Vocabulary From Economic Times: 14 July 2017

July 14, 2017    

Vocabulary From Economic Times: 14 July 2017

 1. Plunging: गिरावट

 Falling steeply, decreasing rapidly
Example: Plunging inflation and industrial growth warrant a reduction in the central bank’s policy rates.

2. Redemption: ऋणमुक्ति

 The action of regaining or gaining possession of something in exchange for payment, or clearing a debt; amortization, satisfaction, retrieval, recovery, repossession, rescue
Example: However, there is no simple, straight line from low inflation and output growth to redemption via low lending rates.

3. Obverse: उलट/विपरीतार्थ् 

The opposite or counterpart of a fact or truth
Example: The obverse of this fall in prices is farm distress, manifesting as farmer suicide, agitations across rural India and knee-jerk farm loan waivers.

4. Shoot up: तेजी से बढ़ना

 Rise suddenly, rise, bloom, speed
Example: If states feel emboldened to offer their employees the higher allowances recommended by the Seventh Pay Commission, the combined public sector borrowing would shoot up.

5. Nudge तक जाना

 Approach very closely, come/get close to, be verging on, near
Example: On the external front, Janet Yellen has promised more Fed rate hikes and oil prices could nudge up higher on gathering recovery, if not on geopolitical tension.

6. Impoverish: निर्धन 

Make poor, indigent, cashless, beggarly, coinless, fortuneless
Example: Inadequate savings and insurance can impoverish the old.

7. Annuity: वार्षिकी

 A fixed sum of money paid to someone each year, typically for the rest of their life
Example: A weakness of the NPS is the mandate to buy an annuity with a portion of the saved corpus.

8. Doppelganger: कार्बन कॉपी

 An apparition or double of a living person
Example: A Mere Lookalike or a Doppelgänger?

9. Eerie: अजीब/अदभुत

 Strange, sinister, supernatural, uncanny, funny, curious, miraculous, prodigious, queer
Example: Which is what brings about the supernaturally natural, yet eerie, question: so is there someone like Narendra Modi out there?

10. Inimitable: अव्दितीय 

Incomparable, impossible to copy, unique, idiosyncratic, exclusive, quirky, distinctive
Example: Yes, well, of course, no one else in the universe, let alone the country, is like our inimitable PM.

11. Malaise: व्याकुलता 

Anxiety, commotion, discomposure, dishevelment, feverishness
Example: These problems represent the quintessential malaise that manifests itself through a repeated cycle of similar symptoms.

12. Quintessential: सर्वोत्कृष्ट 

Representing the most perfect or typical example of a quality or class; typical, pro-typical, stereotypical, classic, true to type
Example: These problems represent the quintessential malaise that manifests itself through a repeated cycle of similar symptoms.

13. Burgeoning: बढ़ना

 Flourish, boom, mushroom, proliferate, expand
Example: Indiscriminate lending followed by burgeoning non-performing assets (NPAs).

14. Umbilical cord: गर्भनाल

 A flexible cord-like structure containing blood vessels and attaching a human or other mammalian fetus to the placenta during gestation
Example: At the heart of the reform lie various corporate governance problems that originate from the umbilical cord linking the government and PSBs.

15. Malignant: घातक 

Deadly, fatal, damning, murderous, death
Example: The pernicious effects of such a guarantee are a lot more malignant than any benefit.

16. Pernicious: हानिकारक

 Damaging, hurtful, wasteful, bad for, baneful
Example: The pernicious effects of such a guarantee are a lot more malignant than any benefit.

17. Splurge: बौछाड़

 An act of spending money freely or extravagantly; gush, scurry, drencher, hailstorm, cloudburst
Example: I would just go, splurge and not worry about my indiscretions because I have someone to bankroll my mistakes.

18. Indiscretion: अविवेक

 Behavior or speech that is indiscreet or displays a lack of good judgment indirection, imprudence, indiscrimination, irresponsibility, injudiciousness
Example: I would just go, splurge and not worry about my indiscretions because I have someone to bankroll my mistakes.

19. Culminating: पराकाष्ठा को पहुंचाना

 Reach a climax or point of highest development
Example: Weeks of violence culminated in the brutal murder of a magistrate.

20. Chimera: कल्पना 

Imagination, fantasy, spec, imagery, idea, illusion
Example: Without a robust banking sector, double-digit economic growth will remain a chimera.
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- http://www.bankexamstoday.com/2017/07/vocabulary-from-economic-times-14-july.html
Vocabulary From Economic Times: 14 July 2017 4.5 5 Yateendra sahu July 14, 2017  1. Plunging: गिरावट  Falling steeply, decreasing rapidly Example : Plunging inflation and industrial growth warrant a reduction in the ...

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