Live Mock Test 2: YouTube Session By Ramandeep Singh4.55Yateendra sahuJuly 1, 2017 Hello students Ramandeep Singh is live on YouTube witth another live mock test based on. Watch Video Here RBI Grade B Online Classe...
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1. According to 2017 Global Liveability Ranking released by the Economist Intelligence Unit, which of the following is at the top of World’s most liveable cities' Index?
a. Perth
b. Adelaide
c. Calgary
d. Melbourn
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List of UN & WHO's Goodwill Ambassadors- 2017
A goodwill ambassador could be a one who advocates for a particular cause (e.g. a country or an organization) on the basis of their notability. Goodwill ambassadors usually deliver goodwill or promote ideals from one entity to another, or to a pop…Read More
New Pattern Cloze Test from the Economist: Part 6
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Difference Between Real Exchange Rate & Nominal Exchange Rate
Difference Between Real & Nominal exchange rate?
Exchange rate means the rate at which one currency will be exchanged for another.
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High Level Missing Data Interpretation Set- 15
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