Dear Students, The SSC CGL Tier-1 2017 Exam will start from 5th August to 24 August 2017. Sometimes in SSC CGL, vocab related questions are repeated, so you need to revise all the vocab notes at ssc adda and previous years vocab questions. Continue reading newspapers or novels. Your reading habit can make all the difference. If you are not able to read a newspaper for SSC Exam, here we are providing vocab words based on the Hindu newspaper editorial.
Example: A major trial is on in Kashmir to see if the Jhelum could be restored to being the pre-1947 Venice-like waterway linking cities and allowing a peep into the old city in that houses heritage structures, shrines and temples.
1. Shrine [shrahyn]
Noun: a building or other shelter, often of a stately or sumptuous character, enclosing the remains or relics of a saint or other holy person and forming an object of religious veneration and pilgrimage; any place or object hallowed by its history or associations.
Example: The month-long trial, started in the first week of July, will assess the feasibility.
2. Feasible [fee-zuh-buh l]
Adjective: capable of being done, effected, or accomplished; probable; likely.
Synonyms: usefulness, expediency, feasibleness, utility, workability.
Example: Ordinances should be last resort: Pranab
3. Ordinance [awr-dn-uh ns]
Noun: an authoritative rule or law; a decree or command; a public injunction or regulation; something believed to have been ordained, as by a deity or destiny.
Synonyms: authorization, canon, code, command, decree, dictum, direction, edict, enactment, fiat, mandate.
Antonyms: disorganization, lawlessness, veto.
Example: Bidding farewell to Parliament at a function to mark the end of his tenure, President Pranab Mukherjee said here on Sunday that the institution was for “debate, discussion and dissent.”
4. Bid [bid]
Verb: to command; order; direct; to express (a greeting, farewell, benediction, or wish).
Synonyms: behest, call, charge, demand, dictate, direction, injunction, instruction, invitation.
Antonyms: answer, question, reply.
5. Dissent [dih-sent]
Verb: to differ in sentiment or opinion, especially from the majority; withhold assent; disagree (often followed by from); to disagree with the methods, goals, etc., of a political party or government; take an opposing view.
Noun: difference of sentiment or opinion; dissenting opinion.
Synonyms: discord, dissension, disunity, objection, opposition, protest, resistance, schism, strife, bone, clinker.
Antonyms: acceptance, agreement, approval, concurrence, harmony.
Example: Swinging it Anya Shrubsole is ecstatic after sending back Jhulan Goswami en route to a superb six-wicket haul that helped England defeat India by nine runs in an exciting World Cup final at Lord’s on Sunday.
6. Swinging [swing-ing]
Adjective: characterized by or capable of swinging, being swung, or causing to swing; intended for swinging upon, by, from, or in.
Synonyms: fluctuating, swaying, waving.
7. Ecstatic [ek-stat-ik]
Adjective: of, relating to, or characterized by ecstasy or a state of sudden, intense, overpowering emotion: an ecstatic frenzy; subject to or in a state of ecstasy; full of joy; rapturous.
Noun: a person subject to fits of ecstasy.
Synonyms: crazy, delirious, elated, enthusiastic, euphoric, fervent, joyful, joyous, mad, overjoyed, rapturous.
Antonyms: apathetic, balanced, collected, depressed, down.
8. Haul [hawl]
Verb: to pull or draw with force; move by drawing; drag; to cart or transport; carry; to cause to descend; lower (often followed by down).
Synonyms: cargo, harvest, booty, burden, catch, find, freight, gain, lading.
Antonym: loss.
Example: It was tasked with ferrying arms, planning more attacks.
9. Ferry [fer-ee]
Noun: a commercial service with terminals and boats for transporting persons, automobiles, etc., across a river or other comparatively small body of water; a ferryboat; a service for flying airplanes over a particular route, especially the delivery of airplanes to an overseas purchaser or base of operations.
Verb: to carry or convey back and forth over a fixed route in a boat or plane; to fly (an airplane) over a particular route, especially for delivery.
Synonyms: barge, ferryboat, packet, packet boat, passage boat.
Example: Odisha Chief Minister Naveen Patnaik on Sunday termed the Opposition allegations about irregularities in party funds as malicious and fabricated.
10. Fabricate [fab-ri-keyt]
Verb: to make by art or skill and labor; construct; to make by assembling parts or sections; to devise or invent (a legend, lie, etc.); to fake; forge.
Synonyms: assemble, concoct, construct, contrive, dream up, formulate, invent, brainstorm, build, compose, create.
Antonyms: demolish, destroy, ruin, disarrange.
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