GK Quiz : Discoveries & Inventions - Set 1

July 29, 2017    

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  1. Who invented Optical Fibre?
    1. Samuel Cohen
    2. Narinder Kapany
    3. Percy L. Spencer
    4. T. H. Maimah
  • Who invented Radar ?
    1. J. H. Van Tassel
    2. Wilhelm K. Roentgen
    3. P. T. Farnsworth
    4. A. H. Taylor and Leo C. Young
  • Who produced the first automobile ?
    1. Gottleib Daimler
    2. Henry Ford
    3. Rudolf Diesel
    4. Karl Benz
  • Who was associated with the creation of Pentium chip ?
    1. Arun Netravalli
    2. Saeer Bhatia
    3. C. Kumar Patel
    4. Vinod Dham
  • Who invented the Video-tape ?
    1. Richard James
    2. Charles Ginsberg
    3. P.T. Farnsworth
    4. George de Mestral
  • Who invented the laser ?
    1. Sir Frank Whittle
    2. Fred Morrisson
    3. T. H. Maiman
    4. Dr. Charles H. Jones
  • Which company invented the transistor radio ?
    1. Sony
    2. Grundig
    3. Panasonic
    4. Telstra
  • Who invented the polio vaccine (oral) ?
    1. Jonas Salk
    2. Albert Sabin
    3. Burkholder
    4. Robert koch
  • Who invented the "Voice mail" ?
    1. Gordon Matthews
    2. Alexander Graham Bell
    3. J. A. Fleming
    4. V. Poulsen
  • Who is the father of cellular phone ?
    1. Linus Torvalds
    2. Percy Lebaron Spencer
    3. Fred Morrison
    4. Martin Cooper
  • Which among the following events occurred first  ?
    1. John Logy Baird demon started first television
    2. Alexander Flemming discovered pencillin
    3. Telecast of talking pictures on television by BBC
    4. Jonas E. Salk developed first polio vaccine
  • Who is known as 'the Father of Geometry' ?
    1. Pythagoras
    2. Euclid
    3. Aristotle
    4. Kepler
  • What is the name given to the outermost "planetoid" discovered recently in the Solar System ?
    1. Quark
    2. Xenon
    3. Sedna
    4. Asterix
  • Who introduced the use of artificial heart for surgery ?
    1. Christian Barnard
    2. Michael de Bakey
    3. Walton Lillehel
    4. Denton Cooly
  • Who invented Radar ?
    1. J. H. Van Tassel
    2. Wilhelm K. Roentgen
    3. P. T. Farnsworth
    4. A. H. Taylor & Leo C. Young
  • Who built the first modern motorcar ?
    1. Henry Ford
    2. Karl Benz
    3. Daimler
    4. Henry Austin
  • Who developed the first automatic automobile ?
    1. Goatleab Daimler
    2. Henry Ford
    3. Rudolf Diesel
    4. Karl Benz 
  • Who is recognized as the Father of Geometry ?
    1. Pythagoras
    2. Euclid
    3. Johann kepler
    4. Rene Descartes
  • Electron was discovered by ?
    1. Ernest Rutherford
    2. Max Planck
    3. Joseph Thomson
    4. T. H. Maimah
  • Who invented the video-tape ?
    1. Richard James
    2. Charles Ginsberg
    3. P. T. Farnsworth
    4. Georges de Mestral
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GK Quiz : Discoveries & Inventions - Set 1 4.5 5 Yateendra sahu July 29, 2017 sponsored links Who invented Optical Fibre? Samuel Cohen Narinder Kapany Percy L. Spencer T. H. Maimah Who invented Radar ? ...

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