Computer Knowledge Expected Questions (Operating System) - Set 2

August 18, 2017    

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  1. If you need to duplicate the entire disk, which command will you use ?
    1. Copy
    2. Chkdsk
    3. Format
    4. Diskcopy
    5. None of these
  • Which of the following extensions suggest that the file is a backup copy ?
    1. Bas
    2. Com
    3. Bak
    4. Txt
    5. None of these 
  • Which command lists the contents of current directory of a disk 
    1. Copy
    2. Dir
    3. Tree
    4. Cd
    5. None of these
  • Only filenames and extensions are to be displayed in wide format, which command you'll use ?
    1. Dir/w
    2. Dir a:
    3. Dir/s
    4. Dir/b
    5. None of these
  • Which command displays all the files having the same name but different extensions ?
    1. Dirfilename.ext
    2. Dir *.sys
    3. Dir filename.*
    4. Dir*.ext
    5. None of these
  • Which command displays only file and directory names without size, date and time information ?
    1. Dir/w
    2. Dr a :
    3. Dir /b
    4. Dir / s
    5. None of these
  • Which command is used to display all the files having the (.ex(e) extension but different filename ?
    1. Dir filename.*
    2. Dir*.ext
    3. Dirfilename.ext
    4. Dir*.sys
    5. None of these
  • Which command should be used to display all files within the specified subordinate directory of the subordinate directory of the subdirectory ?
    1. Dir \ pathname
    2. Dir \ pathname \ pathname
    3. Dir / ch
    4. Dir \ pathname \ filename
    5. None of these
  • Which command creates a directory or subdirectory ?
    1. Dir
    2. Mkdir
    3. Md
    4. Both 2 and 3
    5. None of these
  • Which command is used to delete the directory that is empty ?
    1. RD
    2. Del*.*
    3. Erase
    4. MD
    5. None of these
  • An entire path name, consisting of several sub-directory names can contain upto 
    1. 13 character
    2. 36 character
    3. 63 character
    4. 53 character
    5. None of these
  • Maximum length of DOS command using any optional parameter is 
    1. 26 characters
    2. 87 characters
    3. 127 characters
    4. 156 characters
    5. None of these
  • CHKDSK command is used to
    1. Analyze the hard disk error
    2. Diagnose the hard disk error
    3. Report the status of files on disk
    4. All of the above
    5. None of these
  • Which file is the batch file that is read while booting a computer ?
    1. Auto-batch
    2. Autoexecutive.bat
    3. Autoexec.bat
    4. Auto.bat
    5. None of these
  • Copy and Xcopy are same in the sense 
    1. Both are internal command of DOS
    2. Both are external commands of DOS
    3. Both can be used to copy file or group of files
    4. Both 1 and 2
    5. None of these
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Computer Knowledge Expected Questions (Operating System) - Set 2 4.5 5 Yateendra sahu August 18, 2017 sponsored links If you need to duplicate the entire disk, which command will you use ? Copy Chkdsk Format Diskcopy None of these ...

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