The Hindu Newspaper Editorial Vocabulary For SSC CGL Exam 2017

July 22, 2017    

The Hindu Newspaper Editorial Vocabulary For SSC CGL /MTS /CPO Exam

Dear Students, The SSC CGL Tier-1 2017 Exam will start from 5th August to 24 August 2017. Sometimes in SSC CGL, vocab related questions are repeated, so you need to revise all the vocab notes at ssc adda and previous years vocab questions. Continue reading newspapers or novels. Your reading habit can make all the difference. If you are not able to read a newspaper for SSC Exam, here we are providing vocab words based on the Hindu newspaper editorial.

1.Elicited (verb)
Meaning: evoke or draw out (a reaction, answer, or fact) from someone, draw forth (something that is latent or potential) into existence.
Synonyms: obtain, bring out, draw out, extract, evoke, bring about, bring forth, induce, excite, give rise to, call forth, prompt, generate, engender, spark off, trigger, kindle.
Example: Karnataka Chief Minister Siddaramaiah’s resolve to look into the legality of having a flag for the State has elicited enthusiasm as well as disbelief (including the utterly boring charges of it being “anti-national” and “seditious”).

2.Incredulity (noun)
Meaning: the state of being unwilling or unable to believe something.
Synonyms: disbelief, incredulousness, lack of belief, unbelief, lack of credence, doubt, doubtfulness, dubiety, dubiousness, lack of conviction.
Example: The passions on this matter have been building up in recent weeks. For instance, the protests against the use of Hindi signage in Bangalore’s Metro last month. And, more recently, the incredulity towards the complaint that A.R. Rahman should have performed more songs in Hindi at a concert in London.

3.Prestige (noun)
Meaning: widespread respect and admiration felt for someone or something on the basis of a perception of their achievements or quality.
Synonyms: status, standing, stature, prestigiousness, reputation, repute, regard, fame, note, renown, honour, esteem, estimation, image, account, rank, celebrity, importance, prominence, consequence, class, distinction, influence, weight, authority, supremacy, eminence.
Example: Securing the future of Kannada in the face of the scholarly dominance of Sanskrit and the linguistic prestige of English was another of its aspirations.

4.Proliferation (noun)
Meaning: rapid increase in the number or amount of something., rapid reproduction of a cell, part, or organism.
Synonyms: rapid increase, growth, multiplication, spread, escalation, expansion, build-up, buildout, burgeoning, snowballing, mushrooming.
Antonyms: decrease
Example: The proliferation of Kannada activist groups — ranging from organisations with a Statewide presence to street-corner and neighbourhood outfits — over the last two decades has given the yellow-red colour scheme a wide symbolic presence in the State: flags, the posters and maps of Karnataka, the walls of government offices and schools, flagpoles, stickers on buses, cars and autorickshaws, film songs, TV channel logos. Whether granted official status or not, the Kannada flag is likely to endure.

5.Culprit (noun)
Meaning: a person who is responsible for a crime or other misdeed, the cause of a problem or defect.
Synonyms: guilty party, offender, wrongdoer, person responsible.
Example: The Central government of course is not the only culprit in injuring linguistic democracy in India. Prevailing cultural prejudices matter too.

6.Gaunt (adjective)
Meaning: (of a person) lean and haggard, especially because of suffering, hunger, or age.
Synonyms: haggard, drawn, cadaverous, skeletal, emaciated, skin-and-bones, skinny, spindly, thin, over-thin, size-zero, spare, bony, angular, lank, lean, raw-boned, pinched, hollow-cheeked, hollow-eyed, lantern-jawed, scrawny, scraggy, shrivelled.
Antonyms: cheerful, plump
Example: Of late, he was behaving rather strangely. His eyes glittered and were not focussed. The once healthy teenager looked gaunt and had a haunted air about him. 

7.Evasive (adjective)
Meaning: tending to avoid commitment or self-revelation, especially by responding only indirectly.
Synonyms: prevaricating, elusive, ambiguous, equivocal, equivocating, indefinite, non-committal, vague, indeterminate, imprecise, inexact, indistinct, inexplicit.
Example: As she connected the dots, her son’s dilated pupils, strange gazes, evasive replies and changes in behaviour, she realised that the doctor’s diagnosis was probably right. Senthil was on LSD (lysergic acid diethylamide), a potent psychedelic drug.

8.Modus operandi (noun)
Meaning: a particular way or method of doing something, the way in which something operates or works.
Synonyms: method of working, method, way, MO, manner, technique, style, procedure, approach, course of action, plan of action, methodology, mode, fashion, process, strategy.
Example: The interrogation revealed that there is no uniform modus operandi the drug peddlers adopt to reach out to minors or schoolchildren. All they need is just one person who can spread the word or convince his or her peers that there is a unique ‘medicine’ that gives a greater ‘high’ than liquor.

9.Quartet (noun)
Meaning: a group of four people playing music or singing together., a composition for a quartet.
a set of four people or things.
Example: Fortunately, everything is not yet lost for the quartet and the 200-odd schoolchildren at large. The government took a decision not to register cases against drug users, especially the minors. More importantly, those frequently using LSD don’t become completely physically dependent on it. 

10.Sleuth (informal noun)
Meaning: a detective.
Synonyms: private detective, detective, private investigator, investigator.
Example: The biggest challenge is for the law enforcement agencies. When the first module of a trio supplying drugs was busted, they thought it was just a routine gang. Sustained efforts of P&E sleuths — whose core function is not curbing drugs — resulted in the arrest of 10 more persons, confirming that drugs supply in the capital was rampant.


The Hindu Newspaper Editorial Vocabulary For SSC CGL Exam 2017 4.5 5 Yateendra sahu July 22, 2017 Dear Students,  The SSC CGL Tier-1 2017 Exam  will start from 5th August to 24 August 2017. Sometimes in  SSC CGL , vocab related questio...

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