In an exam like SSC CGL Tier-1, the key to success indubitably lies in making the best use of your strengths. A majority of students score close-to-40 marks in the section on quants. But what separates a successful candidate from others is the extra marks that he scores above this mark. If you are good at quantitative aptitude, then you must aim to score a minimum of 45 marks in this section. The more marks you grab in this section, the better it is in the later stages of the examination. In this article, let us peep into some of the basic ‘fundas’ of approaching the questions. These will surely help you in crossing the 40-mark threshold and that’s what going to matter a lot. We are providing a few topics on which you have to focus at the last moment.
This is one of the most important topics regarding SSC CGL because we see every year questions are being asked from this section.The level of difficulty varies from easy to moderate. At least 5 to 6 questions are asked from this topic.For Geometry, you need to remember all the important theorems, Pythagoras triplet, all the formulas of the area of triangle and circle. Above all draw figures correctly to get quick answer.
For Mensuration you need to focus on Prism, Pyramid, Sphere, and Tetrahedron.You have to use Formulas like curved surface area, total sufrace area and volume.All the questions will be based on these three formulas only.
Algebra includes basic formulas of cube and squares and trigonometric ratios and identities. you can mug up a few questions because every year they repeat the same questions.They don't even change the value. 2-3 questions will be asked from Algebra. So solving these topics will help in scoring good marks in less time. Try to solve few questions from option if you don't find any way to solve. Overall 6-7 questions will be asked from all these topics.
Concepts of Percentage and ratio are base to the chapters like profit, loss and Discount. For Quick solving, you must remember all fractional value up to 30 in terms of percentage.Profit, loss and discount revolve around 4 terms and that is C.P, S.P, M.P and Discount. Understand the concept of CP, SP, MP and discount given on MP and relation between them.
Inverse relation and direct relation between time speed and distance will help a lot. The concept of relative velocity will help you in solving problems of train and Boat and Stream. All these topics are based on the same concept. Gun and Bullet problem, Train accident problem, Effect of increasing/decreasing speed on time, these problems are often asked in exams.
Solve time and work question with the help of LCM method which can reduce lots of time while solving questions. The concept of alternate work, efficiency and work and wages are important points to cover.
Now, for the remaining days before the tier-1 examination, the best you could do is to start taking online exams twice in a day with their proper analysis. Taking test is nothing without their analysis. And for the rest of the time start solving previous years’ questions. Over the years, there hasn’t been any significant change in the type of questions asked by SSC. So, to assume the questions to be similar to the previous ones would not be a naïve call. You will be able to solve the questions with a much better pace and this will surely help you boost your morale. Though we started this article with an aim to score a 40+ in quants, we at adda247, wish you to score a minimum of 44. And this can be achieved easily. A bit of increased focus and a pinch of smart work will serve the purpose for sure.
At Adda247, we wish you all the best. Learn, share and succeed with Adda247.
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