English Questions For IBPS RRB PO and Clerk Exam 2017

August 7, 2017    

Dear Students,
English Questions For IBPS RRB PO Exam 2017
English Section is a topic that is feared by most of the candidates appearing in the IBPS RRB Mains Exam. Though the sheer number of concepts and rules may seem intimidating at first, with discipline and the right approach, it is not difficult to master these concepts and their application to questions. Through such English Quizzes, we will provide you all types of high-level questions to ace the, word usage, new pattern English section of banking exams.
Directions (1-5): Given below is the first sentence of a paragraph followed by six other disarranged sentences which are denoted by (A), (B), (C), (D) (E) and (F). Rearrange these six sentences to make a meaningful paragraph, keeping the first sentence as the starter of the para and then answer the questions that follow.

Starter: Twenty-Five centuries ago, when the Greek traveler Herodotus visited the already ancient monument of Egypt, he found that the tourists had gotten there first.
(A) The Egyptians built for eternity.
(B) The ‘why’ is easy: religious beliefs that sought perpetuation in masses of stones so ponderous they must be measures in tons and acres and that demanded that these material manifestations of faith be not only huge but permanent.
(C) Tourists are still coming to Egypt and are probably still inscribing their names on the old stones.
(D) In the words of Ramses II, who dedicated the magnificent temple of Medinet Habut in the 13th Century B.C., this was to be “a place of the Lord of the Gods, forever”.
(E) Their names were scratched on the crumbling ruins in hundreds of ancient languages.
(F) They are probably sharing another experience too – standing in silent and involuntary admiration before the great structures and silently posing those inevitable questions: why? How?
Q1. Which of the following should be the FIFTH sentence after the starter?
Q2. Which of the following should be the FIRST sentence after the starter?
Q3. Which of the following should be the SIXTH (LAST) sentence after the starter?
Q4. Which of the following should be the FOURTH sentence after the starter?
Q5. Which of the following should be the SECOND sentence after the starter?
Directions (6-10): Which of the phrases (a), (b), (c) and (d) given below should replace the phrase given in bold in the following sentence to make the sentence grammatically correct? If the sentence is correct as it is and no correction is required, mark (e) as the answer.
Q6. They didn’t pay any heed to their superior’s instructions: I did neither.
(a) I either did
(b) Either I and not
(c) Neither didn’t I
(d) Nor did I
(e) No correction required
Q7. Every poet given voice to his anger and his compassion through him poem.
(a) voiced to give
(b) gives voice for
(c) gave voice against
(d) voiced at giving
(e) No correction required
Q8. The police nabbed a notorious criminal who had been terrorizing builders and extorted money from them for the past two years.
(a) was terrorizing builders and extorted
(b) had not been terrorized builders and extorted
(c) had been terrorizing builders and extorting
(d) had terrorized builders and extorted
(e) No correction required
Q9. Managers frequently encounter situations where they need to help others solved problems.
(a) to helping others solved
(b) help others solved
(c) to help others solve
(d) help others solving
(e) No correction required
Q10. From among various alternatives we should choose the one which is viable and consumed less time and energy.
(a) is viable and consuming lesser
(b) is viability and consumer lesser
(c) being viable and consumes lesser
(d) has viable and consuming less
(e) No correction required
Directions (11-15): In each of the following sentences there are two blank spaces. Below each sentence there are five pairs of words denoted by numbers (a). (b), (c), (d) and (e). Find out which pair of words can be filled up in the blanks in the sentence in the same sequence to make the sentence grammatically correct and meaningfully complete.
Q11. Public announcements of __________ by the Government is considered as __________ of code of conduct during the pre-election period.
(a) freebies …… appeasement
(b) favours …… violation
(c) policies …… honour
(d) provisions …… imposition
(e) manifests …… breaches
Q12. Germany had been a nation __________ in one country of numerous states which had a common language and _________.
(a) assembled …… dialect
(b) assimilated …… script
(c) embedded …… civilisation
(d) united …… traditions
(e) formed …… code
Q13. Though the country has __________ free medical service for the poor, it is __________.
(a) stopped …… unaffordable
(b) rendered …… essential
(c) maintained …… admirable
(d) fovoured …… appreciable
(e) instituted …… inadequate
Q14. If criminals are __________ to join electoral fray, __________ is likely to increase.
(a) compelled …… brotherhood
(b) encouraged …… harmony
(c) allowed …… extortion
(d) deterred …… corruption
(e) invited …… voting
Q15. The recently __________ Olympic Games experienced some unhealthy practices __________ to by few athletes.
(a) concluded …… resorted
(b) finished …… preferred
(c) held …… exhibited
(d) over …… adhered
(e) closed …… devoured
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English Questions For IBPS RRB PO and Clerk Exam 2017 4.5 5 Yateendra sahu August 7, 2017 Dear Students, English Section is a topic that is feared by most of the candidates appearing in the IBPS RRB Mains Exam. Though the sheer...

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