The Hindu Newspaper Editorial Vocabulary For NABARD Grade B 2017

July 4, 2017    

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The Hindu Newspaper Editorial Vocabulary For NABARD Grade B 2017
NABARD Grade B is going to be held August. We hope you all are working really hard for the exam. Vocabulary is an important part of English that helps you deal with all kinds of questions in objective as well as descriptive papers. You can learn new words daily from our Daily Word List. Learn the words and make your own sentences on the basis of the given word list. Here are a few lines from The Hindu.
Example: food procured for the rebels
1.Procure [prō-kyo͝or]
Obtain (something), especially with care or effort ;to bring about; effect; to receive as return for effort 
Synonyms- acquire, attain, bag, bring in, capture, carry, come by, draw, gain, garner, get, knock down, land, make, obtain, earn, pull down, realize, reap, secure, win
Antonyms-forfeit, lose ,accord, give, grant, pay; give up, hand over, part (with), relinquish, surrender, yield  
Example: He termed the U.S. declaration as being in contravention of U.N.
2.Contravention [con-tra-ven-tion]
Noun-an action which offends against a law, treaty, or other ruling.; a failure to uphold the requirements of law, duty, or obligation a clandestine weapons program that was a contravention of the international arms agreement
Synonyms-breach, infraction, infringement, transgression, trespass, violation
Antonyms-non infringement, non violation, observance
Example :these claims have not been convincingly refuted
to declare not to be true while he was publicly refuting rumors of a merger
Synonyms -deny, reject, repudiate, rebut, declare to be untruecontradict, disaffirm, disallow, disavow, disclaim, disconfirm, disown, gainsay, negate, negative, deny, reject, repudiate
Antonyms- acknowledge, admit, allow, avow, concede, confirm, own
Example :a court ordered the confiscation of her property
4.Confiscation [con-fis-cate]
Noun appropriated by the government ;the action of taking or seizing someone's property with authority; seizure.
Synonyms: seizure, impounding, commandeering, requisition, requisitioning, appropriation
Antonyms return
Example : post-demonetisation to expedite action against companies
To accelerate the process or progress of :  speed up;
Synonym- speed up, accelerate, hurry, hasten, step up, quicken, precipitate, rush; 
advance, facilitate, ease, make easier, further, promote
Antonyms-  delay restrict, obstruct, decelerate, hold up, handicap,block,curb
Example:Killing civilians for any spurious ideological reason is terrorism
6.Spurious [spu-rio-us]
Not being what it purports to be; false or fake.; (of a line of reasoning) apparently but not actually valid. false and not what it appears to be, or (of reasons and judgments)based on something that has not been correctly understood and therefore false
Synonyms-bogus, fake, false, forged, inauthentic, phony (also phoney), queer, sham, snide, counterfeit, unauthentic
Antonyms-authentic, bona fide, genuine, real, unfaked natural; actual, true, valid
Example: The Delhi High Court on Monday refused to quash the money laundering case
7. quash-[Qua-sh]
Reject as invalid, especially by legal procedure.; put an end to; suppress.; to put down or suppress completely; quell; subdue, to make void, annul, or set aside (a law, indictment, decision, etc.).
Synonyms- cancel, reverse, rescind, repeal, revoke, retract, countermand, withdraw, take back, rule against, disallow, overturn, override, overrule, veto, set aside, overthrow, repudiate, annul, nullify, declare null and void, invalidate, render invalid, negate, void, abrogate crush, squash, quench, repress. clamp down (on), crack down (on), crush, put down, quash, repress, silence, slap down, snuff (out), squash, squelch, subdue, suppress
Antonyms -abet, aid, assist, back, help, prop up, support; foment, incite, instigate, provoke, stir, whip (up); advance, cultivate, encourage, forward, foster, further, nourish, nurture, promote
Example: alleged inhuman treatment meted out to her family
8. meted out [Met-ed-out]
 To give out (something) to appropriate individuals; to distribute or apportion by measure; allot; dole (usually followed byout): to give or order a punishment
Synonyms -allocate, apportion, deal (out), dispense, distribute, dole out, hand out, administer(out), parcel (out), portion, prorate
Antonyms -misallocate , hoard,refrain,withhold,deny, refuse,withdraw
Example:"he's spearheading a campaign to reduce the number of accidents at work"
9.Spearheading [Spear-head]
The sharp-pointed head that forms the piercing end of a spear. any person, contingent, or force that leads an attack, undertaking,etc. ;to serve as leader of unofficially at least,; An individual or group chosen to lead an attack or movement.
Synonyms -boss, captain, command, head, lead
Antonyms- end, stop, dissuade,misguide,discourage,finish,bow (to),comply (with), defer (to), follow, obey, serve, submit (to), yield (to)
Example: Lakhs of devotees thronged the coastal town of Puri to witness the Bahuda Yatra
10.Thronged [thron-ged]
(noun)A multitude of people crowded or assembled together;crowd;a great number of things crowded or considered together; (of a crowd) fill or be present in (a place or area). flock or be present in great numbers.; a great number of persons or creatures massed together
Synonyms army, bike [chiefly Scottish], cram, crush, drove, flock, herd, horde, host, legion, mass, mob, multitude, press, rout, scrum, swarm, crowd
Antonyms-Deserted, imprecise,uncongested,unfilled,empty,loose,uncrowed
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The Hindu Newspaper Editorial Vocabulary For NABARD Grade B 2017 4.5 5 Yateendra sahu July 4, 2017 Dear Readers, NABARD Grade B  is going to be held August. We hope you all are working really hard for the exam. Vocabulary is an impo...

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