Vocabulary from Economic Times: 16 July 2017

July 17, 2017    

1. Maw: गला/मुख 

The jaws or throat of a voracious animal; mouth, muzzle, gullet, throat
Example: The soulless and merciless system of the Chinese Communist Party, which Liu resisted non-violently, ultimately swallowed him into its maw.

2. Vindictive: प्रतिशोधी 

Having or showing a strong or unreasoning desire for revenge; revengeful, avenging, unforgiving, vengeful
Example: The punitive treatment Liu was subjected to in jail and the vindictiveness with which the government declared that he deserved no better fate than an “ordinary convicted criminal” were clearly meant to scare other Chinese activists to fall in line or meet the same fate.

3. Intimidation: डराना-धमकाना 

The action of intimidating someone, or the state of being intimidated; terrorization, daunting, menacing, frightening, terrifying, scaring
Example: Dissenters who have not yet reached the threshold of tolerance of the Communist Party are nominally free to live out of jail but placed under continuous surveillance and intimidation.

4. Rejuvenation: कायाकल्प 

The action or process of making someone or something look or feel better, younger, or more vital
Example: Xi’s “China Dream” for “the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation” has zero room for opposition to the Communist Party’s line.

5. Ferocity: क्रूरता 

The state or quality of being ferocious; brutality, barbarity, toughness, atrocity, savagery, violence, beastliness
Example: Hence the ferocity with which he has unleashed his internal security apparatus to pulverise “subversion of state power” and go after critics who could follow Liu’s lead.

6. Spur: प्रेरणा 

A thing that prompts or encourages someone; inspiration, spur, stimulus, impetus, infusion, mainspring, encouragement
Example: Liu, who earned his spurs during the Tiananmen Square uprising of 1989.

7. Knack: कुशलता 

An acquired or natural skill at doing something; proficiency, maneuver, neatness, lip language, gift, talent
Example: His knack for knotting together networks favouring a less oppressive polity marked him out as enemy number one of the state.

8. Impend: समीप आ जाना 

Be about to happen; forthcoming, upcoming, near, coming
Example: Liu was not permitted to be freed for medical reasons, despite obvious indications of his impending death.

9. Incarceration: क़ैद कर देना 

The state of being confined in prison; imprisonment, internment, confinement, detention, custody
Example: Had the unjust incarceration and legalised killing of paragons of nonviolence like Liu occurred in a weak developing nation, the international community would have come down on it with a ton of bricks.

10. Paragon: मिसाल 

A person or thing regarded as a perfect example of a particular quality; paradigm, exemplar, nonpareil, epitome, example, pattern, sample, exemplification
Example: Had the unjust incarceration and legalised killing of paragons of nonviolence like Liu occurred in a weak developing nation, the international community would have come down on it with a ton of bricks.

11. Apartheid: रंगभेद 

A policy or system of segregation or discrimination on grounds of race
Example: Myanmar under military dictatorship and South Africa under apartheid were small fry compared with China.

12. Leeway: स्वतंत्रता 

The amount of freedom to move or act that is available; freedom, liberty, scope, latitude
Example: They were given no leeway in the international arena and compelled to release Aung San Suu Kyi and Nelson Mandela, who both emerged from captivity and ruled their countries.

13. Spar: बहस 

Argue with someone without marked hostility; quarrel, argue, fight, disagree
Example: India and China are sparring over the Doklam tri-boundary area.

14. Shrill: तेज़ 

(of a voice or sound) high-pitched and piercing; fast, sharp, snappy, nimble, precipitant
Example: Shrill calls for a boycott of Chinese goods are getting louder, with the Rashtriya Swayamsevak Sangh (RSS) and its affiliate, the Swadeshi Jagran Manch, joining in and social media networks amplifying the noise.

15. Lopsided: एकतरफा 

with one side lower or smaller than the other; asymmetrical, unsymmetrical, uneven, unbalanced
Example: Although lopsided, bilateral trade has grown well.

16. Skew: झुका हुआ 

Sloping, slanting, biased, inclined, downhill
Example: China is India’s largest trading partner, with bilateral trade at $71.5 billion, but it is heavily skewed in favour of China.

17. Acquiesce: सम्मत या राज़ी होना 

Accept something reluctantly but without protest
Example: When many nations have acquiesced to China’s one-nation view on Tibet and Taiwan, India has refused to toe the line.

18. Defiance: आज्ञा न मानना 

Open resistance, bold disobedience, confrontation, opposition
Example: India’s defiance amid Chinese assertiveness has set the two nations on a collision path.

19. Frosty: शीत/ ठंढा 

Cold and unfriendly in manner; unfriendly, unwelcoming, unhospitable, hostile
Example: China has historically had frosty ties with Japan.

20. Wrath: रोष 

Extreme anger, resentment, exasperation, Indignation, sulkiness, umbrage
Example: In 2012, Japanese firms like Nissan and Honda felt the wrath as the two nations fought over Senkaku Islands.

Quote of the Day:

Liu Xiaobo's death is asking a guilty world why, if Nazi Germany was evil then Communist China is not? (लियू ज़ियाओबो की मृत्यु एक दोषी दुनिया से पूछ रही है, अगर नाजी जर्मनी बुरा है तो कम्युनिस्ट चीन नहीं है?)
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- http://www.bankexamstoday.com/2017/07/vocabulary-from-economic-times-16-july.html
Vocabulary from Economic Times: 16 July 2017 4.5 5 Yateendra sahu July 17, 2017 1. Maw: गला/मुख  The jaws or throat of a voracious animal; mouth, muzzle, gullet, throat Example: The soulless and merciless system o...

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