Previous Years English Questions SSC CGL Tier-1 2017

July 19, 2017    

Previous Years English Questions for SSC CGL Tier-1 Exam 2017

Dear Students, SSC CGL Tier-1 Exam will be held from 1st August 2017 to 20 August 2017. You need to practice a lot in order to achieve 40+ marks in the English Section. We are providing quizzes which include sentence improvement, error detection, idioms, one-word substitution, reading comprehension, vocabulary related questions etc. we have also provided study notes on English for SSC CGL 2017 Exam. Practice all these questions, if any doubt, post your queries in the comment section, we will answer surely. Today in this quiz we have included one-word substitutions Questions. Learn and score maximum marks in SSC CGL 2017. 

Directions (1-5): A sentence/a part of the sentence is in bold. Four alternatives are given to the bold part which will improve the sentence. Choose the correct alternative and click the button corresponding to it. In case no improvement is needed, click the button corresponding to “No improvement”.

Q1. Can you be able to please tone down your excitement?
(a) Can you please be able to tone down your excitement?
(b) Are you able to please tone down your excitement?
(c) Can you please tone down your excitement?
(d) No improvement

Q2. Uneasy lies the head which wears the crown
(a) who
(b) that
(c) what
(d) No improvement

Q3. The cities are bursting on the seams with people.
(a) bursting on seams
(b) bursting at seams
(c) bursting at the seams
(d) No improvement

Q4. Let his failure be a lesson to you all.
(a) to all of you
(b) to all you people
(c) to all you
(d) No improvement

Q5. A foolish person is someone who is easily taken-in and tricked by others.
(a) sober
(b) stupid
(c) gullible
(d) No improvement

Directions (6-10): Out of the four alternatives, choose the one which can be substituted for the given words/sentence.

Q6. One who is beyond reform
(a) Optimistic
(b) Incorrigible
(c) Indefatigable
(d) Notorious

Q7. What is Science of diseases called? 
(a) Philology
(b) Pathology
(c) Psychology
(d) Virology

Q8. A person who secretly listens to the talk of others is called? 
(a) Spy
(b) Detective
(c) Emissary
(d) Eavesdropper

Q9. One who believes in no government and therefore incites disorder in a State.
(a) Monarchist
(b) Anarchist
(c) Autocrat
(d) Naxalite
Q10. A mild or indirect expression substituted for an offensive or harsh one.
(a) Euphemism
(b) Truism
(c) Favoritism
(d) Altruism

Directions (11-15): A passage is given with 5 questions following it. Read the passage carefully and choose the best answer to each question out of the four alternatives and click the button corresponding to it.

Modern civilization is completely dependent on energy, which has therefore to be abundant and also economical. About 85% of the world's energy is supplied by oil, coal and natural gas while nuclear, hydro, wind and solar power and biomass supply the rest. Coal, nuclear and hydro are used primarily to generate electricity while natural gas is widely used for heating. Biomass is used both for heating and cooking. The wind and solar power is the future's hope as they are sustainable energy sources. Oil powers almost all machines that move and that makes oil uniquely versatile. Oil powered airplanes carry 500 people across the widest oceans at nearly the speed of sound. Oil powered machines produce and transport food. Oil powered machines are ubiquitous. Clearly, we live in the age of oil but it is drawing to a close. According to data available if oil production remains constant until it's gone, there is enough to last 42 years. Oil wells will produce less as they become depleted, which will make it impossible to keep production constant. Similarly natural gas and coal will last another 61 years and 133 years respectively. Naturally, as they become scarce, they become expensive, leading to a worldwide energy crisis. If we are to survive on this planet, we have to make a transition to sustainable energy sources. The transition may be willy-nilly or planned - the choice is ours.
The dawning era of limited and expensive energy will be very difficult for everyone on earth but will be even more difficult if it is not anticipated. It is of utmost importance that the public and policymakers understand the global energy crisis and act in tandem to ensure that the species 'homo sapiens' does not become extinct.

Q11. The theme of the passage is
(a) Changing Lives
(b) Looming Energy Crisis
(c) Energy Resources
(d) Power in Today's world

Q12. Biomass is an energy source used in
(a) agriculture
(b) industry
(c) homes
(d) offices

Q13. The synonym for Ubiquitous is
(a) Omnipotent
(b) Somniferous
(c) Omniscient
(d) Omnipresent

Q14. The energy sources of the future are
(a) nuclear and hydro power
(b) coal and natural gas
(c) wind and solar power
(d) oil and biomass

Q15. The survival of mankind will depend on
(a) maximum use of available energy resources
(b) transition to sustainable energy resources
(c) regulation placed on energy consumers
(d) keeping the level of energy production constant

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