Twisted Ones English Questions For IBPS RRB PO Exam 2017

July 22, 2017    

Dear Students,
English Questions For IBPS RRB PO Exam 2017
English Section is going to be very challenging and tricky. You need to learn and practice all types of questions includingNew Pattern English questions. Today, in this post, we are providing Cloze Test. Attempt this quiz and assess your understanding of English language ForIBPS RRB PO 2017.
Directions (1-15): In the following passage there are blanks, each of which has been numbered. These numbers are printed in the passage and against each, five words are suggested, one of which fits the blanks appropriately. Find out the appropriate word in each case.

To succeed in the game of life, we  _______1(should struggle). This struggle is consuming _______2(this life mainly). But that does not mean we ____________3(is giving up); because, the creative process installed in one’s DNA ____________4(blossoms). Being creative has to be encouraged. But in this process, if you are not alert, your inner joy will be destroyed. So make sure that your commitment for corporate excellence is based on the foundation of work ethics.
Ethics is not rules based on laws. Ethics ______5(had based on goodness). Goodness is not bound by definition; it is like intelligence -- free flowing, but has its intrinsic wisdom.
An ethical process_______6(is ordered in motions and hence crucial in the corporate world). An important aspect of being altruistic__________7( is being a high degree of integrity). Handling one’s body rightly also involves right food and right posture.
Right posture means keeping________8 (our body alive and vibrating) Good body energy has the power to do right things. Like in sports, a right posture will help you to perform. Next is emotional health. Keeping an enthusiastic emotion ______9(gave aliveness)and that power gives the power to do the right things. Next is intellectual health, which means ______10(be a part of a solution to a problem and not a victim). Lastly, the focus should be on spiritual health, which _____11(involves operation from right values), with self-discipline.
Operating as a team and not as an individual should be a corporate value. Hence it is corporate ethics. TEAM means Together, Empowering to Achieve More. Learn to drop self-love and love your organisation, and the team. Self-love is the mother of all conflicts. When you are _____12(addict to your point of view) and dogma, you are in conflict with the other.
The value of the team is supremely beneficial, and _____13(that is possible if your love was not restricted to the self but to the whole). Such a value spontaneously brings _____14( in the power to give, contribute and serve). You should not only ____15(contribute to one other in a team but also to the customer), not just in manipulative words and smiles, but from the value of truly contributing.

(a)might struggle
(b)may struggle
(c)has to struggle
.(d) have to struggle
(e)No change
(a)there life profoundly
.(b) our life silently
(c)his life profoundly
(d)their life silently
(e) No change
.(a) should give up
(b)are giving up
(c)may give up
(d)must give up
(e) No change
(a)allow for blossom
(b)have to be allowed to blossom
.(c) has to be allowed to blossom
(d)is allowed to blossoming
(e) No change
(a)working on goodness
(b)based on goodness
(c)have been based on goodness
.(d) is based on goodness
(e) No change
(a) have  order for motion and hence crucial in the corporate world
.(b) is order in motion and hence crucial in the corporate world
(c) has  been order in motion and hence crucial in the corporate world
(d) are  order in motion and hence crucial in the corporate world
(e) No change
(a)is the highest of integrity
(b) is a high degree of integrity
(c)has a high degree of integrity
(d)are a high degree of integration
(e) No change
(a)alive body  and vibrating
(b)your body alive and vibrating
(c)his body alive for vibration
(d) your body alive and vibrant
(e) No change
(a)give aliveness
(b)given aliveness
(c)give alive
(d) gives aliveness
(e) No change
(a) be a part of a solution to a problem and not  victim
(b) being a part of a solution to  problem and not avictim
(c) being a part of a solution to a problem and not a victim
(d) being  part of a solution to  problem and not a victim
(e) No change
(a) involving  operation from right values
(b) involves operating from right values
(c) involves operate  from right value
(d) involve  operating of right values
(e) No change
(a) addicted to your point of view
(b) addicted to their point of view
(c) addicted to our point of view
(d) addict  to ours  point of view
(e) No change
(a) that is possible if your love is not restricted  the self but to whole
(b) that is possible if your love is not restricted to the self but to the whole
(c) that is possible if our love is not restrict for the self but to the whole
(d) that is possible if your love were not restricted to the self but  the whole
(e) No change
(a)  in the power to give, to contribute and to serve
(b) in  power of giving, to contribute and to serve
(c) in the power to give, to contributing and to serving
(d) of the power to give, to contribute and to serve
(e) No change
(a) contribute to each other in  team but also  the customer
 (b) contribute to each other in a team but also to customer
(c) contribute to each  as a team but also to the customer
(d) contribute to each other in a team but also to the customer
(e) No change
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Twisted Ones English Questions For IBPS RRB PO Exam 2017 4.5 5 Yateendra sahu July 22, 2017 Dear Students, English Section is going to be very challenging and tricky. You need to learn and practice all types of questions includin...

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