exams are your gateway to getting a govt job. You have ACIO Grade-IIIMD Scientific AssitantUIIC Assistant, LIC HFLOICL AO, Federal BankISRO Assistant and very soon the notification for IBPS Clerk is also expected to be released. But with plenty of opportunities, there will also be a tough fight for each one of these recruitments that you’ll have to face. Aspirants are preparing and practicing Day-in day-out, you should add a boost to your practice as well.
Have you tested your abilities or are you just waiting for the day of examination? Don’t wait for that day of exam because that is not the time for you to learn when you already can improve and know how that exam will be before that day. Be well ahead of time, because if you are not, then those Lakhs of students enrolled with Career Power Test Series are. And now it’s your time to be a smart worker and we've given you all a bright offer of FLAT 17% OFF on all Adda247 Test Series.
Flat 10% Off on all Adda247 Video Courses for Bank and SSC Exams
On the auspicious occasion of Ganesh Utsav, Adda247 is giving you Flat 10% Off on all Adda247 Video Courses, assisting you to get the best and effective tool for Bank and SSC Exam Preparation. This Offer is available on all Adda247 Video Courses and you can get the discount by using Coupon Code: GU10 valid till 5th September 2017.
The Banking and SSC Video Course comprises a complete package of video tutorials for bank exams and SSC Exams starting from Basics to the Advanced level that one would like to penetrate through while preparing for upcoming exams.
If you've been preparing to get a job in these sectors for quite some time now then you must know that there have been some drastic changes in these 3 sections as well. The dynamics of banking and insurance recruitment exams have totally transformed and in addition to it, there is the ever increasing number of candidates fighting for 1 seat in recruitment. 
To help you stand and win this challenge and get that government job which you need to kick start your career, Adda247 bring you Subject-wise All Rounder eBooks Packages at Flat 50% Off; it includes the Career Power Subject Course eBooks, the Class Based Assignments & the Topic wise eBooks for the Prelims & Mains 2017.

Combo All Rounder eBooks Package- English Medium 
  • Career Power's Reasoning Ability, English Language and Quantitative Aptitude Course eBooks for Banking Exams
  • 8500+ MCQs for your practice
  • Career Power's Class Based Assignments of Reasoning Ability, Quant and English.
  • Topic Wise eBooks of Quantitative Aptitude, English and Reasoning for Prelims Exam.
  • Topic Wise High-Level eBooks of Quantitative Aptitude, English and Reasoning for Mains Exam.
Combo All Rounder eBooks Package- English Medium- HINDI Medium

Know about Reasoning All Rounder, Quantitative Aptitude All Rounder and English All Rounder eBooks Package Details

These eBooks can provide you perfect assistance to practice and crack upcoming UIIC Assistant, IBPS RRB PO, and Office Assistant, OICL, IBPS PO and IBPS Clerk Exams. Catch the opportunity before it is gone!!
So no excuses for yourself this time…. You have the opportunity…make the most out of it… this fall it should be your ultimate aim to get through examination with flying colours.


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Get Adda247 Test Series, eBooks & Video Courses at Discounted Price | Pace up Your Preparation 4.5 5 Yateendra sahu August 29, 2017 Dear Readers, This is the most crucial time for every banking and SSC aspirant and IBPS RRB exams are approaching, and very soon after...

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