NICL AO Mains Exam Analysis, Review and Expected Cut Off (02-July-2017)

July 2, 2017    

Dear Aspirants, 
NICL AO Mains 2017 Recruitment Exam is over, Now it's time for the much awaited NICL AO Mains Exam Analysis & Review (02nd July 2017). A lot of students have appeared for this exam today and this brings them to a step closer in their journey of getting a Job in the most sought after Officer Post Recruitment in National Insurance Company Limited. Without wasting any moment, let's get straight to the analysis for which you are all waiting for. Overall the exam was of a Moderate level.

NICL AO Mains 2017 exam had two parts; first was the objective test of 200 marks which had 5 sections Quantitative Aptitude, English Language, Reasoning, Computer, and General Awareness for a duration of 120 minutes. The second was a descriptive test of 30 minutes which had Precis, Comprehension and Essay writing collectively for 30 marks.

NICL AO Mains 2017-18 Exam ANALYSIS (OVER-ALL):

English Language  17-21
Reasoning  23-27
Quantitative Aptitude 21-25
Computer Knowledge 29-34
General Awareness 22-26
TOTAL 137-146
The level of quantitative aptitude was Moderate level. Following were the types of DI:
  • Line Graph
  • Missing DI (Tabular)
  • Pie Chart (Easy level)
The questions were:
Topic No. of Questions Level
Wrong Number Series 5 Moderate
Data Sufficiency (2 statement) 5 Moderate
Data Interpretation  15 Moderate
Probability 3 Moderate
Mixture and Allegation 2 Moderate
Time and Work 1 Moderate
Time and Distance 2 Moderate
Partnership 2 Moderate
Approximation 5 Easy-Moderate
Total 40 Moderate
ENGLISH LANGUAGE (Moderate-Difficult)
This section had 40 questions for 40 marks. The level of English was moderate-difficult. The type of questions was same as that of introduced in SBI PO Mains 2017. Reading comprehension was of the old conventional pattern. It was a passage based on US Health Care. The cloze test was of the new pattern and was on an insurance related topic. Fillers and Errors were on the exact same pattern as asked in  SBI PO Mains.
Topic No. of Questions Level
Reading Comprehension  10 Moderate
Double Fillers (New Pattern) 5 Moderate-Difficult
Identify the main idea of the paragraph 5 Moderate-Difficult
Error Detection (New Pattern) 5 Difficult
Phrase Related 5 Difficult
Cloze Test (New Pattern) 10 Moderate
Total 40 Moderate-Difficult

REASONING  (Moderate )

The level of reasoning was also moderate. Following were the types of puzzles asked:
  • North-South Linear 
  • Person-Color based puzzle
  • Day Based Puzzle with 3 variables
The questions were:
Topic No. of Questions Level
Sitting Arrangement and Puzzles 
Syllogism (old pattern)
6 Moderate
Blood Relation
Input- Output
Logical Reasoning
Data Sufficiency (2 statement)

Bankersadda's G.K Power Capsule and Insurance helped students a lot as many questions asked were covered in the capsule already. Most of the questions were from banking and current affairs. Around 12 questions were related to basics of insurance. 1-2 questions were from static awareness and the rest was all banking and current affairs. The level of this section was easy-moderate.

The level of this section was very basic most of the questions were from basics of computer organisation. Around 5-6 questions were also from basics of DBMS.

This section was of 30 marks with a time limit of 30 minutes. ( 3 Questions). 3 questions were given for essay and candidate has to choose and attempt one. 

Precis Writing (150 words)
The topic given was insurance related.
Essay Writing  (200 words)
Insurance related Essay- one topic was home and property insurance

Comprehension (150 words)
The topic for comprehension was related to the corporation.

Takeaways from NICL AO Mains Exam 2017

  • Exam was of moderate level.
  • English section questions were based on the type of questions asked in SBI PO Mains.
  • Reasoning and English section had most questions of the conventional pattern.
  • Trend in descriptive section of 150 words only Essay was of 150 words.

All the best for upcoming Exams !!!!



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NICL AO Mains Exam Analysis, Review and Expected Cut Off (02-July-2017) 4.5 5 Yateendra sahu July 2, 2017 Dear Aspirants,  NICL AO Mains 2017 Recruitment Exam is over, Now it's time for the much awaited NICL AO Mains Exam Analysis &...

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