Reasoning is a game of wits and presence of mind! Yes, it is true and it might seem as the greatest of the challenge after English Section’s surprises but yet this one can easily be dealt with. You just need correct practice and hardwire your brain to quickly make decisions of what to attempt and what to leave. Practice with these night class Reasoning Question for RRB PO Exam 2017.
Directions (1-5): In the questions below are given two conclusions followed by five set of statements. You have to choose the correct set of statements that logically satisfies given conclusions definitely. Assume the given statements to be true even if they seem to be at variance from commonly known facts.
Q1. Conclusions:
Some W is X. No Y is Z.
(a)Some W is B. All B is Z. No Z is D. All D is X. Some D is Y
(b)Some W is B. All B is X. No X is Z. All D is Z. Some Z is Y.
(c)All X is W. No W is Z. All B is Z. Some Z is D. All D is Y.
(d)Some X is Y. All Y is W. No W is Z. All D is Z. Some Z is E.
(e) None of these.
Q2. Conclusions:
Some P is Q. Some R is S.
(a)All S is P. Some P is C. All C is D. All D is Q. Some Q is R.
(b)Some S is P. All P is C. Some C is D. All D is Q. Some Q is R.
(c)Some S is Q. All Q is D. Some D is P. All P is C. All C is R.
(d)All S is Q. Some S is R. All R is P. Some P is D. All D is C.
(e) None of these.
Q3. Conclusions:
Some field is carbon. Some oxygen is nitrogen.
(a)All field is nitrogen. Some nitrogen is carbon. All carbon is idea. Some idea is traffic. All traffic is oxygen.
(b)All field is oxygen. Some field is traffic. All traffic is nitrogen. All nitrogen is carbon. Some carbon is idea.
(c)Some field is oxygen. All oxygen is idea. Some idea is traffic. All traffic carbon. All carbon is nitrogen.
(d) All field is traffic. Some traffic is nitrogen. All nitrogen is carbon. Some carbon is idea. All idea is oxygen.
(e) None of these.
Q4. Conclusions:
Some stone is not marble. Some house is stone.
(a)All house is boy. Some boy is child. No child is stone. All stone is girl. All girl is marble.
(b)Some house is stone. All stone is marble. No marble is girl. All boy is girl. Some girl is child.
(c)Some house is child. All child is stone. Some stone is girl. No girl is marble. All boy is marble.
(d)Some house is girl. All girl is marble. No marble is child. All boy is child. Some child is stone.
(e) None of these.
Q5. Conclusions:
Some light is ray. Some yellow is light.
(a)All ray is black. All black is light. Some light is violet. All violet is yellow. Some yellow is green.
(b)All ray is violet. Some violet is light. All light is black. Some black is yellow. All yellow is green.
(c)All ray is green. Some green is light. All light is black. Some black is violet. All violet is yellow.
(d) All ray is yellow. Some yellow is light. All light is black. Some black is violet. All violet is green.
(e) None of these.
Directions (6-10): Study the information and answer the following questions:
In a certain code language
"further informed the court" is coded as “8#I 21#F 20#V 13@U”
"has raised many request" is coded as “8#H 5#J 1@M 19@R”
"directing them supply guns" is coded as “21@M 16@K 8@V 9#I”
Q6. What is the code for ‘serious'?
(e) None of these.
Q7. What is the code for ‘allegation'?
(e) None of these.
Q8. What is the code for ‘direction'?
(e) None of these.
Q9. What is the code for ‘affairs'?
(c) 19#U
(e) None of these.
Q10. What is the code for ‘matter'?
(e) None of these.
Directions (11-15): Read the following information carefully and answer the questions that follow.
Ten students are sitting in two parallel rows containing five persons each. In row 1, A, B, C, D and E are sitting and all of them are facing south. In row 2, P, Q, R, S and T are sitting and all of them are facing north. In the given seating arrangement, each member seated in a row faces another member of the other row. Moreover, each of them likes different colour viz. yellow, black, green, pink, orange, white, cream, red, blue and violet. Each of them also likes different subject viz. Computer, Urdu, Art, Hindi, Commerce, Science, English, History, Sanskrit and Maths. The following information is known about them.
There are two students sit between A and one who likes Black colour. Q likes Sanskrit subject. B does not like orange colour. E sits second to right of D, who likes Pink colour. Neither E nor D sits on the extreme end of the line. One of the immediate neighbor of E faces P, who likes science subject. The one who likes white sits second to left of one who likes red. T does not sit extreme right end of the row. The immediate neighbor of D faces S who like violet colour. There are two students sit between S and one who likes cream colour. The one who likes English sits immediate left of one who likes history. E does not face Q. Q likes blue colour. A does not sit adjacent to E. E does not like Art or Maths. The one who likes green colour sits immediate left of E. There is one student sits between the one who likes Hindi and the one who likes Computer subject. Neither A nor C like Computer subject. The immediate neighbor of Q faces the person who likes Urdu subject. A faces the person who likes Maths subject. T faces the student who likes Hindi subject. There is one student sits between P and T, who likes History subject.
Q11.Who among following likes Commerce subject?
Q12. D likes which of the following subject?
(b) Hindi
(d) Commerce
(e) None of these
Q13. Who among following sits third to right of A?
(e) None of these
Q14.Who among following likes cream colour?
(e) None of these
Q15.Who among following sits on the extreme end of the row?
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