SSC CGL 2017 Special : Indian History Quiz from Previous Papers

July 12, 2017    

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  1. Ashoka called the Third Buddhist Council at 
    1. Pataliputra
    2. Magadha
    3. Kalinga
    4. Sarnath
  • The tutor of Alexander, the great was 
    1. Darius
    2. Cyrus
    3. Socrates
    4. Aristotle
  • Which of the following literary works belongs to classical Sanskrit literature ?
    1. Dhammapada
    2. Vedas
    3. Meghadutam
    4. Dighanikaya
  • Who propounded the 'Eight - Fold Path' for the end of misery of mankind ?
    1. Mahavir
    2. Gautam Buddha
    3. Aadi Shankaracharya
    4. Kabir
  • The number system 'Zero' was invented by 
    1. Ramanujam
    2. Aryabhatta
    3. Patanjali
    4. An unknown person
  • "Charak' was the famous court physician of
    1. Harsha
    2. Chandra Gupta Maurya
    3. Ashoka
    4. Kanishka
  • Buddhism made an important impact by allowing two sections of society into its fold. They were
    1. Merchants and Priests
    2. Moneylenders and Slaves
    3. Warriors and Traders
    4. Women and Sudras
  • The language used to write source materials in ancient time was
    1. Sanskrit
    2. Pali
    3. Brahmi
    4. Kharosthi
  • India's trade with the Roman Empire came to an end with the invasion of Rome by the
    1. Arabs
    2. Hungarians
    3. Hunas
    4. Turks
  • Most of the chola temples were dedicated to
    1. Ganesh
    2. Shiva
    3. Durga
    4. Vishnu
  • 'Bull' in Buddhism is associated with which event of Buddha's life ?
    1. Birth
    2. Great departure
    3. Enlightenment
    4. Mahaparinirvan
  • Which of the following would be the most accurate description of the Mauryan Monarchy under Ashoka ?
    1. Enlightened despotism
    2. Centralised autocracy 
    3. Oriental despotism
    4. Guided democracy
  • The illustrious names of Aryabhatta and Varahamihir are associated with the age of the 
    1. Guptas
    2. Kushanas
    3. Mauryas
    4. Palas
  • Lothal is a site where dockyards of which of the following civilization were found ?
    1. Indus Valley
    2. Mesoptamian
    3. Egyptian
    4. Persian
  • 'Buddha' means
    1. The Enlightened one
    2. The Religious Preacher
    3. The Genius
    4. The Poerful
  • Where do you find the temple of Angkor Wat ?
    1. In Thailand
    2. In Malaysia
    3. In Cambodia
    4. In Myanmar
  • Whose achievements are recorded in the Allahabad Pillar inscription ?
    1. Chandra Gupta Maurya
    2. Samudra Gupta
    3. Vikramaditya
    4. Sikand Gupta
  • The essential feature of the Indus Valley Civilisation was 
    1. worship of forces of nature
    2. organized city life
    3. pastoral farming
    4. caste sosiety
  • Name the capital of the Pallavas
    1. Kanchi
    2. Vatapi
    3. Trichnapalli
    4. Mahabalipuram
  • The word 'Veda' means
    1. Knowledge
    2. Wisdom
    3. Skill
    4. Power
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SSC CGL 2017 Special : Indian History Quiz from Previous Papers 4.5 5 Yateendra sahu July 12, 2017 sponsored links Ashoka called the Third Buddhist Council at  Pataliputra Magadha Kalinga Sarnath The tutor of Alexander, the...

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