Profit and Loss | Quant Questions for SSC CGL Exam 2017

July 13, 2017    

Dear Students, SSC has released the notification for CGL 2017. This time again the competition is going to be very stiff. Questions from Quant are asked in Tier-1 and Tier-II as well. Hence, you need to focus on this subject more. The only trick to master Quant is "practice'. So, Practice daily. We are providing topic-wise quant quizzes, solve, learn, succeed.

Q1. The cost of setting up 2000 magazines is Rs. 3200. The cost of paper and ink etc. is Rs. 100 per 100 copies and printing cost is Rs. 120 per 100 copies. In the last month, 2000 copies were printed but only 1500 copies could be sold at Rs. 5 each. Total 25% profit on the sale price was realized. There is one more resource of income from the magazine which is advertising. What sum of money was obtained from the advertising in the magazine? 
(a) Rs. 1750
(b) Rs. 2350
(c) Rs. 1150
(d) Rs. 1975

Q2. If a discount of 16% is given on the marked price of a book, the publisher gains 20%. If the discount is increased to 20%, what will be gain percent?

Q3. A shopkeeper raises the price of an article by x% first year he reduced the price by x% in the second year again raised the price by x% in third year and so on. After one such up-down cycle, the price of a painting decreased by Rs. 441. After a second up-down cycle, the painting was sold for Rs. 1944.81. What was the original prices of the painting (in Rs)? 
(a) 2756.25 
(b) 2256.25 
(c) 2500 
(d) 2000      

Q5. A merchant purchases a wrist watch for Rs. 450 and fixes its list price in such a way that after allowing a discount of 10%, he earns a profit of 20%. Then the list price of the watch is 
(a) Rs. 650 
(b) Rs. 700 
(c) Rs. 550 
(d) Rs. 600

Q6. Sandeep purchased some lemons, out of which only 75% were sold. He sold 8 lemons for Rs. 7 and earned 40% profit. What should be selling price to have a profit of 50% (assume that this time all the oranges purchased would be sold)? 
(a) 64 lemons for Rs. 45 
(b) 4 lemons of Rs. 3
(c) 55 lemons for Rs. 37 
(d) 65 lemons of Rs. 37

Q7. A milk vendor have a mixture of milk and water in a vessel of capacity 30 litre which contained 85% of milk and he replaced some quantity from mixture with pure milk. The vessel now contains only 7% water. How much percentage quantity of the vessel did he replace with pure milk? 
(a) 60%
(b) 53.33%
(c) 65.71%
(d) 68.88%

Q8. Rishabh has 90,000 with him. He purchases a car, a laptop and a flat for 15,000, 13,000 and 35,000 respectively and puts the remaining money in a bank deposit that pays compound interest @ 15% per annum. After 2 years, he sells off the three items at 80% of their original price and also withdraws his entire money from the bank by closing the account. What is the total change in his asset? 
(a) –4.575%
(b) +3.125%
(c) –4.325%
(d) +5.50%

Q9. An article is listed at Rs 65. A customer bought this article for Rs 56.16 and got two successive discounts of which the first one is 10%. The other rate of discount of this scheme that was allowed by the shopkeeper was
(a) 3%
(b) 4%
(c) 6%
(d) 2%

Q11.Mala purchased 75 kg of pulses at the rate of Rs 8 per kg. She sold 25 kg at a profit of 5%. At what rate per kg should she sell the remaining to get a profit of 10% on the total deal?
(a) Rs 8.25 
(b) Rs 9.50
(c) Rs 9 
(d) Rs 9.75

Q12. Jaydeep purchased 25 kg of rice at the rate of Rs 16.50 per kg and 35 kg of rice at the rate of Rs. 25.50 per kg. He mixed the two and sold the mixture. Approximately, at what price per kg did he sell the mixture to make 25 per cent profit?
(a) Rs 26.5275 
(b) Rs 27.1875
(c) Rs 28.5675 
(d) Rs 30

Q13. An article when sold for Rs 200 fetches 25 per cent profit. What would be the percentage profit/loss if 6 such articles are sold for Rs 1056?
(a) 10 percent loss
(b) 10 per cent profit
(c) 5 percent loss
(d) 5 per cent profit

Q14. The cost of production of a cordless phone set in 2002 is `900, divided between material, labour and overheads in the ratio 3 : 4 : 2. If the cordless phone set is marked at a price that gives a 20% profit on the component of price accounted for by labour, what is the marked price of the set?
(a) 980
(b) 1080
(c) 960 
(d) 875

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Profit and Loss | Quant Questions for SSC CGL Exam 2017 4.5 5 Yateendra sahu July 13, 2017 Dear Students,  SSC  has released the notification for  CGL 2017 . This time again the competition is going to be very stiff. Question...

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