Dear Students, SSC CGL Tier-1 Exam will be held from 1st August 2017 to 20 August 2017. You need to practice a lot in order to achieve 40+ marks in the English Section. We are providing quizzes which include sentence improvement, error detection, idioms, one-word substitution, reading comprehension, vocabulary related questions etc. we have also provided study notes on English for SSC CGL 2017 Exam. Practice all these questions, if any doubt, post your queries in the comment section, we will answer surely.
Directions (1-15): In the following questions, out of the four alternatives choose the one which can be substituted for the given words/sentences.
Q1. Special trial of the Head of State by Parliament
(a) Impingement
(b) Infringement
(c) Impeachment
(d) Impediment
(a) Ambivalent
(b) Amphibious
(c) Ambiguous
(d) Ambidextrous
Q3. Cure for all diseases
(a) Curable
(b) Panacea
(c) Incurable
(d) Curative
Q4. A group of three books, films etc. that have the same subject or characters.
(a) Trinity
(b) Trilogy
(c) Trio
(d) Tripod
Q5. A study of the human race
(a) Anthropology
(b) Archaeology
(c) Ethnology
(d) Etymology
Q6. An expert in an area of the fine or other arts
(a) Neophyte
(b) Amateur
(c) Connoisseur
(d) Enthusiast
Q7. The art of preserving skin of animals, birds, fishes
(a) Topology
(b) Taxonomy
(c) Seismology
(d) Taxidermy
Q8. Chanting of magic spells
(a) Narration
(b) Recitation
(c) Incantation
(d) Utterance
Q9. One who eats human flesh
(a) Carnivore
(b) Herbivore
(c) Glutton
(d) Cannibal
Q10. Liable to be easily broken
(a) Weak
(b) Brittle
(c) Thin
(d) Hard
Q11. One who is out to destroy the Government
(a) Anarchist
(b) Villain
(c) Criminal
(d) Enemy
Q12. One who loves all mankind
(a) Philologist
(b) Philosopher
(c) Philanthropist
(d) Philatelist
Q13. A person who cannot make a mistake
(a) Inexplicable
(b) Inevitable
(c) Indispensable
(d) Infallible
Q14. Someone who scientifically studies the birds
(a) Ethologist
(b) Orthopedic
(c) Orthodontist
(d) Ornithologist
Q15. Something which is imagined to be real but actually does not exist.
(a) Figment
(b) Insight
(c) Mirage
(d) Shadow
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