Important Computer Awareness Materials for IBPS Exams 2017 (Day-12)

July 23, 2017    

Important Computer Awareness Materials for IBPS Exams 2017 (Day-11)
Important Computer Awareness for IBPS Exams 2017 (Day-12) – MS Excel:
Dear Readers, IBPS Exams are approaching shortly, we all knew that Computer Awareness is one of the important section, which will help you to increase your score easily.

Many of our followers were asking us to provide Important Computer Awareness Notes along with the model questions, here we have planned to provide the Topic wise Important Computer Awareness Materials on Daily basis, and also we will provide MCQs based on these topics daily. Kindly follow us regularly and make use of it.

It is a spreadsheet program which is used to present and organize copious amounts of data in systematic manner. It also includes performs includes performs basic arithmetic operations on data and creates graphs and charts based on the same.
(a) Microsoft Excel is a spreadsheet application.
(b) It is a part of MS Office.
(c) It features Calculation, graphic tools, Pivot tables and a macro programming language called Visual Basic for Application (VBA).
Worksheet:It is a grid of cells made up of horizontal rows and vertical columns. It contains 65536 rows and 256 columns.
Row Number: Each row is given a number.
Column Letter: Each column is given a letter starting from A, ,Z ,AA,..ZZ and so on.
Cell:It is basic unit of worksheet where numbers, text, formulae etc ., can be place.
Cell Pointer: It is a cell boundary that specifies which cell is active at that moment.
Current Cell: It is a cell which is active.
Range of Cell: It is a group of contiguous cells that forms a rectangular area in shape.
Work Book: A worksheet is a grid of cells made up of rows and columns.
Data in Worksheet: Three types of data can be entered numbers characters, text and formulae.
Formula:It is a sequence of values, cell address, names functions or operators in cell that produces a new value form existing values.
Cell Referencing: Each cell in worksheet has a unique address, when cell address is referred in formulas it is called Cell Referencing.
Relative Referencing: Cell Referencing in which the cells are refereed by their relative position in which worksheet relative to a particular cell.
Absolute Referencing: Cell referencing in which the cells are referred by their fixed position in the worksheet.
Mixed Referencing:  Combination of relative and absolute referencing.
Functions: Functions are predefined formulae that perform calculations by using specific values called arguments.
Structure:The structure of a function begins with the function name, followed by an opening parenthesis argument for the function separated by commas and a closing parenthesis.
Charts:Charts are the pictorial representation of worksheet data.
Area chart: An area chart emphasizes the magnitude of change over time.
Column chart: A column chart shows data changes over a period of time.
Bar chart: It illustrates comparisons among individual items.
Line chart: It shows trends in data at equal intervals.
File Extensions:
1. Notepad:                *.txt
2. Database:               *.mdb
3. Executable:            *.exe
4. Word document:    *.doc / *.docx
5. Spreadsheet:          *.xls
6. PowerPoint:           *.ppt
7. Image:                   *.png / *.jpg / *.jpeg
Microsoft Excel Shortcuts:
1.  F2-Edit the select cell
2.  F5-Go to the specific cell
3.  F7-Spell check selected text and or document
4.  F11 -Create a chart
5.  Ctrl +Shift+  -Enter the current time
6.  Ctrl+  -Enter the current date
7.  Alt+Shift +F1-Insert a new worksheet
8.  Shift+F3-Open the excel formula window
9.  Shift+F5-Bring up search box
10.      Ctrl+A- Select all the contents of the worksheet
11.      Ctrl+B- Bold highlighted section
12.      Ctrl+I- Italic highlighted section
13.      Ctrl +K -Insert Link
14.      Ctrl +U -Underline highlighted section
15.      Ctrl +5- Strike through highlighted section
16.      Ctrl+P- Bring up the control dialog box to begin printing
17.      Ctrl +Z- Undo last section
18.      Ctrl + F9- Minimize current window
19.      Ctrl+ F10 -Minimize currently selected window
20.      Ctrl +F6 -Switched between work books windows 

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Important Computer Awareness Materials for IBPS Exams 2017 (Day-12) 4.5 5 Yateendra sahu July 23, 2017 Important Computer Awareness for IBPS Exams 2017 (Day-12) – MS Excel : Dear Readers, IBPS Exams are approaching shortly, we all knew that ...

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